From Shahnaz Hashimova, Ganja, Azerbaijan

07 September 2012, 11:45
Dear Mr. President!
We experience the joy of another great success of your policy. The worthy son of the motherland Ramil Safarov has been extradited to Azerbaijan and pardoned by your executive order. It is hard to put the greatness of this deed into words. As a mother and culture worker, thank you for this step.
Mr. President, we have seen again that the fate of every citizen of Azerbaijan, the protection of his rights are always in the center of your attention. We, culture workers, always feel your attention and care. As in all areas, there is dynamic development in the cultural sphere of the country.
Tremendous work has been done in recent years to preserve and promote the ancient mugham worldwide. One can say a lot about the progress achieved by the independent Azerbaijan. For all this, we thank you, Mr. President. God bless you for our people.
Shahnaz Hashimova,
People’s Artist
Ganja, the Republic of Azerbaijan