From Rashid Akhundov, Baku, Azerbaijan

07 September 2012, 18:05
Dear Mr. President,
We all have taken to heart the words you said in the first presidential election. You said then that you would become the President of every citizen of Azerbaijan. You have proved again your commitment by your words. Your latest step has further convinced the Azerbaijani people that they made no mistake in their choice. You have reached the goals in the many years of dedicated work on the extradition and release of Ramil Safarov who has become our universal favorite for his courage. He was not afraid to be deprived of freedom in defense of the honor of the state flag of Azerbaijan. You have proved your benevolence again. By your humane step you have proved once again that you are a brave son of the Azerbaijani people.
The Azerbaijani are people with you, Mr. President! We are ready to sacrifice our lives for your instructions, orders and resolutions.
Rashid Rafail oglu Akhundov
Apt. 27, I. Gutgashenli Street 5, Yasamal district, Baku, the Republic of Azerbaijan.