From Hasanaga Aliyev, Baku, Azerbaijan

07 September 2012, 15:05
Dear Mr. President,
Dear Mr. Commander-in-Chief!
The telegram is written to you by a cadet of the State Border Service Academy, Hasanaga Kazim oglu Aliyev. We, cadets, are very proud that we have such a wise President. Thanks to your efforts, the brave son of the Azerbaijani people Ramil Safarov has been repatriated. We, the cadets of the State Border Service Academy, endorse your humane step, bow to you and express our deep gratitude once again. We assure you, Mr. President, that we will remain committed and worthy officers for our country and people.
Hasanaga Kazim oglu Aliyev
Apt. 59, Hasan Aliyev Street 5, Nasimi district, Baku, the Republic of Azerbaijan.