From Bajram Begaj, President of the Republic of Albania

27 May 2023, 16:18
His Excellency Mr. Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Honorable Mr. President.
I have the special pleasure that on the occasion of the National Holiday of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Independence Day, on my behalf and that of the Albanian people, to convey to You and the friendly people of Azerbaijan, the warmest and most friendly wishes on this memorable day.
I seize the opportunity to express once again, that for me and the Albanian people was a great honor and pleasure to welcome You on a state visit to Tirana, in November of last year.
The importance of this meeting and the issues discussed will serve to further strengthen the excellent ties of friendship and cooperation between our two countries and peoples, which I note with great pleasure, that in recent years they have seen dynamic developments in areas of mutual interest.
Along with the pleasure of meeting you soon and with the most friendly greetings, please accept, dear Mr. President, the assurances of my highest consideration.
Bajram Begaj
President of the Republic of Albania