From Mahmud Asgarov, Jalilabad, Azerbaijan

10 September 2012, 10:22
Dear Mr. President,
We express our deep gratitude and appreciation to you on behalf of the believers of Jalilabad District for the return to Azerbaijan and pardoning of officer of the Ministry of Defence, the brave son of the Azerbaijani people, our pride Ramil Sahib oglu Safarov. Your decision is regarded as a great service to the people of Azerbaijan. This move upset the plans of the Armenians. Inshallah, they will even more upset when they see the results of your efforts to liberate Karabakh. We ask Allah to grant you good health and success in this sacred path.
on behalf of the faithful of Jalilabad District, Mahmud Khanhuseyn oglu Asgarov
Jalilabad District, the Republic of Azerbaijan