From Elchin Shikhiyev, Saatli, Azerbaijan

08 September 2012, 19:10
Dear Mr. President,
Ramil Safarov’s lengthy stay in a Hungarian prison on a life imprisonment sentence for punishing our enemy, an Armenian who had insulted our national flag and the dignity of an Azerbaijani officer and drove the Azerbaijani officer to the heat of passion, was giving every conscientious Azerbaijani mental anguish. By extraditing Ramil Safarov to Azerbaijan and freeing him you have saved us from this suffering. We express our deep appreciation to you for that. Your humane decision has delighted us, culture workers, and indeed all the people of Azerbaijan. Our entire nation is in joy. On behalf of our team I express our heartfelt appreciation to you. We wish you success in all your endeavors.
Elchin Shikhiyev
Director of the Palace of Culture
Saatli, the Republic of AzerbaijanÂ