From Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director-General of the World Trade Organization

15 March 2024, 16:32
His Excellency Mr. Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
I would like to extend my congratulations on your re-election and would like to convey my best wishes for your next term as President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Under your leadership, I look forward to furthering the cooperation between the WTO and Azerbaijan, including through Azerbaijan’s pursuit of WTO membership. Azerbaijan returned to the negotiating table in 2023 to successfully reactivate its WTO accession process. Your leadership and guidance will be essential as Azerbaijan seeks to close the remaining gaps, which is achievable within 2 to 3 years.
Azerbaijan’s accession is of great interest for the WTO and the global economy given its strategic geographic location connecting Europe and Asia. Azerbaijan’s accession will also help Azerbaijan diversify its economy and promote greater coherence in trade relations among regional partners in the Caucasus and Central Asia.
As the host of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP29), Azerbaijan will play a key role in multilateral cooperation in 2024. I look forward to cooperating with Azerbaijan and building on the achievements of COP28 where trade featured as a specific thematic day in recognition of its role in global climate change mitigation. I hope that Azerbaijan will have a Trade Day at COP29 and the WTO secretariat stands ready to support you in making it a success.
I wish to assure you of the WTO’s commitment to strengthen international cooperation and supporting Azerbaijan as it pursues deeper integration in the multilateral trading system.
Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.
Yours sincerely,
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala
Director-General of the World Trade Organization