From Abdel-Fattah Al-Burhan Abdelrahman, President of the Transitional Sovereignty Council of the Republic of the Sudan

27 December 2024, 16:45
His Excellency Mr. Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Your Excellency and dear Brother,
It is with profound sadness that I have received the news of the tragic crash of Azerbaijan Airlines passenger plane near the city of Aktau in Kazakhstan on December 25, which has claimed the lives of numerous citizens. On behalf of the Sudanese people and my own behalf, 1 extend to Your Excellency, and to the bereaved families, our deepest condolences and most heartfelt sympathies. We also pray for the swift and full recovery of those who sustained injuries in this devastating incident.
In this time of immense sorrow, I wish to reaffirm the unwavering solidarity of the government and people of the Sudan with the Republic of Azerbaijan. May the Almighty grant the departed souls His boundless mercy, elevate them to the highest ranks of paradise, and bestow fortitude and comfort upon their grieving families.
Please accept, Your Excellency and dear Brother, the assurances of my highest esteem and profound respect.
Abdel-Fattah Al-Burhan Abdelrahman
President of the Transitional Sovereignty Council of the Republic of the Sudan