From Garanfil Jafarova, Goranboy, Azerbaijan

08 September 2012, 19:40
Dear Mr. President,
Under your leadership, Azerbaijan is experiencing a period of rapid development. Our villages and towns are landscaped, new roads and schools built. There is no area that would not develop and where reforms would not be carried out. All these issues are solvable because, under your leadership, Azerbaijan has become a strong nation. The key is that you have made the impossible possible. I mean the issue of Ramil Safarov. The extradition to Azerbaijan of the brave son of his people who was in custody in another country under pressure from the insidious Armenian lobby and his immediate pardoning are truly heroic.
Long live our brave President!
Garanfil Rahim gizi Jafarova
Goran village, Goranboy District, the Republic of Azerbaijan