Ilham Aliyev attended the opening of the reconstructed Samad Vurgun Culture and Recreation Park in Agstafa

12 April 2012, 15:30
President Ilham Aliyev has attended the opening of the reconstructed Samad Vurgun Culture and Recreation Park in Agstafa.
A bust of people’s poet Samad Vurgun has been erected in the park. In the background, there is a magnificent complex, “Monument to the Book”, describing the creative work of the outstanding poet.
The President laid flowers at the bust of Samad Vurgun.
President Ilham Aliyev was informed that the park, located in Heydar Aliyev Avenue, covers an area of 2.8 hectares. The promenade section of the park has been covered with 4,500 square meters of tiles. On the opposite side the park is edged with a decorative fence 140 meters in length faced with white stone. The sides and the rear of the park are surrounded by architectural “fortress walls” 300 meters in length and 3.5 meters in height. There is a beautiful fountain, nine benches in the form of semicircles, each 4.5 meters long, and 20 metal benches. Ornamental shrubs and flowers are planted in the park, lighting and watering systems are in line with modern standards. A total of 73 new lighting poles have been installed.
The park has a network of wireless internet, a house of writers and the “Vurgun Café”.
Speech by President Ilham Aliyev
- I am very glad to visit the western region again. This is not the first time I have met with you. Every time I visit the western region and see this development, I feel very happy. This morning I attended ceremonies in Gazakh, now I am here in Agstafa. I will travel to Tovuz from here. Very important events for both the region and our country as a whole are being held over the course of one day. Very important opening ceremonies are to be held – of rural roads, of new industrial and processing plants. All this work shows the dynamic development of our country. Azerbaijan's development depends on the development of its districts. If we want to achieve a long-term and sustainable development, we must develop our non-oil sector. I am very pleased that the work under way in Agstafa, Gazakh and other districts in this area is worthy of approval.
In general, the economy is booming. The regions are developing in a positive direction.
The state program on the socioeconomic development of districts we adopted earlier is being successfully implemented. Azerbaijan is experiencing a period of development in the true sense of the word. We must strive to maintain this pace of rapid development.
Now we are facing new challenges. The structural changes in the GDP should be continued. In the next decade we must develop more due to the non-oil sector. Then, I am sure, Azerbaijan will turn into a high-income country in just 10 years.
The facilities we are opening in this region today mean thousands of jobs. Each job is also a great contribution to the economy and great support for each family. Of course, when there are jobs, when people get paid well and work, we further reduce our dependence on imports.
Along with all these positive trends in the economic sphere, there is also progress in other areas. The overall development of our country is already accepted and recognized by the international community. The international community sees Azerbaijan as a very valuable and reliable friend and partner.
Our biggest diplomatic success over the 20 years of independence has been Azerbaijan’s election to the UN Security Council. We won great support of the international community in a tense but fair struggle – 155 countries supported Azerbaijan. This is a huge success for a newly independent country. Our efforts to be elected to this authoritative body did not remain futile.
Azerbaijan was elected from the first time by a vast majority of votes. This fact speaks volumes.
First, Azerbaijan’s positions in the world are strengthening, Azerbaijan is better known now. Secondly, the positive work and the reforms ongoing in Azerbaijan are strengthening our country. A growing number of countries want to cooperate with us now. So the work done in this area is also positive. So Azerbaijan has and will continue to have a say not only in the region, but also in the world.
We have been an active member of the Security Council from the very first day, demonstrating a principled stance. I can say that one of the most memorable moments in the history of our independence, over these 20 years, has been our independent policy. This policy is already reckoned with, this policy has proved to be correct, in 20 years Azerbaijan has asserted itself domestically, in the region and in the world.
Azerbaijan is a strong state, we have strong foundations of statehood. We need to make sure that this positive momentum is maintained in subsequent years, that all-round development is achieved and all the problems facing our country resolved. There are such issues. The reforms in the social and economic spheres must be continued. We have an open and extensive program on all these issues. It has been disclosed and we are working on it with public support.
This meeting has brought together representatives of the local intelligentsia. I often meet with the intelligentsia in both our districts and in Baku. Such meetings are very important.
All our tasks goals with both domestic and foreign policies, as well as social issues, are met. But the fundamentals of our country are the national-spiritual values. I have repeatedly expressed my thoughts about it and I want to say again that these are not just nice words, this is true. If we hadn’t built our state on strong national values, our current development would be defective, it would not be sustainable.
The developments unfolding in the world today, especially at this stage, are certainly changing the political map, the relations between countries are entering a new level. The trends of globalization are growing. Globalization has both positive and negative sides. We should frankly say so. I try to express my thoughts on that at every opportunity. Under such circumstances, every state and every nation must be more attached to their spiritual values.
Our advantage is that we have great traditions and great values. These are Azerbaijani values. They are part of the universal human values. I can say that Azerbaijan values can serve as an example for the world.
