Ilham Aliyev attended the opening of a Youth Center in Masalli, met with young people of the region

13 March 2012, 17:10
As part of a visit to Masalli District, President Ilham Aliyev has attended the opening of a Youth Center. Minister of Youth and Sport Azad Rahimov informed the President that the construction of the Center had commenced in 2011.
In the lobby of the Center there is a photo stand describing various aspects of the public and political activities of nationwide leader Heydar Aliyev and President Ilham Aliyev. It was indicated that the game room of the Center was fitted with modern equipment. There is an art gallery at the Center which will host exhibitions of paintings by young artists and other events.
It was also noted that the shooting gallery consists of two sections. The first, fitted with German equipment, represents a 10-meter gallery for shooting from air rifles and pistols. Both are Olympic sports. The head of state was informed that the second section of the gallery represents interactive shooting. It is possible to use up to 30 different programs here. Two of them are Olympic sports.
President Ilham Aliyev fired at a target using an air pistol.
The President watched a 3D film in the cinema.
It was mentioned that the Center would also operate a multimedia library. According to the “State Program on the development of libraries and the information sphere in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2008-2013”, approved by Order of President Ilham Aliyev dated 6 October 2008, extensive activities have been carried out in the library. The library has 5,000 fiction books and valuable publications about nationwide leader Heydar Aliyev and President Ilham Aliyev.
The President was told that the Center’s computer room has 12 computers with broadband Internet connection. Computer courses will also be organized here.
It was indicated that the outdoor café is well suited for young people to come to in their free time. The 30-seat conference room can host various youth events. It is equipped with the latest acoustic system. There are foreign language courses for young people at the Center. In general, the Center will play an important part in organizing effective leisure and improving the intellectual capacity of young people.
In the conference hall of the Youth Center, President Ilham Aliyev met with young people from Bilasuvar, Jalilabad, Masalli, Lankaran, Astara, Lerik and Yardimli Districts. The President made remarks at the meeting.
Remarks by President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev
- We are celebrating the opening of the Youth Center in Masalli. I sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful occasion. In general, the construction of youth facilities, youth centers has gained momentum in Azerbaijan in recent years. I visited the southern region a year ago. We had opened a Youth House in Astara then, now we are gathered for the opening of one in Masalli.
Overall, great youth facilities are built in every region. Most importantly, young people should use these facilities efficiently. There should always be something going on here, young people should spend their free time here. I hope that there will be youth centers in every city of Azerbaijan in the near future.
Youth policy is pursued quite successfully in Azerbaijan. Founded by great leader in the early years of our independence, our youth policy is successfully ongoing. Youth is an active segment of our society. I am very pleased that Azerbaijani youths are very active and patriotic. Young people will determine the development directions of our country today and especially tomorrow.
The youth policy covers a broad area, additional and specific measures are taken in this direction. Last year we adopted the program “Azerbaijani Youth”. I think the adoption of the program was necessary and showed the attention of the state to this sphere. During my meetings and discussions with young people, the program was amended and supplemented.
I wanted our youth to be heavily involved with the adoption of this program, and it was so. There was a broad public debate. My meetings with young people are of regular nature. And in the run-up to the adoption of the program there was a special need for such meetings.
Thus we adopted a very precise, specific and effective program. And this was our goal. In other words, the program was not just an expression of interest, something done for the sake of doing it. It was to be specific and it was specific.
The implementation of the program has already started. One of the main goals was to set up a Youth Fund. This Fund has been founded and 5 million manats allocated to it from the reserve fund of the President. I issued the order that these funds should be used effectively, different programs and projects be implemented, grants provided, so that we could support the activities of young people with such resources. I want to reiterate that Azerbaijani youth is very active and this is very important indeed. Because you will determine the future development of our country.
