Speech by Ilham Aliyev at the opening of the Kullulu-Zardab water pipe

07 October 2012, 22:10
- Dear friends, the people of Zardab! It is a remarkable day in the history of Zardab District today. We are marking the start of a major water project in Zardab. The implementation of this project will provide the people of Zardab with clean drinking water.
Of course, it is important for the development of the district, for public health. Drinking water means life. And clean drinking water means healthy life. A few days later the water supplied through a 72-km pipeline will be connected to the internal network, so the water will be supplied to households.
Currently, the people of Zardab are receiving water intermittently. Almost half of the city is faced with this problem, there is a shortage of water. After the completion of this project the people of Zardab will receive water 24 hours a day.
It is a historic project indeed. Because the water problem has haunted almost all our districts for years, for decades.
Currently, water and sewage projects are implemented in all our districts. We are trying to complete drinking water projects in all the districts and district centers by the end of next year.
This project requires major financial resources, and the Azerbaijani state has assumed the bulk of the financial burden. In some districts such projects are implemented through the loans of foreign financial institutions. But the main burden falls on the state of Azerbaijan. This is the way it should be. Because our social policy aims to ensure people’s comfort. At the heart of our policy are citizens of Azerbaijan. Our main goal is a comfortable and quiet life of Azerbaijani citizens.
Drinking water projects are particularly important among all infrastructure projects. However, in recent years we have implemented other important infrastructure projects, built highways and rural roads in all our districts. In Zardab District we built new roads linking villages, electricity supply has significantly improved. We can say that this serious problem has now been fixed across the country. Of course, improvement work must be and is carried out. But we have substantially resolved this problem. The process of gasification is ongoing. Zardab has already been supplied with gas, gas pipelines are laid to surrounding villages. The drinking water project is of particular importance because people can’t live without water. Poor-quality water is harmful to human health. We must try and are trying to ensure that the drinking water supplied to the population in all our districts meets the standards of the World Health Organization. I am sure we can achieve that. The drinking water supplied to Zardab comes from a clean source, it is quality water, the people of Zardab will see that in a few days.
This project has a lot of sense, is of great importance. Because, I want to say again, we have always had the problem of drinking water. Gradually, this issue is being addressed, each region has specific investment programs and plans. This work is proceeding according to plan. The task has been set to implement most of the projects by the end of the year. So by the end of next year we must provide all district centers with drinking water. Parallel to this, surrounding villages should also be supplied with clean drinking water. At later stages these projects will be implemented on a wider scale. At the same time, sewage projects will be implemented.
Once we resolve this problem, it will be possible to say that there are no infrastructure issues waiting to be resolved. Specific instructions regarding this issue were given a few years ago. The state investment program provides for water projects. This reflects the policy of the government, of the state of Azerbaijan. We adhere to the principles of market economy, our economy is developing successfully now. This allows us to allocate the required level of funding to address social issues, and we are doing that.
Water projects are purely social. Because this project is of no commercial value to the state. Water rates are very low in Azerbaijan and the money invested in these projects can never be returned through the payment of water tariffs. This shows again how strong our social policy is.
This is the way it should be. Our country develops, all the regions of our country develop, we are trying and should try to create better conditions for Azerbaijani citizens. Everyone regardless of his place of residence should have wonderful conditions. People should have jobs, should be safe, healthcare and education facilities should be built.
Of course, the implementation of infrastructure projects has an important place in general affairs. The infrastructure projects implemented in recent years are already yielding excellent results.
It is a very remarkable day for both Zardab and the whole country. Because, as I said, drinking water projects are either implemented in all our regions or preparations are under way to implement them. The first project is implemented in Zardab.
So this day will go down in history.
Today signals the first stage of water supply to Azerbaijani regions on the basis of new projects. It is no coincidence that the first project is implemented in Zardab. Great attention is paid to the development of Zardab. In the past, funds were allocated from the Contingency Fund of the President for the development of the district. Creative and improvement work is ongoing in Zardab. At the same time, treatment installations of modular type were installed in the villages along the River Kura in previous years and people are using clean water. I am sure that the implementation of other projects will facilitate the development of Zardab.
In general, things are moving in a positive direction in the whole country. In a few days we will discuss the results of the third quarter. The results of the first six months were very positive – the economy grows, the non-oil economy grows, social problems are resolved, the repayment of the deposits left from Soviet times has begun, and I can say that Azerbaijan will be the first CIS country to repay the money in a short time. These funds will be paid at the highest interest rate. Other social projects are ongoing. So the overall development dynamics shows that we have chosen the right path. We are and will be going this way. We should make sure that every citizen, every civil servant understands his civic duty and contributes to our common cause.
I am sure that by the end of the year our economic and social indicators will be positive and we will successfully complete year 2012. We also have specific programs for the subsequent period. In 2004, as a result of the first program on the socioeconomic development of districts, a lot of work was done. A second program is already under way and is to be completed by the end of next year. As a result of this program, basic infrastructure and social issues will be resolved. We also have a specific concept and vision for the subsequent period. There is a strategic development plan “Azerbaijan-2020”. We have a clear idea of the work to be done until 2020, we are working on this program. We plan and predict our work.
Everything goes according to plan – both with regard to foreign and domestic policies.
Economic and infrastructure projects are an important part of our work.
I cordially congratulate you again. We met last year. At that time, work at the Heydar Aliyev Center was in the final stages, we had a very warm meeting. I said then that the work being done in Zardab will always be in focus. A year later we meet again on this occasion. Once again, this day will go down in history. For the first time in decades and even in centuries, clean drinking water will be supplied to Zardab 24 hours a day. I am certain that all of you are experiencing the same feelings today.
I also have these feelings, I am very happy, I salute you, congratulate and wish you good health and continued success.
Thank you.