The younger generation should grow up in the national spirit. For the young people to grow up in the national spirit, they should live safely in their country, they should be proud to be citizens of Azerbaijan. Therefore, a strong state of Azerbaijan also reinforces the national and spiritual values. These are not just the values we have inherited from the past. Although they are the core.
Our successful development, achievements and victories in all areas inspire every citizen. Every citizen loves his country even more, becomes even more attached to it. We must know our history well. Unfortunately, our generation, people my age grew up in strict ideological frames. We started understanding our historical realities only after the restoration of independence. We saw how much suffering the people of Azerbaijan have endured, how much injustice they have been exposed to. Those who wanted to break the will of the Azerbaijani people did their best. But despite this, we have preserved our national identity, our values and traditions.
Of course, the younger generation and we treat history and the past fairly now. In other words, we re-examine history. The younger generation should know history, be raised in the spirit of patriotism and in the national spirit. The responsibility for this, of course, rests primarily on the state, on those who govern them, and on the intelligentsia.
I would very much like our intelligentsia to further enhance these positive trends through their work, thoughts and views.
Regardless of the public and political system, Azerbaijani society has always had great respect for intellectuals – in the Soviet period, before that and in the years of independence. This is a very positive phenomenon. This does not occur in every society. This is what makes us special and we must continue this tradition.
Our care and support for the intelligentsia have been growing, this has been evident in recent years. After the collapse of the Soviet Union and in the early years of independence we did not have extensive opportunities. The state had no capacity to pay more attention to the intelligentsia. But now, as our opportunities are growing, our focus is on this issue.
Hundreds of representatives of our intelligentsia are receiving presidential scholarships and awards. Various events are held. After a long break, we have resumed the publication of books, and this is expected to gain momentum now.
The intellectuals, in turn, should contribute to our common cause with their civic stance, and they are doing that. They should step up their efforts through their works and thoughts to ensure that we achieve our goals.
Last year we marked the 20th anniversary of our independence. From a historical standpoint, this is a very short period of time. In terms of history, 20 years is just a moment, a second. But at the same time, a lot can be done in 20 years, and a lot has been done. Look where we started and where we are now. We have turned from a shattered country that was dominated by chaos and had no foundations of statehood into a state reckoned with in the world – both thanks to our reforms and the strengthening of our international positions.
I believe that this 20-year history of independence must be more reflected in literature, journalism and other areas.
Twenty years is a period that can already be analyzed. If we analyze it correctly, we will contribute to the historical truth and, at the same time, open the way forward. That is, 20 years are already behind us. What awaits us in the next 20 years? What are our plans, ideas and thoughts? Of course, the policy of a country is determined by its government. This is why people elect a political leader, the president, by trusting him. But our view of the future should be very broad. This is where intellectuals, the elite of society, must play a role.
I would like the numerous comprehensive and informative materials related to both the 20-year history of our independence and our previous history to be revealed to the public.
Of course, this is also very important, and work in this direction is ongoing. In general, there should be a broad exchange of views on the future development of our country.
The main directions have been defined. Azerbaijan will live forever as an independent country. As a country pursuing an independent policy, Azerbaijan has secured recognition on a global scale and all countries have to reckon with these realities. There is no force that could compel us to abandon our independent policy. Our policy is a policy of good will, it protects the national interests. We are open to cooperation in the broad sense.
As for the future, we must apply precise programs. We have such programs, they cover major economic and social issues. With regard to the ideological foundations of our state, we need to work harder in this area. What do we want our country to be like in 20 years? How will we educate our young people who are in their teens now? What spirit will they be raised in, will they be attached to their state and preserve their national identity? There are trends of globalization, sometimes major power centers implement their policies under the guise of globalization. It is no secret that efforts are made to secure the interests of foreign powers under some very beautiful slogans. Will our young people be ready for that? We are ready and will oppose and resist any pressure, defend and will continue to defend our choice.
However, at the time of globalization, education, culture and, I repeat, the word of the intelligentsia are of paramount importance. So I think we need to talk about these issues today. The current realities of Azerbaijan are such that, I want to say again, there is only and only development in the future. I am absolutely sure about that. This confidence is inspired by current realities and our future plans. We already have specific programs until 2023. In 2014, we will probably approve a new 10-year development program.
But, in addition to the social and economic issues, I repeat, there are ideological and political issues, issues related to domestic policies. All these important factors should be present for success to be achieved.
Let me salute you again. I am very pleased that the intelligentsia of the western region, as always, is very active. This is the case today and I want it to be this way in the future.
The deputy editor of “Agstafa” newspaper, Firdovsi Heydarli, the chairman of the Gazakh district branch of the Union of Writers of Azerbaijan, Barat Vusal, poetess Jigatel Gasimova, MP Nizami Jafarov, the teacher of secondary school No. 2 of Gazakh and winner of the “Best Teacher of the Year” award, Samir Huseynov, and young poetess Shahina Hasanzadeh expressed their gratitude to President Ilham Aliyev.
Barat Vusal presented the President with an anthology of poetry which includes the works of poets who lived and worked in Gazakh from the times of Molla Vali Vidadi to the present day.
Then a picture was taken.