Speech by President Ilham Aliyev at a ceremony to inaugurate the Bilav hydro power station in Ordubad

05 October 2010, 20:41
Dear friends!
Let me greet all of you heartily. It is a truly remarkable day in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic today. The Chairman of the Supreme Mejlis of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, Vasif Talibov, has said that we have marked the opening of a number of economic, industrial, social facilities in Nakhchivan. Several other enterprises are expected to open. This is evidence of the dynamic and comprehensive development in Nakhchivan. Three schools, a hospital, a highway, a power station, other factories and plants are opening in Nakhchivan in one day, a water distribution facility is being commissioned. These enterprises cover practically all spheres of life. However, all this work is not something that can be done in one day. Such issues require a sound policy and concerted action. Such steps are being taken.
The policy pursued in Nakhchivan and around the country as a whole serves one goal: to make Azerbaijan stronger, so that our citizens could live even better. The foundation of this policy was laid by great leader Heydar Aliyev. Thanks to his tireless activity Azerbaijan has left behind the moments of crisis it experienced in the early 1990s, put forward its own development strategy which is being successfully implemented today. Heydar Aliyev’s policy manifests itself in all districts of Azerbaijan. Everywhere, in every city and district, there is creative work and improvement. Major investments are made. Economic and social issues are being resolved. Just have a look – the level of poverty in Azerbaijan has fallen from 49 to 11 percent over the past few years. More than 800,000 new jobs were opened in the country in recent years, the vast majority of which are permanent. Practical measures have been taken to develop agriculture and ensure food security. We can say that Azerbaijan provides for its own food needs. We must try to ensure complete self-sufficiency with food as a result of this work. I have no doubt that we will achieve that.
The country has taken solid steps to address energy security issues. All this became possible thanks to the implementation of Heydar Aliyev’s oil strategy. If Azerbaijan’s new oil strategy hadn’t been launched thanks to the determination and wisdom of the great leader in 1994, we would hardly be speaking about successes today. It is thanks to the billions of dollars in investment attracted to the Azerbaijani economy from abroad that we managed to achieve all-round development of the country. Azerbaijan is playing an important role in energy security not only in the region, but also on the continent. This role is growing, and eventually our capabilities will become even wider. We have fully resolved all energy security issues within the country. Today Azerbaijan is exporting natural gas, oil, petroleum products and electricity to neighboring countries. Our exports are diversifying with every year. The geography and volume of exports are increasing. It is very important that having ensured our own energy security, we are contributing to the energy security of other countries.
I am very glad that all the issues planned in Nakhchivan are being resolved today. The Autonomous Republic is successfully developing, creative and improvement work is powering ahead, all social problems are being resolved, new enterprises and factories are opening, roads are being laid.
The opening of the Bilav hydro power station is just another phase in our work. This station is of great importance. The energy security of Nakhchivan is fully ensured. Vasif Talibov has said that Nakhchivan’s energy potential exceeds the demand by several times. But hydro power stations are quite special. Their energy comes from natural sources. Azerbaijan has taken a series of measures to ensure rational use of water sources, these measures are being consistently implemented.
Electricity and gas supply to Nakhichevan is at the highest level now. Nakhchivan has successfully completed the process of gasification. Even the villages and settlements that were not supplied with gas in Soviet times have been gasified now. This was made possible through the implementation of an extensive program. The commissioning of a modular power station in Nakhchivan, the supply of natural gas to Nakhchivan after a long break have brought about a major turn in the autonomous republic because economic potential cannot develop without energy. No matter how much money we may invest, how much credits we may allocate and how many enterprises we may set up, nothing will work without energy and nobody will invest these funds.
Nakhchivan is very special because it is not connected with mainland Azerbaijan from a geographical standpoint. The transfer of ancient Azerbaijani lands, Zangezur, to Armenia practically cut off Nakhchivan from the rest of Azerbaijan. Nakhchivan has been living in the conditions of a blockade enforced by Armenia for many years. Despite this, all the possibilities of Nakhchivan have been mobilized, additional measures are being taken and programs implemented. Today, Nakhchivan is a successfully and dynamically developing region and republic. All cities are improving, new hotels and industrial enterprises are emerging. Energy security is the main question, and it is being addressed in Nakhchivan. I am sure that as a result of the additional measures being taken in this area Nakhchivan can soon export even more electricity to neighboring countries. We are doing our best to achieve that.
At the same time, Azerbaijan’s tremendous oil and gas potential allows us the opportunity to feel relaxed because energy security, dependence on energy is a highly important issue. Certain countries depend on foreign sources and have to reckon with the external factor. Azerbaijan is a country that has not only engaged its energy potential and ensured its own energy security but has also contributed to the energy security of other countries. Today, thanks to the construction of power stations, Azerbaijan is producing over a thousand megawatts of electricity, which we use rationally and export to other countries. The new stations being constructed in Azerbaijan will double this capacity. Besides, on the basis of recently-adopted programs we are paying special attention to renewable energy. We must generate water, solar, wind energy because Azerbaijan has all these natural conditions and has adopted a specific program. As a result of the program, small-sized hydro power plants will be built on all rivers of Azerbaijan. This year alone we have laid the foundation of small stations in three districts. But the Bilav hydro power station is certainly the biggest of them.
The work done thus far and its results show that all our programs are being implemented in a timely manner. I have no doubt that all the issues planned will be resolved in the future.
The Nakhchivan economy is rapidly developing. The gross domestic product increased last year, it is growing fast this year too. We can see all these wonderful results in the changing appearance of Nakhchivan. Nakhchivan is ancient Azerbaijani land with ancient history and culture. At the same time, it is a modern city and republic. I am sure that Nakhchivan will become even more beautiful in the future, it will develop, and, as ever, this work will be organized here at the highest level. Once again I heartily congratulate you on this wonderful occasion and wish you success and good health. Thank you.