Ilham Aliyev attended the opening of a residential building for disabled veterans of the Karabakh war and martyr families in Sumgayit

24 December 2012, 14:45
Residential buildings for disabled veterans of the Karabakh war and martyr families have been commissioned in Sumgayit, the Zabrat settlement in the Sabunchu district of Baku, the Hovsan settlement of the Surakhani district, in the cities of Ganja and Shaki, and in Shamkir District.
President Ilham Aliyev and his wife Mehriban Aliyeva have attended the opening ceremony of one building in Sumgayit.
The President and the First Lady reviewed the apartments.
Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population Fizuli Alakbarov informed President Ilham Aliyev and his wife Mehriban Aliyeva about the technical parameters of the building constructed for disabled veterans of the Karabakh war and martyr families. He said that the 12-storey building with 96 apartments is fully equipped with necessary facilities. It was indicated that along with the new apartments, war veterans would also be provided with keys to the “Naz Lifan 211” cars manufactured by the Nakhchivan automobile plant.
The President met with residents of the new building.
Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population Fizuli Alakbarov said:
- Mr. President, welcome to our ceremony!
Traditionally, on your dearest day you are meeting with members of martyr families and disabled veterans of the Karabakh war. You remain true to this tradition today.
Today, we will commission the houses built in different districts and cities of Azerbaijan. Today, martyr families and disabled veterans of the Karabakh war will be provided with 411 apartments. They will also receive 224 cars. A total of 635 families will celebrate this occasion today.
Your participation has doubled and tripled the joy of all the residents, all these people. We are very happy. Thank you very much again.
Speaking then was President Ilham Aliyev.
Remarks by President Ilham Aliyev
It is indeed a very important day today. Beautiful new homes for the veterans and martyr families have been built in various parts of our country, you will be provided with apartments and cars. Today you will receive 411 apartments. New houses have been built and will be commissioned today in Sumgayit, in the Zabrat and Hovsan settlements of Baku, in Ganja, Shaki and Shamkir.
It really is a great and beautiful event. At the end of the year, we are providing our fellow countrymen with new and beautiful apartments. In recent years, martyr families and disabled veterans of the Karabakh war have been provided with about 5,000 apartments. But there are still people on the waiting list. More than 2,000 families are still on the waiting list. Their housing problems will be resolved within three to four years. So in three to four years we will complete this program.
I can say that the provision of these apartments and the construction of buildings is a unique event. As far as I know, Azerbaijan is the only country of the former Soviet Union to carry out such a strong social policy in this area. As for the provision of cars, such initiatives are not made anywhere else. To date, more than 3,500 of our citizens have received free cars from the state.
Azerbaijan will continue its policy in this area. Our strong social policy manifests itself in all areas. The salaries and pensions growing every year, the increasing volume of social assistance and the repayment of compensations for the deposits in Soviet banks this year – all of this shows how strong our social policy is. At the same time, the provision of apartments to the families of those who died for our country and lands, to our compatriots who have lost their health shows how correct our state policy is.
We will continue to do everything possible to solve daily problems of our compatriots who need and deserve great respect and evaluation. You deserve this, you have lost your loved ones, your health. For many years, the Azerbaijanis have been subjected to a policy of genocide. Three countries have already recognized the Khojaly genocide as an act of genocide. I am sure that the number of these countries will gradually grow. Azerbaijan's fair cause is confirmed by the resolutions and decisions of international organizations. There are four UN Security Council resolutions, decisions and resolutions of other international organizations, demanding a withdrawal of Armenian occupying forces from our land. But Armenia flouts international law and our lands remain under occupation. Azerbaijan’s principled position on the issue is the same and will always remain unchanged. Our stance is based on historical justice and international law.
The historical truth is that Nagorno-Karabakh is our native and ancestral lands. For centuries, the people of Azerbaijan had lived and worked on this land. The present-day Armenia emerged on historical Azerbaijani lands. This is a historical document: in 1918, one of the first decisions of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic was the transfer of Erivan to Armenia as its capital. I have repeatedly expressed my thoughts about that decision. And today I want to say that it was a big mistake, a grave crime. But this is historical truth. The Erivan khanate was our historic land. A fictitious Armenian state was established on historically Azerbaijani lands at the dawn of last century. We can never allow a second fictitious Armenian state to emerge on historically Azerbaijani lands in our time and in the present circumstances. This will never happen.
The international community does not and never will recognize Nagorno-Karabakh as an independent entity. No country recognizes Nagorno-Karabakh, this far-fetched criminal regime simply functions illegally. This entity has no future – from legal, political or economic points of view.
Azerbaijan is a country that holds the final say in regional issues. Our opportunities and potential are growing, as are the strength of our army and our political clout. Today Azerbaijan is playing a role in world affairs, is a member of the world's number one structure - the UN Security Council. In May this year, we presided over this structure, expressed our principled and firm position on all global issues.