Our country has been independent for only 20 years. This is not a very long period from a historical standpoint. But our country has developed rapidly over the 20 years. All the institutions have been established and the foundations of our statehood laid. Our ancestors had lived with the dream of independence for centuries. For centuries, we were part of other countries and empires. Therefore, our post-independence development was the most important issue. Because it was in those years that Azerbaijan’s present-day realities were shaped. The strategic vision and forward-looking steps of great leader Heydar Aliyev made these realities possible.
Our country has developed for 20 years, strengthened its independence, conducted political and economic reforms. Today Azerbaijan has a say in the region. Not a single project or initiative can succeed in the region without our participation. Azerbaijan is a country to reckon with. In many situations Azerbaijan’s position plays the pivotal role. We have achieved all this in just 20 years. We have specific plans and strategies for the next 10 and 20 years. In fact, I try to look even farther. How and at the expense of what resources will our country develop in 50 years from now? It is the responsibility of me as President and everyone in the government to ensure Azerbaijan’s sustainable development.
Our economic success is already a reality. Azerbaijan is politically a very stable country. Our regional standing strengthens by the day. We have both natural and human resources, and there are many talented people in Azerbaijan. But I am concerned about how we will develop in the future and how you will govern our country. Because everyone who cares about his Motherland must think about the future.
Our 20-year history has been very successful. Over the 20 years we have demonstrated ourselves in the world as a truly independent country. Our authority in the world is growing. The world community treats us with respect. The fact that we were elected to the UN Security Council is a historic event, a historic success. This is perhaps our biggest foreign political success. Because the world community supported us in a difficult and tense struggle. We had strong rivals and after 16 rounds of voting Azerbaijan rightfully won this vote because from the very first round we were in the lead. A total of 155 countries supported us. This is what the “international community”, the “international world”, the “international public opinion” mean. This is a truly historic achievement. In the next two years we will pursue our policies, defend justice and international law in the world’s most prestigious organization.
So all this was done in 20 years. We can talk a lot about that. There is economic development, social development, there is development of districts – everything is obvious. We have quite clear ideas and plans for the future. But we must think more about how Azerbaijan will develop in the future. We are thinking about that and you should too. Because it depends on you, the Azerbaijani youth. The future of our country is in your hands and you should continuously strengthen our independence. We can’t digress a single step from our independent policy. Independence is the biggest asset, the biggest wealth, and we must protect it.
Of course, 20 years can be seen both as a short and long period. It is possible to do a lot in 20 years and we have done a lot. But from a historical point of view, 20 years is just a moment. We must make our independence eternal. We must continuously strengthen our regional standing. We must build an economy that will not depend on oil and gas in the future. Our people must be talented enough to contribute to the scientific and technical progress worldwide. So far we have been unable to do that. And this is natural. What can we do?! We can bring the best available practices to Azerbaijan and that’s what we have been doing. We are aware of the development trends in the world. We know how the global economy will develop and these areas are a priority for us. Information and communication technologies, modern technologies, innovations based on human intellect! These factors will determine the future of the world. We need to take preparatory steps in this direction, so that our talented people could contribute to the future technological progress.
Because this is the future. The future does not belong to oil, gas and natural resources. If we look at developed countries, we can see that they are not rich in natural resources. Unfortunately, the vast majority of resource-rich countries are not developed. We have thoroughly studied this negative experience. The situation in Azerbaijan’s oil and gas sector enables natural resources to improve people’s well-being. In the last eight years, the level of poverty has dropped to 7.6 per cent.
The natural resources and the revenues earned by them are divided fairly in Azerbaijan. But this is just a phase for us. It was a test which we passed with dignity. We have put our energy resources at the disposal of the Azerbaijani people and can now influence the developments in the region and Europe by means of our energy policy. But the future belongs to knowledge of course. Scientifically and technically advanced countries will have an edge in the future.
We must try to join these countries. This is possible. Nothing is impossible. I am sure Azerbaijan has all the opportunities to reach the highest standard of living and become a developed country. Our recent history shows that we can achieve any objective although this is difficult and at times seems unattainable. But we can do it. I am sure that our judicious policies will secure the future of our people.
