Speech by Ilham Aliyev at the Iftar ceremony on the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan

24 July 2013, 23:00
- Your Eminence Sheikh!
Dear religious figures!
Ladies and gentlemen!
Dear friends!
First of all, Your Eminence Sheikh, I want to thank you for the kind words about me. I also want to express my gratitude for the thoughts expressed by other speakers.
Indeed, the speeches and the ideas expressed demonstrate our unity again, the unity of the Azerbaijani society. Our unity is a reality. One of the greatest achievements of the independent Azerbaijan is the fact that representatives of all ethnicities and religions live here in well-being like one family and enjoy all the rights. The history of Azerbaijan has never had and I am sure never will have discrimination or standoffs on religious and ethnic grounds.
Regardless of the public and political system, the peoples living in Azerbaijan have always been together, and today's ceremony is clear proof of that. I am sure that interethnic and interreligious relations in Azerbaijan will continue to develop on this sound foundation and our unity and strength will continue to grow.
Today, Azerbaijan is a strong state, and our strength is measured not only by economic achievements. Our society has a very sound foundation. This foundation is based on history, profound morality, mutual understanding and mutual support. I believe that our experience is already studied in the world as an example.
This is evidenced by the representative international events regularly held in Azerbaijan, in particular those dedicated to religious and ethnic tolerance. Visitors coming to Azerbaijan from different regions and countries of the world point out that these relations are organized in Azerbaijan at the highest level. For us, it is only natural because this is our way of life and it can’t be otherwise. But sometimes, when we look at the events ongoing in other countries, we see that this is not exactly the case everywhere. Therefore, having correctly analyzed all these achievements again, we can say that this is our great asset and our biggest happiness. We must and we will protect this asset. The government, for its part, does everything to fulfill its duties. I am glad that all religious communities and denominations also advocate a single position in this area.
Today’s fast breaking ceremony has become traditional. As President, I am attending this ceremony for the 10th time. This tradition was initiated by great leader Heydar Aliyev and His Eminence Sheikh. As His Eminence Sheikh has already mentioned, this is also a unique experience because these ceremonies are necessary for the relations between religion and the state to develop in the right direction in Azerbaijan. In all areas, including this one, the traditions established by the great leader live on and continue.
Building the relations between religion and the state on a sound basis is important for any country, especially for young states. In particular, for a state that has lived in a very different social system, in the conditions of atheism, these relations had to be built from scratch and they have been. Of course, the development of these relations in the right direction has multiplied our power and created a sound atmosphere in society and excellent opportunities for the future.
Azerbaijan is a multiethnic and multi-religious state. This is our great asset. We protect and will continue to protect this asset. The initiatives of great leader Heydar Aliyev in this area have been appreciated by the people and believers.
I want to highlight the activities of His Eminence Sheikh. His Eminence Sheikh enjoys great respect in Azerbaijan in the Caucasus. During occasional meetings with the muftis of the North Caucasus republics I see every time how much trust and respect there is for His Eminence Sheikh. His Eminence Sheikh is a well-known religious leader not only in the Caucasus but also in the CIS. It is no coincidence that he is a co-chair of the Interreligious Coordinating Council of the CIS. The activities of His Eminence Sheikh on the global scale and in our region have been very successful and ensured the interests of our state.
This unique situation shows once again that Azerbaijan is developing in the right direction. There is a sound policy in every direction in Azerbaijan. For each issue there are specific mechanisms and principles of approach, including public processes and religious policy.
It is no coincidence that about 2,000 mosques were built in Azerbaijan in the years of independence. Over the past 10 years, around 140 mosques have been built and 80 renovated. Religious centers and temples of other religions are built and renovated, and this has already been mentioned here. In other words, there is no discrimination in this area. I am fully convinced that respect for other religions begins with respect for one’s own. We need to properly assess, protect and at the same time promote this unique atmosphere in the world, and communicate full information about Azerbaijan to the world community.
I can say that Azerbaijani realities have been effectively communicated to the world in recent years. There is a positive opinion about Azerbaijan in the world. Our international reputation is growing. Otherwise, the international community would not have shown great confidence in us by electing Azerbaijan a member of the UN Security Council. A total of 155 countries have shown confidence in us and supported us. This means the vast majority of the international community.
