Ilham Aliyev reviewed the 18th Azerbaijan international exhibition of telecommunication and information technologies “BakuTel-2012”

06 November 2012, 12:00
The 18th Azerbaijan international exhibition of telecommunication and information technologies “BakuTel-2012” has opened at the Baku Exhibition Center.
President Ilham Aliyev and his wife Mehriban Aliyeva reviewed the exhibition.
The “BakuTel” exhibition is the largest event in the field of telecommunications, including information technology, in the Caspian and Caucasus regions. Held for the 18th time, “BakuTel” has become an important event in the telecommunications market over the years. The international authority of the “BakuTel” exhibition is confirmed by the support on the part of the UN and the International Telecommunications Union, as well as the “Mark of Quality” from the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry.
Minister of Communications and Information Technologies Ali Abbasov informed the head of state that the “BakuTel-2012” exhibition was joined by 160 companies from 23 countries. Participating countries include the UK, Russia, Turkey, China, South Korea, Lithuania, Malaysia, Ukraine, Iran, Slovenia, Belarus, etc. The demonstration of collective stands has become a tradition of “BakuTel”. This year's exhibition features eight collective expositions, including the national groups of Austria, Canada, Israel, France, Croatia and Estonia, which are regular participants in the show. National groups are organized with support from the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies of Azerbaijan and relevant agencies of the respective countries. These stands exhibit interesting programs that are considered a novelty not only for Azerbaijan but also for the Caspian region as a whole. Presentations of ICT products and services are conducted as well. Exhibitors show portable mobile and analogue radios, smart phones, telephones, tablet computers, advanced test and measurement equipment for telecommunication systems, as well as technological innovations and other products.
It was noted that this exhibition covers such segments as telecommunications and networks, broadband cable and wireless communication, satellite communications and technology, broadcasting equipment, software, and automated systems, information and office technology.
President Ilham Aliyev and his wife Mehriban Aliyeva toured the exhibition pavilions.
It was noted that “BakuTel” features “ASAN” centers for the first time. The centers are intended to provide a new quality of public services to the population, ensure their identity and reduce additional costs and loss of time.
The Research and Development Centre for Advanced Technology exhibits its new products in the show. These include light-emitting diodes, nanophosphorus and bionanotechnology.
While touring the pavilions of foreign countries, the President was informed that Slovenia, which participates in the exhibition for the first time, is represented by eight companies.
President Aliyev was informed about their products and prospects, including the goals and projects of the “e-Government” Center for South-Eastern Europe.
The Austrian group of companies displays products related to air traffic control, public safety and transportation. The President was informed about a project on the development of telecommunications and broadband internet.
It was noted that the project, which covers 2013-2015, is to provide all population centers of the country with a fiber-optic cable network, enabling broader use of electronic public services.
Then, President Ilham Aliyev and his wife Mehriban Aliyeva visited the pavilion describing the activities of “Delta Telecom” LLC.
It was noted that “Delta Telecom”, one of the largest telecommunications companies in the region, has a robust infrastructure to ensure high quality communication and telecommunication services. “Delta Telecom” transfers the transit capacities of the region through its infrastructure using ASON/GMPLS, the newest generation in DWDM networking. It owns a stable superhighway. It was noted that the region's largest Internet's superhighway is also owned by “Delta Telecom”.
Visitors of the exhibition can also see the latest innovations of Azerbaijan’s first mobile operator – “Bakcell”. The company offers new software for mobile phones - Guide to the Old City.
The President also reviewed the pavilion of the national satellite operator – “Azerkosmos” JSC. It was noted that the first project of “Azerkosmos”, which was established in 2010, is the launch and management of a geostationary satellite “Azerspace”. The satellite will cover Europe, Central Asia and Africa.
The main goal of ZTE, one of China’s first telecom equipment manufacturers, is to expand the foreign market. Currently, of 70,000 employees of the company more than 10,000 people work in 107 countries. The company has established cooperation with over 500 leading mobile operators and commercial companies around the world.
While touring the pavilion of “Azerfon” LLC, the President was informed that the company has been in operation since 2007. At present, “Narmobile” plays an important part in developing the telecommunications market of Azerbaijan and enhancing the service sector. The creation of opportunities for the use of mobile phones and communication services on board aircraft is becoming increasingly important these days.
As the first user of the system, President Ilham Aliyev enquired about the possibilities of this type of service.
