Speech by Ilham Aliyev at the opening of a new production line at the Gazakh cement plant

05 July 2013, 19:00
- Dear friends, a beautiful and modern cement plant meeting high standards is opening in Gazakh today. I congratulate you on this wonderful event. This event is of great importance for our country because the construction of such modern enterprises in Azerbaijan strengthens the economy, while technology used here is of a high standard. The cement produced is also of high quality. So the activities of the plant serve to meet a multiple of objectives. First of all, there will be more than 700 new jobs here, which is very important for the elimination of unemployment in Azerbaijan.
High wages are paid, which will improve the well-being of the people working here.
The operation of this cement plant will also decrease our dependence on imports. Local production is created, which is one of the main directions of our economic policies. In other words, the construction of the plant is a big event indeed. If we consider that two new cement plants were built in Azerbaijan in the recent past, this means that we have made great strides in terms of self-sufficiency in this field. Earlier, I attended the opening of a cement plant in Nakhchivan. That plant meets the domestic needs of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. Another wonderful event has been the opening of a cement plant built by foreign investors in the Garadagh district of Baku, and I see that this dynamic continues. The opening of the Gazakh cement plant is also a very important event. But despite this, we are still dependent on imports.
The only reason for that is the rapid growth of the economy and the fact that demand so far exceeds domestic production.
But another big cement plant is under construction in Azerbaijan, and I believe that as a result of its commissioning we will completely get rid of our dependence on imports.
In other words, our goals in the economic sphere are being met. This is a very important step towards reducing our dependence on imports, strengthening local production, creating new jobs and, thus, forming the gross domestic product by means of the non-oil sector. I can also say that the construction of this plant is at the same time a manifestation of government support for private enterprise development in Azerbaijan. Entrepreneurship is developing rapidly in Azerbaijan. I always support entrepreneurs, meet with them, take practical steps to address their problems and issue instructions. Each year, the government allocates soft loans for the development of small and medium businesses. This year we allocated more than 200 million manats in soft loans. These loans attract even more investment into the real sector of the economy because the loans provided by the state are also supplemented by entrepreneurs. Thus, the granting of loans provides for investment of 300-400 million manats during a year in general.
I can say that the financial volume of the large facilities opened with my participation in the country this week is nearly one billion manats. Earlier this week I attended the opening of a large power plant built by the state in Shirvan. Today we celebrated the opening of a Diagnostic and Dialysis Center and a water supply project in Tovuz. A cement plant is starting to operate in Agstafa today. There are plans to implement other projects, including a water supply project.
So the value of the enterprises opened in a matter of one week is nearly one billion manats. This is a great indicator indeed - an indicator of the dynamic development of our country. It is the result of the sound economic policies carried out in Azerbaijan. I believe that such wonderful events further encourage entrepreneurs and show them the way. The state is interested in private enterprise development. The development of the national economy will depend on private enterprise development in the future too, especially if we consider that we are paying very much attention to the development of the non-oil sector and this plant is part of the non-oil economy.
Private enterprise development is a contribution to the economy and, at the same time, to the creation of jobs. Over the past 10 years we have created more than 1,100,000 jobs. The rate of unemployment is at around 5 per cent. I believe that thanks to the new enterprises that will be opened in the coming years we will keep unemployment at a low level. The well-being of our people is improving. They get paid well and work in excellent conditions. So the role of the non-oil sector is huge. Although most of the economy is formed in the non-oil sector, I would like the share of the non-oil sector to become even greater. It now accounts for almost 52 per cent, while our oil economy is 48 per cent. But most of the economy is already formed in the non-oil sector.
We have taken serious steps to establish industrial enterprises. This has been facilitated by public investment as well. At the same time, these realities are created by the perfect investment climate existing in the country. For the volume of direct foreign investment per capita, Azerbaijan ranks first in the CIS. There is both foreign and domestic investment. At present, domestic investment accounts for 70 per cent of total investment. This suggests that the state protects the investment and local companies channel their resources in the economy. The construction of this plant has also been carried out by local investors. I welcome this.
In previous years we were more dependent on foreign investment. Now we finance the necessary projects ourselves, while Azerbaijani companies, both public and private, are also investing in other markets. Thus, the business sector in Azerbaijan is enhancing. And as the business sector grows, more taxes are paid and more jobs are created. So these issues are interrelated. Using the example of this plant we see the successful policies of Azerbaijan.
I am sure that in the sphere of building materials we will become fully self-sufficient as well. After all, we have fully ensured our energy and food security. I am confident that in the next two to three years Azerbaijan will provide itself with basic food commodities. A similar approach must be applied to the building materials sector. If we consider that major construction projects will be implemented in Azerbaijan, that there is a growing volume of foreign investment in Azerbaijan and that the state investment program is being implemented, the construction and creative work will be carried out to an even greater extent in the coming years.
Investment in excess of $20 billion was made in the country’s economy last year. Of course, the bulk of this investment is channeled into the construction work. Almost the same amount of investment is expected this year. Even more will be invested next year and in subsequent years. So economically Azerbaijan is the fastest growing country in the world in the true sense of the word.
We will not let go of this leadership, we will maintain it and even more extensive work will be carried out in the coming years.
We are now completing the implementation of the necessary infrastructure projects. I believe that infrastructure projects will be fully completed in the next few years, after which we will pay more attention to the construction of industrial facilities, the creation of new technology parks and the application of innovation. It is possible to say that the ongoing and earlier infrastructure projects have given a great impetus to our economy. Power, gas and water supply projects, the construction of rural roads, schools and hospitals, and the vast majority of social infrastructure projects will be completed by the end of this year. I want to say again that the next 10-year plan is also ready, and Azerbaijan will rise to an even higher level on the basis of this plan.
All our work is carried out in a consistent manner. Our main goal is to strengthen the country, develop the economy, create a strong industrial potential and ensure a prosperous life for our people. We have done a lot in this direction in recent years, including the work done in Gazakh District.
Gazakh District is improving and becoming prettier. Very important steps are being taken and industrial enterprises opening. Funds are allocated for rural roads. Rural roads and social facilities are built. Earlier we built a beautiful diagnostic center and an Olympic sports complex. In other words, we always try to keep the development of Gazakh in the spotlight. All the issues raised by the public of Gazakh District are resolved. I remember meeting with representatives of the intelligentsia here last year and the issue of building a museum of literature in Gazakh being raised. Upon return to Baku, I immediately signed an executive order and allocated funds. So today we will also celebrate the opening of the Museum of Literature. So every suggestion coming from the public, every wish must be supported by the government.
This is our main direction. I want to say again that at the center of our policies are citizens of Azerbaijan, their well-being, safety and prosperity.
These are the principles every country and every leader should follow. It is necessary to serve people, address their concerns, keep people’s concerns in focus and resolve them. I am very happy that things are going well in Gazakh. I have repeatedly visited Gazakh over the past 10 years.
I came here last year and will come again. There is still much to be done, we will build a lot of enterprises and social facilities and a lot will be done in rural areas. In short, the development of the district is positive and its further development is beyond doubt. I am sure that the district will develop dynamically. Such great businesses also give a big boost to the district’s economy.
I want to reiterate that the construction of the plant is an important step of national scale. The plant will benefit the economy of the country. I am sure that we will see may more of such excellent enterprises in Gazakh in the future.
Dear friends, I salute and congratulate you on this wonderful event again. Thank you!