Speech by Ilham Aliyev at the ceremony to commission the Imishli municipal system of water reservoirs

28 October 2012, 17:25
- Dear friends, dear residents of Imishli! I cordially salute all of you. Today we are celebrating this historic day together. A year ago a very important event aimed at improving the water supply in Imishli took place. We laid the foundation of this major water project. I am very glad that just a year later we are celebrating the supply of drinking water to Imishli. In the coming weeks, this water will flow into the existing network.
In parallel, a new and modern water distribution network is being put in place. Thus, the problem of drinking water in Imishli will be finally resolved.
This is really a historic event because the people of Imishli did not have clean drinking water for years. This problem existed. I knew that and we tried to resolve it as soon as possible. I am very glad that we have finally done it. This project is designed with a large margin. It takes into account the development of the city, population growth, and will use its capacity for the benefit of the people of Imishli by 2035.
It is a large, historic project, because drinking water is crucial to public health. And public health is the top issue for us, i.e. the state. In general, the improvement of the healthcare system, environmental conditions, provision of clean drinking water are at the center of our attention.
We have opened a fully repaired central district hospital in Imishli. This hospital meets the highest standards. Also today we are inaugurating a water supply project. I am sure that these projects, the work being done will have a positive impact on public health. People are our main social focus. I raised this issue at a meeting with regional entrepreneurs today. Of course, we are successfully implementing economic reforms, our regions develop, become prettier and improve, new jobs are created.
But at the heart, at the center of all this work are the citizens of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijani citizens must be healthy. Azerbaijani citizens must live in good conditions, in nice cities. We must implement all the infrastructure projects in order not to lag behind developed countries. We have done and will continue to do so.
The creative work ongoing in the country, the improvement is bearing fruit in every region. In particular, I am pleased with the successful development of Imishli District in the past few months. I have repeatedly been to Imishli. I was here last year. The necessary steps to develop Imishli have been taken.
Funds were allocated for the construction of rural roads. But I knew, and so did you, that things can go even faster. The experience of the last few months confirms that. I am sure that you know these realities best of all. But since I was here last year, I want to share my impressions with you.
Indeed, a lot was done in the past few months, historic work on the development of Imishli District. It has changed beyond recognition. Coming here, I was very surprised: where am I – is this Imishli or another city? Indeed, there have been historic changes. Beauty, landscaping, a new square, a new Flag Square, new parks, the Heydar Aliyev Center, construction of a youth center, reconstruction of buildings, new streets, new lighting poles. It would take some time to list all the work done.
But you, the people of Imishli, know this and are actively involved in this creative work and improvement. This is the fruit of your collective work.
Of course, I am very pleased with these changes. And so are you, I am sure. But they also demonstrate the following important point: where there is a will, the political will and concern about people, anything can be done.
I appointed a new head of the Imishli District Executive Authority a few months ago. When appointing him, I gave him very important instructions. I said that Imishli District should not lag behind others. In fact, it should be one of the leading districts of the country. The experience of the last few months shows that you are going down this road successfully. I am sure that on my next visit I will see more beautiful buildings and facilities. Thus, a long-term development of Imishli will be ensured.
The state, for its part, will continue to pursue its policy. Infrastructure projects are ongoing throughout our country, roads are built, gasification is powering ahead, including in Imishli. The goal is to ensure complete gasification of Imishli. All the villages must have gas supply. I am sure that by the end of next year we will achieve this goal.
We are marking the start of a water supply project. The water supply line will be connected to the network in one month and the people of Imishli will have the supply of drinking water. We have also started creating a sewage system, the construction of rural roads is under way. There is an excellent hospital at people’s disposal. Beautiful parks, streets and alleys are laid for people to have rest, schools are built. If the people of Imishli can keep up this pace, and I am sure they will, Imishli will become one of the most advanced regions of the country in a very short time.
Today I also attended the opening of new industrial enterprises. This also pleases me a lot. The biggest granary built by the private sector has opened in Imishli. The biggest pedigree poultry farm has also opened here. This is a contribution to the national economy. It also means new jobs, a very important step towards improving the well-being of the population.
Our country is comprehensively developing. Somewhere this development is rapid, somewhere it is not so fast. But there is no region or district where there would be no creation, improvement and development. This is the reality of Azerbaijan. Even during the global financial and economic crisis Azerbaijan developed successfully and overcame this crisis with dignity. We can say that the people of Azerbaijan did not feel the bitter consequences of this crisis because we have sound economic policies.
Going back to this issue, I repeat: citizens of Azerbaijan are at the heart of our economic policy. Economic reforms can be carried out. They may succeed in some countries and bring little progress in others. But it is important that reforms do not overlook social issues. In countries undergoing transformation, economic reform sometimes leads to bitter consequences. The standard of living declines. Reforms have a negative impact on the well-being of the people.
The situation in some European countries is before our eyes, we are watching it. Now they make drastic reforms, cut down on public spending. These reforms inevitably have a negative impact on living standards. The advantage of our reforms is that they are socially oriented.
The additional revenue obtained as a result of the reform was spent on improving people’s lives. Fairly. So we have high hopes for the future. Because the economic sphere, the non-oil sector in particular, are only expected to develop in the coming years. Residents of the regions also benefit from this development, and I am sure that our success will be even greater.
Azerbaijan has political authority in the region, has very strong positions, is actively involved in global events. We are a member of the UN Security Council, the world’s leading and biggest organization. We have a say in world affairs and our influence opportunities will only grow in the coming years.
All the planned social projects are ongoing. These projects translate into a steadily growing well-being of our people. The second part of the state program on the socioeconomic development of districts is nearing completion, it will end next year.
We are already working on a new program for the next 10 years and it will be made public when necessary.
All infrastructure projects are ongoing. So we can proudly say that in the years of independence Azerbaijan has established itself on the world map. Economically and politically, the independent state of Azerbaijan is developing successfully. For the stability and sustainability of our success, all the regions should develop rapidly. I want to repeat that the development of Imishli is very positive and successful.
I congratulate you on your achievements and wish the people of the Imishli good health and further success. Thank you.