From Yashar Shamilov, Sumgayit, Azerbaijan

08 September 2012, 15:55
Dear Mr. President,
Allow me to congratulate you. You are our humane and wise President. The extradition of officer Ramil Safarov to our homeland and his pardoning have proved your wisdom and humanism again. I am proud that our people have such a bold and decisive President. I personally did not believe not only in the release of our compatriot who was serving a sentence in another state, but also in his extradition. However, your wise policies have proven that it is possible. This step will enhance our confidence that you will bring our people to further victories. Mr. President, our nation is behind you, supports and welcomes you. With your activities you bring glory to our country and state. Let you always be accompanied with glory and success. I am proud of you.
Yashar Shamilov, president of the Northern Regional Football Federation, honored coach
Sumgayit, the Republic of Azerbaijan