Ilham Aliyev examined the progress of expansion at a plant producing polymeric products in the Sumgayit Industrial Park

24 April 2012, 17:00
President Ilham Aliyev has examined the progress of expansion of the polymeric plant and attended the opening of heavy engineering and precision machining plants in the Sumgayit Industrial Park (SIP).
The President was informed that the SIP is comprised of 17 plants producing various goods of national importance, including cables, transformers, high-voltage equipment, hydro turbines, water pumps, electric motors, pipes and technical gases. The commissioning of this industrial giant has led to the creation of hundreds of new jobs.
President Ilham Aliyev was informed about the high-voltage insulation tower being built as part of a third stage in the SIP cable plant construction. It was indicated that two insulation lines for the 500-kilovolt power cables would be placed here. The project is unique for the CIS and the Middle East. The subsurface section of the tower is 40 meters deep. The construction of the 124.5-meter tower commenced in the late 2009. The construction and assembly work is scheduled for completion by the end of 2012.
President Ilham Aliyev toured the SIP on a bus. It was noted that in accordance with the President’s instructions and in order to increase the share of the non-oil sector in Azerbaijan's economy, the industrial park was turning into one of the country’s industrial giants.
The President reviewed a plant producing polymeric products after expansion.
It was noted that in 2009, when the plant began operating, there were only five lines in it. The expansion has increased the number of lines to 25. The plant, specializing in the manufacture of pipes for various purposes, is currently one of the most promising businesses not only in Azerbaijan but also in the entire region. The company employs qualified professionals and produces multilayer polyethylene and polypropylene pipes with aluminum interlining. The pipes are used in gas and water supply, sewer lines, etc. and are in great demand in Azerbaijan and beyond.
It was noted that the total area of the plant is 2.8 hectares. At present, it employs 400 people. The plant can produce 396 tons of polyethylene pipes a day. The newly-assembled lines can produce pipes with a diameter of 16 to 800 millimeters. The plant’s products meet modern requirements. Polyethylene pipes are resistant to high pressure, do not corrode and have a 50-year warranty. Each of the lines at the plant can process 1,300 kilograms of plastic tubes an hour. In accordance with the latest requirements, the plant manufactures high-quality drainage pipes with a diameter of 50 to 250 millimeters and polypropylene pipes for heating lines.
It was mentioned that the plant operates the most sophisticated German equipment, enabling the company to manufacture high-quality and competitive products. Unique in the CIS, the plant will fully address the domestic demand and plans to export its products to foreign countries. The management process is fully automated. The plant will be expanded in the future. In the next few days it will start producing sewer pipes 1,200 mm in diameter. The plant receives raw materials from Germany and can produce polypropylene spectator seats for stadiums and several other products on order.
After reviewing the plant, the President gave relevant instructions and recommendations.
The President of Azerbaijan also attended the opening of a SIP heavy engineering plant.
It was noted that the construction of the plant, which receives raw materials from Russia, Turkey and other countries, began in 2010. The plant covers an area of 4.5 hectares and operates the equipment manufactured by leading companies of the world. It employs 900 people.
While reviewing the plant, the President was informed that it produces metal structures and various parts for power stations. Also manufactured are supports for 10-, 110-, 220- and 330-kilovolt transmission lines. The enterprise will carry out repairs of power equipment.
It was noted that the annual production capacity of the plant is 50,000 tons. It is the only plant in the South Caucasus with this capacity. In the future, there are plans to further expand the enterprise. The plant intends to export its products to foreign markets.
President Ilham Aliyev also attended the opening of precision machining plants in the SIP. The President was informed that the enterprise consists of a workshop for precision machining and fabrication of parts and operating mechanisms, as well as the sites on prefabrication, processing of special purpose equipment and precision machining. The universal milling machines and lathes at the prefabrication site bring materials to the appropriate dimensions. The site processing special purpose equipment produces turbines and alternative energy installations with high precision and quality. The precision machining site manufactures axle parts of various sizes and gears. All of the plant’s lathes and milling machines are made by Japan’s CNC. These are high-precision three-, four- and five-axis machining centers.
Equipped with sophisticated computer programs, these tools allow for simultaneous multiple operations.
It was noted that the plant operates 58 machines manufactured by leading companies of developed countries. These machines can process parts of energy, engineering and oil equipment. Also carried out at the plant is the design of plastic injection forms, stamps, machining and assembly of parts. The plant produces different-size gauges, dies, etc. for the production of cables. The company manufactures various parts for the plants producing polymeric products and cables. The plant works with renowned companies from Switzerland, Sweden and Germany. Employees of the company, which intends to expand its activities in the future, attend training courses in several countries. After addressing domestic demand, the plant will also export its products to foreign countries.
After reviewing the plant, the President gave relevant instructions and recommendations.