From Z. I. Gasimov, Kazan, Russia

06 September 2012, 13:15
Dear Mr. President, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan, President Ilham Aliyev!
On behalf of all the Azerbaijanis living in the Republic of Tatarstan, I want to express my deep appreciation and gratitude to you for your order to pardon officer Ramil Safarov. The freeing of Ramil Safarov is another victory of the Azerbaijani people in the difficult path that leads our people to a better future. It is, undoubtedly, an indication of your care as a leader of our people about the Azerbaijanis living in any part of the world. The Azerbaijanis living in foreign lands appreciate what you do for us. We feel protected by our President and are proud of you. We wish you and your family a long life, every success and good luck. May Allah save and protect you for your loved ones!
Z. I. Gasimov
Kazan, Russia