From Ismayil Suleymanov, Absheron, Azerbaijan

07 September 2012, 15:45
Dear Mr. President,
Under your leadership Azerbaijan has achieved great success in all areas. The scale of creative work is growing day by day. New enterprises are opened, jobs created, roads built, infrastructure upgraded. The well-being of our people improves every day. Mr. President, these successes have been achieved thanks to your wise policy. In late August, you added another success to these achievements. The glorious son of Azerbaijan Ramil Safarov has returned to his homeland from Hungary and been pardoned by you. Your attention and concern have aroused a feeling of great joy in every Azerbaijani. We thank you for this wise decision and we wish you good health and further successes.
Akhund Ismayil Suleymanov
Mehdiabad settlement, Absheron District, the Republic of Azerbaijan