From Vidadi Huseynov, Baku, Azerbaijan

08 September 2012, 15:50
Dear Mr. President,
The extradition of officer Ramil Safarov to his homeland and his pardoning by your decree have brought joy to millions of people. Thanks to your focused, consistent and principled policies for the restoration of human rights and justice, you have defended the rights of the Azerbaijani officer and raised the image of our country in the eyes of the public.
We write this letter to you in a state of great joy. Let fairness and justice always prevail! We support you in your courageous steps that annoy our enemies. Once again we express our appreciation to everyone who was involved in this case, personally to you, Mr. President, the Hungarian government who passed a fair decision, and our noble people.
May Allah always protect good people!
May Allah protects our Azerbaijan!
Let there be peace! And may Allah help Mr. President in leading Azerbaijan forward! Inshallah!
on behalf of the Seyidovs, Mahammadovs, Huseynovs, Abbasovs and Agayevs
Vidadi Bayram oglu Huseynov
Mushfigabad settlement, Garadagh district, Baku, the Republic of Azerbaijan