Ilham Aliyev received credentials of incoming Serbian ambassador

03 May 2021, 11:10
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has today received credentials of newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Serbia Dragan Vladisavljevic.
Presenting his credentials to President Ilham Aliyev, the ambassador said:
-Mr President, I am very honored to present to you letter of credence accrediting me as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Azerbaijan and the letter of recall of my predecessor. Allow me to convey to you sincere regards from our President Mr. Aleksandar Vucic and his personal wish for well-being and prosperity of you and your country. Mr President, I want to say that I am extremely honored to have an opportunity to serve in the Republic of Azerbaijan of which the Republic of Serbia is true friend and strategic partner. Thank you Mr. President.
Welcoming the ambassador, President Ilham Aliyev said:
-Thank you very much. Welcome. Mr. Ambassador, I am very glad to see you. I hope you will have a very interesting time in Azerbaijan. Also, I would like to ask you to convey my best greetings to President Vucic. You know that we communicate very actively and we had meetings many times. I think we have very friendly relations between the Presidents which is important for relations between the countries. Of course, I am sure that during your activity in Azerbaijan you will do everything in order to move forward our cooperation. For us cooperation with Serbia is of big importance. As you said our countries are strategic partners and our area of cooperation now covers a lot of directions. I think that we need to concentrate on those areas where we already have big progress and to look what we can do in some areas where we are in the initial stage of active cooperation. But as far as our partnership in international organizations, I am sure we will continue to support each other, to defend each other’s interests. In quite a number of international institutions we already demonstrate a very high level of solidarity. So, this is important, because it really reflects the sincere origin of our cooperation.
With respect to bilateral relations, of course, having a very high level of political contacts we need to concentrate on the areas of economic development. You know that now we are in the preliminary stage of reconstruction in the liberated territories. I hope that Serbian companies as companies from friendly countries will be active, and they will come and will be presented with initial information about our plans. They will join the international team of companies from friendly countries in the reconstruction. So, I think that there will be a lot of areas to concentrate. I am sure you will be very busy in Azerbaijan. I wish you successful implementation of your duties.
Ambassador Dragan Vladisavljevic:
-Thank you Mr. President. Your Excellency, distinguished President, allow me first to reiterate how deeply honored I am to be and to have an opportunity to serve in the Republic of Azerbaijan. My appointment was a personal wish of the President of the Republic of Serbia Mr. Aleksandar Vucic. In our tete-a-tete meeting prior to my arrival here, President Vucic asked me to communicate to you the following messages. First of all, President Vucic conveys his warmest regards and extends his wishes for your good health, good fortune and success in everything you do for your people and your country. President Vucic highly appreciates friendship with you personally and friendship within our two states. He particularly underlined that the Republic of Serbia absolutely supports sovereignty and territorial integrity of the friendly Republic of Azerbaijan and highly appreciates the existing strategic partnership between our two states and wishes to further cherish and strengthen it. The President asked for my intensive engagement in further promoting cooperation within our states on the highest and high political level. I would like to extend to you President Vucic’s invitation to officially visit Serbia. He pointed out that intensive activities right ahead in both Baku and Belgrade with respect to organizing the 60th anniversary of the Non-Aligned Movement and the 1st summit held in Belgrade. His intention is to invite for the occasion the leaders of the founding states of the movement - India, Egypt, Indonesia and Ghana and, of course, you as Chair of the movement. You would co-host the event together with President Vucic. He underlined that this was his own initiative and that the summit will be of historic importance for you, for the Republic of Azerbaijan, and for the Republic of Serbia.