Our economic influence is also growing. Our economic development shows itself again at the end of this year. All the problems facing our country are being resolved, major investment is made. This year, investment in excess of $20 billion has been made in the economy. We have specific plans to ensure dynamic economic development in the future. At the end of next year, the second part of the State Program on the socioeconomic development of districts will be completed. Then, in early 2014, we will adopt a new program which may at least double our economic opportunities.
The main issue facing our country is the settlement of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. In all other areas we have achieved great success. It will take a long time to enumerate these achievements. The Azerbaijani public knows all this. As for the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh problem, unfortunately, this issue remains unresolved. I think the mediators should be more active in addressing this issue. The occupier state must be given a very strong signal to withdraw from the occupied lands. One can’t breach international law. Unfortunately, we don’t see such signals. We mostly hear balanced expressions. Of course, the occupier state of Armenia is trying to "freeze" the current situation, preserve the status quo. But it will not work. Not because international structures will put pressure on it. We don’t have huge expectations for that. We rely on our own strength. As in all economic and political matters, we rely on our own strength in this matter, on the will of the Azerbaijani people and the power of the Azerbaijani army. There will come a time when Azerbaijan will restore its territorial integrity by all means. Both historical justice and international law recognize this right.
Those who died during the war or our citizens who have lost their health are very much respected in society, are our heroes. We are proud of you. The young generation should also be proud of you. The role of people like you in the education of our young generation in the spirit of patriotism is great. I really want you to meet with young people frequently, held meetings in schools and universities, inform the younger generation and indeed the rest of the world about the war and Armenian atrocities.
The people of Azerbaijani value you very highly. The Azerbaijani government appreciates your selfless work. A good example of that is this ceremony and the ceremonies taking place in different parts of our country today.
I want to congratulate you on the upcoming Day of Solidarity of World Azerbaijanis and the New Year. I wish you well-being and prosperity in these beautiful apartments in the New Year. I wish you good health and every success. Thank you.
Addressing the ceremony, the disabled veteran of the Karabakh war, Azer Guliyev, said:
- Our dear Mr. President.
Dear participants of this ceremony.
Mr. President, it is a great day for us today. First, it is great because it is the birthday of our President Ilham Aliyev.
Mr. President, on this occasion we wish you good health and every success in work. We wish you to live to see the wedding of your grandchildren. May Allah bless you!
Secondly, Mr. President, it is a great day because apartments in the buildings constructed in five to six districts of the country on your instruction are being provided to the disabled veterans of the Karabakh war and martyr families. If we consider that each apartment will be occupied by a family of five and that each family of five has also been presented with a car, we can see that you have given joy to more than a thousand people. According to our custom, people receive gifts
on their birthdays. But it is you giving us presents on your birthday. May Allah bless you, Mr. President!
Mr. President, the public association "People with disabilities, disabled veterans of the Karabakh war and martyr families" includes over 50,000 members. We, the people who fought for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, stand by you, Mr. President. As long as we live, we want to see you as President. We want you to be our President forever. These are sincere words coming from the heart. Mr. President, we love you.
Mr. President, Allah bless you for this land, for this country and for us. I hope we will celebrate your birthday every year and each year you will give joy to these people on your birthday.
Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva, may Allah bless you too! May Allah grant you good health. You are a life partner of our President. May Allah give you happiness!
Thank you, Mr. President, thank you.
Joining the ceremony via a video link from Shaki, the disabled veteran of the Karabakh war, Sarvar Mammadov, said:
- Dear Mr. President!
We salute you from the ancient Shaki land. I am a disabled veteran of the Karabakh war. We are gathered here for a ceremony to commission these beautiful homes built on your instruction, and to hand out cars. Today we are very happy day.
Mr. President, we, former fighters, people who have seen pain and the grief of war, support your policy towards liberation of our lands peacefully. Today, our joy is boundless. We express our appreciation to you for giving us this joy.
It is significant for everyone present here. But for me, this day is doubly remarkable because it was my birthday yesterday, Mr. President. So this is the most valuable gift presented to me by you, by our state. This is a very valuable gift. But the fact that it is presented by you greatly increases its value. I am grateful to you for giving me an apartment. Inshallah, thanks to you many good days are in store for our families in these apartments. The disabled veteran of the Karabakh war who spoke before me said that, in fact, it was us who should have made you a gift. But you are the one giving us a present. I think that seeing the happiness and joy of fellow citizens is the perfect gift for every president.
We express our gratitude to you again. We ask you to accept a round of applause from the residents of Shaki as a birthday gift. Thanks a lot.
The mother of a martyr from Ganja, Minaya Piriyeva, who also joined the ceremony via a video link, said:
- Dear Mr. President!
I salute you from the land of Nizami. It is your birthday today. I wish you a happy birthday and shake your hand.
