From Sanan Hajiyev, Ganja, Azerbaijan

06 September 2012, 14:55
Your Excellency, dear Mr. President,
The extradition to Azerbaijan and pardoning of officer Ramil Safarov, who was sentenced for life imprisonment by the Budapest City Court, has gladdened all our people, including all the fellow compatriots of great Nizami, the people of Ganja, all culture and art workers. We had been waiting for this happy day for over eight years. Thank you, Mr. President, for putting an end to our expectation. Congratulations to you and all our people on this great success. We express our deep appreciation to you for the order to pardon Ramil Safarov. We wish you every success in your work for sustainable development and prosperity of our independent republic.
May Allah help you in achieving the great victory!
Sanan Zahid oglu Hajiyev
Head of culture and tourism department
Ganja, the Republic of Azerbaijan