Ilham Aliyev and Dmitry Medvedev with their wives visited the Icheri Sheher Reserve and the Seaside National Park

03 September 2010, 18:33
Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev with their wives have taken a leisurely walk in the State Historical and Architectural Reserve Icheri Sheher and visited the Seaside National Park.
The familiarization of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, in Baku on an official visit, and First Lady Svetlana Medvedeva with Baku began with the Philharmonic Garden. Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva told the head of the Russian state about the history of the garden which underwent refurbishment last year. It was indicated that the reconstruction of parks and gardens in Baku had gained momentum lately. The main goal of that is to create conditions for effective public recreation in such places.
Then the visitors had a walkabout in Icheri Sheher. They were informed that Icheri Sheher was a masterpiece of Azerbaijani history and culture and a unique example of the world’s cultural heritage. The architecture of Azerbaijani history’s living legend, Icheri Sheher, is one of the world’s inimitable monuments. The archeological excavations conducted here have shed light on the previously unknown aspects of national statehood and revealed historical facts confirming the strategic importance of ancient Baku, which was part of the Great Silk Way. It is for this reason that Icheri Sheher, declared the State Historical and Architectural Reserve in 1985, was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2000.
While in Icheri Sheher, the head of the Russian state and his wife were treated to the Tandir bread.
One of Icheri Sheher’s most important historical structures, the Caravansary, also aroused tremendous interest. It was noted that although the caravansary, one of the most important parts of life in the ancient East, is no longer used in accordance with its intended purpose, it always attracts visitors of the capital as a fragment of Azerbaijan’s ancient history.
The visitors also toured the Palace of Shirvanshahs. It was indicated that the Palace of Shirvanshahs was built in the early 15th century. Monuments of this compound are situated at the highest location in Icheri Sheher. Not far from the Palace there is a Maiden Tower. This unique monument, the foundation of which was laid in the 7-6th centuries B.C., was restored in the 12th century. The tower is 28 meters high and 16-16.5 meters in diameter. The Maiden Tower consists of a cylindrical fortress and a large structure adjoining it in the south. Also here is a medrese-mosque and a 12th century bazaar. There are tombstones and totems of that period here.
The Russian President took some pictures here. Then a collective picture was taken.
President Dmitry Medvedev and his wife were also shown some samples of national handicrafts being demonstrated in Icheri Sheher.
The Russian president was informed that Azerbaijani scientists had conducted archeological excavations in Icheri Sheher and discovered many valuable samples of ancient material culture. These rare findings, currently kept at Azerbaijani museums, are opening up extensive opportunities for studying the history of the country.
The guests also reviewed the souvenirs depicting ancient monumental symbols of Baku.
Works by Azerbaijani artists also aroused considerable interest. The Russian President and his wife toured a gallery in Icheri Sheher and viewed the pictures depicting Azerbaijan’s ancient monuments.
While having tea, the visitors watched a film about Icheri Sheher.
The Russian President was presented with a souvenir.
Then, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and First Lady Svetlana Medvedeva had a walkabout in the Seaside National Park.
It was indicated that renovation of the Seaside National Park was part of a large-scale reconstruction campaign underway in Baku. The boulevard, one of the most popular places for Baku residents and visitors, has changed out of recognition in recent years. Special attention in the reconstruction of the boulevard was paid to harmonious combination of national and western elements of architecture and park construction. Today, the Baku boulevard attracts attention by its beauty and lends special elegance to the Azerbaijani capital.
The Russian President and his wife were very impressed with Azerbaijani capital.
The official visit of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to the Azerbaijan Republic was completed on 3 September.