Mehriban Aliyeva: The territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan is restored!

10 November 2020, 17:50
First Vice-President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mehriban Aliyeva has made an Instagram post on the occasion of the historic Victory.
In a post on her official Instagram page, Mehriban Aliyeva says:
"My fellow compatriots:
The great day – the day of Victory has come! The territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan is restored! The historical justice is restored! I do sincerely congratulate the Azerbaijani people on this truly landmark event!
Armenia has acknowledged its total and unconditional capitulation! We have accomplished our noble mission of liberation with honor! We have made a stand for Motherland, liberated ancestral Azerbaijani lands from the occupation, gained a victory so desperately awaited by Azerbaijan! Over long years, we have waited for the triumph of truth and the historic justice! Our almost 30 year long participation in the negotiation process for peaceful settlement is an obvious case of our commitment to the peace. During 27 years, Armenia has been ignoring the UN Security Council resolutions that demand immediate, full and unconditional withdrawal of aggressor forces from all occupied Azerbaijani territories. There was no end of military provocations staged by Armenia. Azerbaijan has demonstrated and proved to the entire world that it is able, on its own, to liberate its occupied lands using own forces and might, and Azerbaijan has done so!
During military actions that lasted since 27 September 2020, the Azerbaijani Army has liberated over 300 living districts, including 5 cities and 4 towns coupled with a huge number of strategic elevations. Only a few hours following the liberation of cultural pearl of Azerbaijan – the city of Shusha, our soldiers have succeeded to put under their control 72 living districts and 9 strategic elevations which have incontestably led the military and political leadership of Armenia into the impasse.
Our Army has fought for the sake of its sanctuaries, our Motherland, our common home, and it has stood up and became victor in this sacred battle!
In these minutes, Azerbaijanis around the world are driven by sentiments of joy and pride! They feel proud of our President, our brave soldiers and officers, our patriotism, unity, staunchness and solidarity of the Azerbaijani people!
Each of us is immensely thankful to our President, Commander-in-Chief - Ilham Aliyev! The modern and strong Azerbaijani Army is created under his leadership! Indeed, thanks to his staunch will, braveness, resolve and determination, the Azerbaijani Army has made enemy to collapse by defining the end result of this war and bringing its victorious end! Respect, passion, confidence, faith and support of the Azerbaijani people that are the sources of force of our President have helped him to terminate the Armenian-Azerbaijani, Nagorno Karabakh conflict which is one of the longest conflicts in Eurasia. Under his leadership, we have gained the Victory that restored our people’s self-confidence! The greatness of this Victory will leave a centuries’ long imprint in the history of the Azerbaijani State!
Dear brothers and sisters:
There have been also tragedies and heavy losses both in the years of treacherous occupation of our lands and in the period of current battles. Peaceful civilians of our cities and villages have perished in the aftermath of cruel attacks far from the combat zone. Children, women and elderly have lost their lives. But, Azerbaijan has stood up! I do once again express my deep condolences to the relatives and beloved ones of the dead! Their death has not gone unpunished! The Azerbaijani Army and the Azerbaijani State have avenged for all bloodshed for all our compatriots!
In the heart of every Azerbaijani, we will always cherish the bright memories, respect and sincere pride for the generation that defended and revived our Motherland! Our soldiers and officers have fought with no spare of their own lives. They have become the examples of nobleness and genuine patriotism. All of them are united today by heroic deeds that they have made for the sake of Motherland and its might! We pay tributes to their fearlessness, will and intrepidity. We revive the memories of all those that have bravely fisted the occupant and restored the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan! We bow our heads before those parents that have grown and educated their brave sons whose names are forever inscribed in the history of the Azerbaijani State! May Allah rest the souls of all our martyrs that have died for the sake of Motherland in peace!
This war has once again demonstrated us one thing that we knew throughout the centuries: a friend in need is a friend indeed. Our thanks go to all our friends around the world! Our thanks go because you have shared our grievance and openly expressed their principled and fair standpoint in support of the Azerbaijani people. I express my particular gratitude to the brotherly Turkish people and personally, to President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Their solidarity and support cause the sense of pride of every Azerbaijani!
We thank the representatives of mass media. Thanks to their high professionalism, objective vision, impartiality, rapidness and responsibility, it has become possible to deliver current Azerbaijani realities to the entire world. Thanks go to our citizens that defended the position of Azerbaijan out of their Motherland and demonstrated the aggressive nature of Armenia to the international community! Thanks go to the entire Azerbaijani people that formed the iron fist and shown our solidarity and might of the Azerbaijani State to the entire world!
My fellow compatriots:
I congratulate all on the day of Great Victory! Congratulations on the day of great triumph! Congratulations on the day of glory and might of Azerbaijan! Congratulations on the day of liberation of Karabakh! We have gained the Victory! Karabakh is Azerbaijan!