From Gurban Abbasov, Lachin (Agjabadi), Azerbaijan

10 September 2012, 09:25
Dear Mr. President,
The extradition to Azerbaijan of our army officer Ramil Safarov and his pardon by your order have infinitely delighted us. We had waited for Ramil’s release for a long time. Finally, you have granted us this joy. Your name is synonymous with success, progress and victory. There is extensive improvement and dynamic development of different spheres of life in our country. Thanks to your efforts, our country is burgeoning and securing a place in the ranks of other world powers. We believe that under your leadership the development of our country will be sustainable and we will achieve even greater success. We look forward to the day when we can return to our native Lachin.
With deep respect and reverence,
Gurban Mukhtar oglu Abbasov
IDP from the Garakechdi village of Lachin District, veteran teacher
Takhtakorpu settlement, Agjabadi District, the Republic of Azerbaijan