From Bedri Ustuner, Istanbul, Turkey

11 September 2012, 11:20
Dear Ilham Aliyev,
First of all, I would like to express my highest consideration for you. May Allah grant you success in all your affairs, Inshallah! I also want to respectfully honor the memory of your father, esteemed President Heydar Aliyev, and pray to God for the repose of his soul.
Mr. President!
I am a retired officer of the Turkish Armed Forces. I appreciate your work and am proud of you. The latest news about your order has delighted me very much. I would have done exactly the same in your place. Allah bless you!
I believe that monuments to Ramil Safarov should be erected in all the military units of the Azerbaijani army. He should be an example for every Azerbaijani soldier.
I am a lot older than you, so I kiss your eyes. Otherwise I would kiss your hands. Your act is evidence of true patriotism, not in words but in deeds.
We must always fight the enemies of the Turkic world. My grandfather was a soldier and fought with them too.
I appreciate your work and respectfully kiss your eyes. May Allah grant you even greater success.
Bedri Ustuner, retired Lieutenant-Colonel
Istanbul, the Republic of Turkey