From Sadig Aliyev, Baku, Azerbaijan

07 September 2012, 11:02
Dear Mr President!
Residents of House No 105 on Ganja Avenue in Baku’s Khatai District express their deep love and sincere gratitude to you for your personal initiative, unique efforts and self-sacrifice in releasing the brave, courageous and patriotic son of our people, Ramil Safarov.
We wish you a long life, strong health and eternal family happiness from Almighty God and great success in your future difficult and honourable activities for the sake of greater progress and prosperity of Azerbaijan, strengthening of our statehood, independence and the living standards of our citizens.
Sadig Agariza oglu Aliyev,
Azerbaijan Republic, Baku, Khatai District, Ganja Avenue, House No 105, Flat 111