From Chichek Huseynli, Baku, Azerbaijan

07 September 2012, 12:30
Dear Mr. President!
When we heard that you signed a decree to pardon officer Ramil Safarov, our hearts were filled with joy, we rejoiced together with all the people of Azerbaijan. This step is yet another vivid manifestation of your humane policy. The development strategy laid down by nationwide leader Heydar Aliyev has turned Azerbaijan into one of the influential actors of the international system and has enabled a successful implementation of the foreign policy meeting our national interests. Striking confirmation of this is the extradition of Ramil Safarov from Hungary to Azerbaijan. We express our deep gratitude to you for your contribution to the extradition of Ramil Safarov to Azerbaijan and his pardon. We regard this as a successful step of the Azerbaijani people on the road to victory. We believe that the great victory is not far off!
Best regards,
Chichek Huseynli, on behalf of school-lyceum No. 6.
Sabayil district, Baku, the Republic of Azerbaijan