As President, I see these goals very clearly. As someone responsible for identifying development directions of our country, I have great confidence in these ideas. Of course, I will keep doing my best for the comprehensive development of our country. I would very much like the next generation to reinforce these positive tendencies. Young people should first of all be knowledgeable. I am sure all of you exchange views about this. Knowledge, skill, talent, innovation, modernity – I think these are the main directions for the youth. But it is not enough to be only knowledgeable. Just as they are knowledgeable, young people should be patriotic. Because no country can develop without patriotism. Love of the Motherland, affection to the Motherland and the people – these are the incentives of development. Underlying the construction and landscaping work in our country is precisely this factor: love of the Motherland.
We want our country to grow further, people to live even better and Azerbaijan’s glory to expand still. So our young people must be raised in the spirit of patriotism, in the national spirit. Perhaps we should talk more about this today. Because we live in a globalizing world, there are activities of some influential circles and other worrying aspects. Therefore, the education of our youth in the national spirit is highly important.
Of course, this depends on the atmosphere in each family. Azerbaijani families are pure, family values are very dear to us. And that’s the way it should be. It must be the case in the future too. But globalization cannot bypass us. There are both positive and negative sides to globalization. One of he negative sides is the melting away of national sentiments, the fact that they are somewhat put aside. Therefore, young people should be raised in the national spirit. These are not just nice words, this is an imperative, and we must do our best for Azerbaijani youths to be patriotic and affected to the Motherland. Especially if we consider that it is a great honor and happiness to live in a country like Azerbaijan.
At the same time, youths must also be healthy. And we are making effort to ensure that. We have celebrated the opening of an Olympic Sports Center and a new hospital in Astara. This is a health matter. We had conducted similar events in Masalli too. The solution of social problems, the activities relating to public health are very good. Good health gives people the opportunity to live well. When people feel good and physically strong, they also have inner confidence and persistence, treat work with more taste. Therefore, health is a very important issue. I recommend this to every young individual. I recommend this from my personal experience. There is no better remedy for human health than physical exercise and sport.
Of course, our youth should take an active part in the life of our country. I am very pleased that we are seeing that. Perhaps we would all want our youth to be even more active. A lot depends on the youth in terms of public life, economic revival and proper development of each region. Youth is the most active segment of our society, youth is a very good period of life. Regrettably, it comes to an end. But it doesn’t matter how old you are. If you feel good and young, your activity and persistence will always be with you regardless of your age.
Therefore, I think very highly of young people’s public and economic activities. As regards our personnel policy, I have recommended all agencies to give preference to young people. As you may know, a new approach is applied to the pension system in order to open up opportunities for the young. Every period of life is good and special. The pension period also has great qualities. We must create decent living conditions for those going into retirement. For example, the pensions of about 900,000 people were raised by over 40 per cent last year. In other words, these social activities are also intended to open the way for the youth. Our youths are knowledgeable and smart, they can and should work even harder for our development.
The young people living abroad are also an integral part of Azerbaijani youth. Baku hosted a congress of Azerbaijani Youth of the World yesterday. This is a great event. The young people living abroad are contributing to the promotion of Azerbaijan. In general, our young people do very valuable things for the country’s development. Young people are in the lead in terms of strengthening Azerbaijan’s standing in the world and communicating information about Azerbaijan to the international community. Young people are most active in informing the world about our country.
Young people are in the lead in having the Khojaly tragedy recognized as an act of genocide. Young people enhance Azerbaijan’s sporting and music glory. Those guarding our independence and facing the enemy in trenches are also young people. Young people have shown great examples of heroism. All this is a reality and the attitude towards young people should be based on these factors. We need to take further steps to involve our youth in public life.