The operating system “Microsoft Windows 8” and advantages of the operating system “Windows Server 2012” are also tested within the exhibition framework. Particularly interesting for mobile operators are number transfer services. Also of interest have been Azerbaijan’s first tablet computer “Nexus Azpad Android” and the first anti-virus program in Azerbaijani.
During familiarization with the pavilion of “Azercell”, the President was informed that the company, established in 1996, continues to introduce a number of innovative technologies and concepts to the country’s mobile communication sector.
President Ilham Aliyev was informed about the new services of the company, which envisage the implementation of utility payments and some medical examinations using a virtual card.
Then President Ilham Aliyev was interviewed by foreign journalist Benjamin Rahr.
- It is a pleasure to see you here again. In the coming years, due to the commissioning of new fields and the construction of new pipelines, Azerbaijan will become an important supplier of energy to Europe. Despite this, the government’s focus is on economic diversification. “Azerbaijan is a future high-tech center” – is this how you see your country?
- You are absolutely right. We plan on that. Thus, our successes of recent years, the economic growth suggest that our non-energy sector is booming. Despite a slight decline in the energy sector this year, the non-energy sector grew by more than 10 per cent. This is further evidence that the consistent use of oil and gas revenue for economic diversification is justified. Of course, the ICT sector is a priority for us, because it means development, business, education, transparency, the future. I am very pleased that our country annually hosts the “BakuTel” exhibition. Simultaneously, Baku hosts the Seventh Forum on Internet Governance. All this also reflects the work we have done in Azerbaijan in this field.
The sector of information and communication technologies has great potential. We have a state policy to support this sector. At the same time, the private sector has also been very active in this field. We have become the leading country in the region for the development of information and communication technologies and intend to keep this position in the future to become one of the global players in the ICT market.
- Azerbaijan has one of the highest numbers of mobile phone users. The spread of the Internet around the world over the last 20 years has raised the risks of cyber crime, terrorism, hacking. Some experts argue that the Internet is a factor capable of leading to war after religion, water and territorial issues. How can Azerbaijan create a balance between the benefits and risks of the Internet, so as not to be accused of imposing restrictions on the use of the Internet?
- You know, at this stage in our development, our goal is to empower the users to receive world information via the Internet. Internet use is absolutely free in Azerbaijan. The number of Internet users exceeds 65 per cent of our population.
Now we are creating a system to provide every Azerbaijani village with broadband Internet services.
So our main goal is to provide free access to information. Issues of cyber security, freedom and legal regulation of such matters are currently on our agenda. One of the issues to be discussed during the Internet forum in Baku will be exactly the freedoms – freedom of expression, freedom of information, personal liberties, the balance between security and legal framework. I think that the discussion at the forum will contribute to the emergence of some new ideas in this regard, and we will certainly use them. In addition, we will study the experience of leading countries of the world on this issue. How do they see the solution to these problems? How will the world’s leading democracies deal with these issues? All this is very important to us.
- What opportunities do your country’s successes offer to foreign investors? In other words, is it possible to describe it as the creation of a Silicon Valley on the shores of the Caspian Sea?
- We are open to foreign investment. There is a very good investment environment in Azerbaijan. For the volume of direct foreign investment per capita, our country is in first place in the FSU. We are more interested in investing in the oil and gas sector, the ICT, infrastructure, construction. You have witnessed a lot of activity in the area of investment in the tourism infrastructure in Baku. New five-star hotels are opened almost every month. We welcome foreign investment in the country’s tourism sector. At the same time, we work to encourage foreign investment. Our government finances important investment projects in the ICT sector. The aim is not only to create a legal framework, but also to ensure the participation of the private sector in these infrastructure projects. The growing number of international companies involved in “BakuTel” is a good indicator of the attractiveness of the Azerbaijani market. Azerbaijan has become an ICT leader of the region. And in the future this position will certainly strengthen even more.
- What are your goals? How much investment do you plan to attract in the coming years?
- You know, it is difficult to say a specific figure. Our strategic approach is to ensure that from the standpoint of the business environment and revenue, the ICT sector should become second only to the oil and gas sector.
As you know, oil and gas are depletable resources. But the ICT sector has infinite growth potential. So in the next 20 years, this area could become the leading, perhaps even one of the most important sectors of our economy. From this point of view, we hope that private investment of billions of dollars will be made in this sector, and our state will participate in the process together with local companies.
- I wish you every success. Thank you.
- Thank you.