From Javid Ibrahimov, Gadabay, Azerbaijan

07 September 2012, 15:20
Dear Mr. President,
We have heard the news on the extradition of Ramil Safarov to Azerbaijan and his pardoning by your order. Our joy is boundless. I express my gratitude to you on behalf of all the people of Gadabay and personally myself. We are proud of our President. We are confident that we shall soon hear the news of our great victory. This is evidenced by your wise and far-sighted policy. Day by day we get closer to this victory. The authority of our country in the international arena, the internal stability and our progress in army building suggest that victory is near. We will soon achieve it thanks to your determination and courage. May God help you and our people.
Javid Shahir oglu Ibrahimov
Slavyanka village, Gadabay District, the Republic of Azerbaijan