Today, our joy is boundless. Today, as always, you are showing great care for the families of martyrs and war veterans. Our Ganja is becoming prettier every day. The Alley of Martyrs has been completely reconstructed. A large mausoleum is under construction next to it. It will be ready in the next few days. We thank you for all this!
Today, on your birthday, we are provided with new apartments. We wish you good health and a long life, so that our Azerbaijan could become even more beautiful and developed. This is our dream.
I want to say a few words to the First Lady of Azerbaijan and President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva. Mrs. Aliyeva, I send my special thanks to you. If you remember, I sent you a telegram. You have considered my request and ensured the transfer of a three-month infant to me. Now this child is five years old. I send him to a kindergarten with in-depth study of English. He is both resting and studying there. On behalf of our family, we express our deep appreciation to you for this benevolent deed. And now this child will live in an apartment you are providing us today. There can’t be any greater happiness. Thanks a lot.
I wish you happy holidays – 31 December, the Day of Solidarity, and a Happy New Year. I wish you good health and happiness. I wish you always to be together. Thank you.
Congratulating the ceremony participants again, President Ilham Aliyev said:
- Thank you, dear friends! Today I also sincerely salute the people of Ganja, Shaki, Sumgayit, Shamkir District, Zabrat and Hovsan settlements. Our country is really thriving. All our regions are developing. I have repeatedly visited Ganja, Shaki and Shamkir. I am very glad that all cities of Azerbaijan are improving, there is creative work, new businesses are emerging and jobs being created. This year alone we have created over 100,000 new jobs. Overall, 1.1 million jobs have been created since the start of the State Program on the socioeconomic development of districts. Unemployment has shrunk dramatically and I am sure that in the coming years it will be completely eliminated.
There is landscaping and creative work in all our districts. People, activists, heads of districts and cities are trying to work even harder everywhere, do an even better job of improvement.
These buildings are also modern. Built by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, these buildings meet the highest standards. Both their external appearance and the interiors are on a very high level. So it should be, because these buildings are meant for the people who have done the most for our country and state, who have shown dedication. These people should be provided with the most beautiful buildings and conditions in the first place. It is our moral duty and, at the same time, our public policy.
I am in the city of Sumgayit today. I am very pleased with the successful development of Sumgayit. Sumgayit has already become a major industrial center. As a result of the programs adopted, Sumgayit will become a major industrial center of global proportions in the near future. New facilities, industrial parks and buildings are emerging here, there is extensive landscaping. There is improvement and creative work in all the districts that are on the video link today. This makes me and all our people happy, as it demonstrates the successful development of the Azerbaijani state. We will continue to successfully implement our policies in all directions in the coming years – both in the social and economic spheres.
Thank you for the kind words. For me the greatest gift is the happiness of the Azerbaijani people. And today I am happy because more than 400 families will move into new apartments today. They are embarking on a new period, a new stage in their lives. They are worthy of this beautiful and prosperous life. I am sure that you will live happily in these homes. I want all your business to be successful and all your family members to be healthy. Once again I wish you and the people of Azerbaijan success and good health in the New Year.
Thank you.
Then a picture was taken.
Along with the significant achievements in the economic life of Azerbaijan, important steps have been taken in recent years to further strengthen the social protection of the population. The steady progress of the country is creating new opportunities for addressing the immediate needs of the vulnerable population. From this standpoint, the living conditions of people with disabilities and martyr families are one of the fundamental issues for the President of Azerbaijan. A good example of this is the construction and commissioning of modern homes and apartment buildings for people of this category. The commissioning of new buildings in Sumgayit, Zabrat settlement of the Sabunchu district and Hovsan settlement of the Surakhani district, as well as in Ganja, Shaki and Shamkir, suggests that care for the disabled and martyr families is in the President’s spotlight.
Whereas in 1997-2007 the disabled and martyr families received about 2,200 apartments, this figure has reached 5,000 over the past five years. In other words, in comparison with 1997, the number of homes built in one year for the disabled and martyr families has increased almost 10 times. At present, more than 700 apartments are built and provided to the disabled veterans and martyr families every year. The President's instruction on maintaining the current level and the positive momentum in the construction of housing for the disabled and martyr families is being successfully executed. This will enable the government to provide all disabled veterans and martyr families on the waiting list with new modern apartments. Preference is given to the construction of multi-storey buildings.
A 12-storey building with 132 apartments for the visually impaired is currently under construction in the Narimanov district of Baku. At the same time, the focus is also on the construction of private homes with garden plots in the districts and areas inhabited by disabled veterans. To date, more than 450 private homes have been constructed and handed over to the
disabled veterans of the Karabakh war. New residential buildings have been commissioned in Zabrat settlement of the Sabunchu district and Hovsan settlement of the Surakhani district in Baku, as well as in Ganja, Shaki and Shamkir. Along with this, the focus is also on providing the disabled veterans of the Karabakh war and World War II with cars. So far, 3,525 disabled veterans have been provided with cars.