Of course, I am sure that all public processes in Azerbaijan, including the religious policy, will develop in the right direction in the future. We have to make sure that the next generation is also raised in the national spirit and in the spirit of patriotism. National and spiritual values should be the basis for future generations because our state is built on national values.
We are an independent, democratic and secular country. At the same time, our state is built on a very strong foundation, traditions and national values. These values have preserved us as a people for centuries. We were part of other states. These values – the attitude towards our religious holidays, respect for our customs and traditions – all of these factors need to be passed on from one generation to another and should be continued. I am very glad that our young people are also educated in the national spirit and in the spirit of patriotism. Love of the country should form the basis for everyone, especially for young people.
As noted here, the activities related to multiculturalism held in Azerbaijan have attracted worldwide attention. Multiculturalism is a relatively new concept. But the essence of this concept has existed in Azerbaijan for centuries. So it is our normal way of life and it can’t be otherwise.
Therefore, it is completely natural that Azerbaijan hosts representative events on the topic. A few years ago, a summit of the leaders of world religions was held in Azerbaijan on the initiative of His Eminence Sheikh. Humanitarian forums have been held. The second International Forum on Intercultural Dialogue was also a very significant event because it has already become a good tradition. These activities and the open exchange of views are already a positive development because, first of all, everyone can see on the example of Azerbaijan how religious and ethnic relations are regulated. At the same time, the open exchange conducted during these forums unites and brings people together. Sometimes it even eliminates the existing misunderstandings. At the same time, it shows that all peoples and religions can coexist. If radicalism is not tolerated, if radicalism is nipped in the bud and if such concepts unacceptable for the 21st century as discrimination, xenophobia, Islamophobia, racism and fascism are eliminated and if political leaders of the world demonstrate their strong stance on these issues, this area can embark on the healing process in a short term period of time.
Unfortunately, sometimes we see a completely opposite picture. We see that there is discrimination in some cases. Decisions are made on ethnic and religious grounds. Some peoples are discriminated against. Multiculturalism is said to have failed and to have no future. These are very pernicious ideas. I have repeatedly expressed my thoughts about this, and I want to say once again that multiculturalism has a very positive experience, positive signs and addresses in the world. Azerbaijan is one of them. On the example of Azerbaijan we can see how these relations can be regulated.
Therefore, such forums will be held in Azerbaijan in the future too.
Today, Azerbaijan has become the economic center of the region. We play a major role and have influence over the political process. At the same time, Azerbaijan is the center of the region also in the humanitarian sphere. In particular, we have a very positive experience in building inter-religious relations.
His Eminence Sheikh spoke about the "Baku process" in his speech. This is also an event that took place in Baku. This process began in 2008. The Ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and of the Council of Europe came together and made a joint document for the first time. This was followed by various other activities. Of course, the unique political opportunities of Azerbaijan also served the implementation of this process in Baku because we are a member of both the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the Council of Europe, are very active in both organizations and play the role of an interreligious, intercultural and inter-continental bridge. But if there is no serious policy, this geographic location does not mean much. The point is that the large projects implemented in Azerbaijan, the projects in the field of energy, transport and infrastructure, the initiatives in the humanitarian field have turned our country into the center of this region. This is a great honor and, at the same time, a great responsibility because a lot depends on Azerbaijan’s position, approach and steps. We are ready for this responsibility, have assumed it and I am sure will carry out with great honor.
Dear friends, I want to note our meeting in this holy month of Ramadan. This tradition must and will live on. Every citizen of Azerbaijan should make effort to ensure that this tradition lives on. We must protect this perfect atmosphere in our society and ensure our independent development. We see the benefits of independence. Today's ceremony and the ideas voiced on this subject confirm the benefits of independence. Before independence, there could be no talk of such ceremonies. We used to celebrate our religious holidays at home with our loved ones. Today, our religious festivals are celebrated at state level. Ramadan, Eid al-Adha and Novruz, which we have celebrated for centuries and preserved in our hearts, are our greatest assets, a great treasure of the Azerbaijani people.
I want to congratulate you, the people of Azerbaijan and Muslims all over the world on the upcoming holiday and wish each one of you good health and success. Thank you!
The head of state described the traditional Iftar ceremony as a clear evidence of the unity of our society and close cohesion between the state and religion in the name of common ideas. He noted that this tradition, the foundation of which was laid by great leader Heydar Aliyev and Sheikh ul-Islam Allahshukur Pashazade, was successfully continuing.