Speech by Ilham Aliyev at the opening ceremony of the Juma Mosque in Shamakhi

17 May 2013, 14:00
- Dear religious figures!
Dear Ambassadors!
Dear friends!
It is a very significant day in the history of our country. Today we are celebrating the opening of the Shamakhi Juma Mosque after renovation. Greetings to the Muftis of the North Caucasus and all the guests who have come to Azerbaijan to participate in this ceremony!
The Ambassadors of Muslim countries to Azerbaijan are also here with us today.
I should note that this beautiful event is being attended by representatives of all regions of our country. There are religious leaders from every region of Azerbaijan here. In essence, the whole of Azerbaijan is here in Shamakhi today, participating in the opening of the Shamakhi Juma Mosque.
The mosque holds a special place in the history of Azerbaijan. It is the oldest mosque in Azerbaijan. This mosque was built in 743. The Shamakhi Juma Mosque has played a huge role in the spread of Islam in Azerbaijan and in the Caucasus. Unfortunately, as a result of natural disasters, the mosque has been destroyed twice. In the aftermath of powerful earthquakes in Shamakhi in 1859 and 1902, much of the mosque was destroyed. Subsequently, during the genocide of March 1918, the mosque was burned by rampant Armenian gangs. More than a thousand innocent people who wanted to take refuge in the mosque, among them women and children, were burned by the Armenians. Armenian bandit gangs subsequently committed the Khojaly genocide. As a result of that genocide, 613 civilian and innocent people, including 63 children and 100 women, were killed.
But the Shamakhi Juma Mosque is alive again and opens its doors to the faithful today. The Azerbaijani government has taken all the necessary measures to restore the mosque. Of course, the mosque did not function in Soviet times. In 2009, I signed a relevant order on the overhaul of the Shamakhi Juma Mosque, and hard work began in 2010. I personally examined progress of construction and gave instructions each year. The main objective was to preserve and save the historical part of the mosque - these columns, these historical walls. So both the interior design and the external appearance of the mosque are pleasing to the eye today. Once again I want to say that the most important thing is that the ancient walls and stones have been preserved, while new structures have been added as well.
This, in fact, is evidence of the work being done throughout Azerbaijan. We are building all our work on a solid foundation, on values. For us, national and spiritual values are above everything else. We are committed to our religious and national values. On this solid foundation we are building a modern state, a modern Azerbaijan. The independent and free state of Azerbaijan has managed to adequately cope with this immense task. From today onwards, all necessary ceremonies will be conducted at the mosque.
The Azerbaijani government is attached to its past. All the religious monuments are restored and repaired in Azerbaijan.
There were only 17 mosques in Azerbaijan in Soviet times, while now their number is close to 1,800. This shows that faith in the hearts of the people could not be destroyed even in Soviet times. The Azerbaijani people have preserved and saved the respect and love of their holy religion in their hearts.
Our friends, the muftis of the North Caucasus, Ambassadors and other guests, have attended practically all of our activities - the opening ceremonies of the Tazapir Mosque after major overhaul, the Bibiheybat and Ajdarbay mosques.
This is evidence of the fact that religious centers are restored in Azerbaijan. At the same time, mosques are built in all the regions of the country. Such an approach, I want to say again, is a government policy. We will continue to follow this path, are restoring and will continue restore our religious monuments. I want to note that more than 200 mosques have been built and over 80 mosques renovated in Azerbaijan in the last 10 years.
Currently, the religious and historical monument of Imamzade, which is of great importance for our people, is undergoing restoration. Azerbaijan’s biggest mosque is under construction in the Binagadi district of Baku.
As an independent state, Azerbaijan contributes to Islamic solidarity as well. We intend to build very cordial relationships with all Muslim countries. Actually, we have already done that. We are taking practical steps to strengthen Islamic solidarity. Azerbaijan is an active member of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. Azerbaijan is making the necessary contribution to the activities of this organization. The Organization of Islamic Cooperation highly appreciates the work done in the sphere of religion in Azerbaijan.
We must strive to continue strengthening Islamic solidarity and enhance communication between Muslim countries. A representative event at ministerial level has recently been held in Baku under the auspices of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. The number of such activities is gradually increasing. At the same time, a variety of humanitarian forums are held in Azerbaijan. A summit of leaders of world religions has been held. A forum on intercultural dialogue is scheduled for the end of this month. This means that the state of Azerbaijan has become a center of tolerance on the world map. Representatives of all religions live and will continue to live like one family in Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan has never had and I am sure never will have any confrontation or misunderstanding on religious or ethnic grounds.
At the same time, we are understandably concerned about the processes taking place in the world. There is an unfair attitude towards Islam. There are growing trends of Islamophobia in some countries.
Islam is a religion of mercy. We must seek to take practical steps to provide the world with complete and fair information about the Islamic religion. I can say that comprehensive measures are taken in this direction in Azerbaijan. In September of last year, a section on Islamic culture opened at the world’s largest museum – the Louvre Museum in Paris.
Azerbaijan provided its support for the establishment of this section. In essence, this is our contribution to the entire Islamic culture. At the same time, an exhibition of a Muslim country was held for the first time at the Vatican a few months ago. And it was an Azerbaijani exhibition. So we are trying and need to work together to communicate meaningful information about the Islamic culture and values to the world. In some cases, a false impression is deliberately created about Muslims. At times, the media play a role in exacerbating the issue.
Unfortunately, there are civil wars ongoing in various parts of the world, fraternal blood is shed. We shouldn’t let this happen.
As I noted, the Shamakhi Juma Mosque was subjected to natural disasters and Armenian vandalism. It is possible to say that all the buildings in Shamakhi were destroyed at the time, during the genocide of 1918. But they failed to destroy the mosque. After 1270 years, this mosque is starting to operate again. This is a great historical event indeed, as it carries a huge symbolic meaning. It shows that the people of Azerbaijan are unbreakable.
The Shusha mosque, the Agdam mosque and other mosques located on the occupied territories are in a dilapidated condition now. But there will come a time when we will restore those mosques. We will restore the Shusha mosque, the Agdam mosque and other mosques that are currently under occupation. We will oust the invaders from Azerbaijani lands. The Azerbaijani flag will fly in Shusha, Khankandi and all occupied lands. I am sure that this day will come. To bring this day closer, the entire Azerbaijani society, all the citizens of Azerbaijan have to join their hands. We need to strengthen and fully develop our country. We are creating these beautiful monuments. We are restoring historical justice.
I am sure that the Shamakhi mosque will now live forever.
Azerbaijan is free and independent today. The independent Azerbaijan is capable of protecting its past and looking forward with confidence.
I congratulate all the Muslims of Azerbaijan, all the Muslims of the world on this wonderful event again and wish each one of you good health and happiness. Thank you.