From Elmaddin Shahbandiyev, Baku, Azerbaijan

08 September 2012, 09:00
Dear Mr. President,
I was so delighted with the order you signed on 31 August that I don’t know how to express my gratitude to you!
Indeed, your step has dispelled the depression not only of the brave son of his homeland Ramil Safarov, but also of many citizens of Azerbaijan. I express my deep gratitude to you as a citizen of Azerbaijan. I dream of the day when the Almighty gives us the opportunity to liberate Karabakh from the enemy.
I applaud and support all your steps in the name of the people and nation.
This is the day of joy and victory not just of one person. This event is highly important. Today, each one of us is filled with joy and celebration.
I am confident that we will soon free Karabakh from occupation as a result of your consistent policies.
Once again I express my deep gratitude.
Elmaddin Huseyn oglu Shahbandiyev, researcher, Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS.
Baku, the Republic of Azerbaijan