From Elman Mammadov, Ganja, Azerbaijan

08 September 2012, 17:20
Dear Mr. President,
Due to the ongoing successful reforms and rapid economic development, Azerbaijan is currently on a par with the leading European countries. This is the result of your hard work and invaluable political activity. You also demonstrate great resolve and assertiveness in defending the rights and freedoms of citizens of Azerbaijan. Clear evidence of this is the extradition of our Armed Forces officer Ramil Safarov from Hungary to Azerbaijan and his pardon by your decree. This was made possible thanks to your determined and resolute position, strong political will and personal authority in the international arena.
The Azerbaijani people have every right to be proud of such a head of state as you.
On behalf of the faculty of Ganja State University,
Elman Mammadov, rector
Ganja, the Republic of Azerbaijan.