From Khalil Yusifli and others, Ganja, Azerbaijan

08 September 2012, 12:15
Dear Mr. President,
Today, the state of Azerbaijan in the person such as a wise and strong President as you has demonstrated again that it is the guarantor of the rights and interests of its citizens. The freeing of Ramil Safarov who has been extradited to Azerbaijan is an indicator of the will of our people and President and their solidarity.
Today we have a strong President who protects every citizen of Azerbaijan, the fearless Commander-in-Chief who stands behind every soldier and officer. For this we express our deep gratitude to you and ask God to grant you a long life, good health and good luck.
On behalf of professors of Ganja State University
Khalil Yusifli
Sadnik Pashayev
Abbas Samadov
Mubariz Yusifov
Sadig Shukurov
Telman Guliyev
Ganja, the Republic of Azerbaijan