From Iman Guliyev, Baku, Azerbaijan

06 September 2012, 14:10
Dear Mr. President!
I express my sincere gratitude to you for taking care of the brave son of Azerbaijan, having him extradited and freed. You have been acting in accordance with your oath to the Azerbaijani state as the guarantor and protector of the rights of citizens and their lives in the name of a strong and independent Azerbaijan.
Expectedly, the Armenian demagogues have tried to take advantage of your fair decision to discredit the leadership of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
We are all witnesses to the fact that Armenia has intentionally delayed and disrupted peace talks on the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict for more than 20 years. The OSCE Minsk Group has proved to be inert in this issue and in implementing the resolutions of the UN and other international organizations.
Armenians envy us because of Azerbaijan’s economic growth and progress. Armenia’s hypocrisy and the presence of undue ambitions are obvious. The intentional delay and failure to fulfill UN resolutions are certainly a thoughtful tactical move.
Not a single publication in foreign media on the case of National Army officer Ramil Safarov says that he, as a brave and true son of his homeland, rose to its defense and punished someone who had insulted the flag and honor of Azerbaijan. The refinements, deceit and craft of the Armenian Diaspora will fail in any case. Truth and justice will prevail! God bless you for all of Azerbaijan! We are proud of you.
Iman Guliyev
apt. 19, Rostropovich street, Sabayil district, Baku