Young people are very active in business. I regularly attend various opening ceremonies attesting to economic development in the districts and in Baku. And I see that young people work at the most modern enterprises. Young people work in businesses requiring the latest technologies. Young people are in the lead. They have a propensity to innovation and know the latest technologies well. For example, I am a representative of the previous generation in my family. To find an answer to a computer problem, I ask my children. And this is natural because they know it very well. There were neither computers nor information technologies in my time. Only our children, youth and teenagers are well-versed in this. And that’s the way it should be.
I am sure we can also set the example in the alteration of generations. If there is no continuity, these development trends may be disrupted. In particular, this continuity based on a positive experience is one of the cornerstones of our development. This continuity must be carried on. Our next generations must be even more knowledgeable, competent and skillful than us. If this doesn’t happen, there can be no development. And I want this development to be permanent. There can be no limits to development. We are proud to say today that our economy is developing, there is extensive landscaping and Azerbaijan is asserting itself in the world as an even stronger state.
Each one of us should work hard and think every day and every moment what we are doing for the country and what more can we do! My sincere greetings and best wishes to all of you. I have confidence in Azerbaijani youth and support you. I am very pleased that our young people are glorifying our country. Thank you.
Nigar Aliyeva, third year student of Baku State University: - I am a holder of the presidential scholarship. I am a resident of the Bala Takla village of Masalli District. Dear Mr. President, I would like to greet on behalf of all young people of Masalli. Welcome to our native Masalli. Thank you very much for being so sincere with us and spending your valuable time with us.
Distinguished Mr. President, I entered the mechanical mathematics department of Baku State University in 2009 by scoring 670 points. As a result of your attention, care and assessment to young people’s successes, I have been awarded the presidential scholarship. I have been working hard for three years to live up to this prestigious title. Your support for the young people is a source of their confidence and hope for the future.
Noting that President Aliyev’s speeches always arouse a great deal of interest among young people, Nigar Aliyeva said she was proud to be part of young people’s meeting with the President:
- Mr. President, Azerbaijan is developing at a rapid pace under your leadership. This development manifests itself in Masalli too. It is gratifying that a Youth Center has been built in accordance with modern standards in Masalli. I am happy to participate in the opening of this Center. I am sure that this Center will help our young people expand their world outlook and intellectual level and enable them to develop comprehensively. I would specifically like girls from our remote villages to take advantage of the programs and information technologies used here. I am sure that young people will benefit from the Center to the maximum extent possible and spend their free time effectively.
Dear Mr. President, we are grateful to you for your care, for the wonderful conditions created for us. We rely on your authority, we are sure that a bright future is in store for Azerbaijan under your leadership, and as citizens of Azerbaijan we support you in this path. Your visit today is a historic event for us. Besides, it is a remarkable day today. It is a pre-Novruz Tuesday, a holiday that epitomizes our national traditions. I congratulate you and all the meeting participants on this holiday.
President Ilham Aliyev: Thank you. Who else wants to say something?
Chairman of the Lankaran city youth union of the Yeni Azerbaijan Party, Yalchin Aliyev:
- Dear Mr. President, I would like to salute you on behalf of the numerous members of the Lankaran city youth union of the Yeni Azerbaijan Party. We are very grateful to you for providing such a wonderful Youth Center to our disposal. As is the case in any other sphere of life in Azerbaijan, there has been significant progress in the area of youth policy in recent years. We always feel the attention you are paying to young people. Mr. President, young people are grateful to you for this attention.
Expressing his confidence that the “State Program on Azerbaijani youth for 2011-2015” would play an important part in the overall development of young people and realization of their potential, Yalchin Aliyev said:
- We are very delighted with the development of Azerbaijan and our young people in recent years and the fact that young people represent Azerbaijan on the international scene.
Mr. President, as representatives of Azerbaijani youth, we support your policies on the restoration of Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity and will always rally behind you.
Distinguished Mr. President, on behalf of young people of Azerbaijan’s southern region we pledge to remain committed to the ideas of nationwide leader Heydar Aliyev.
Doctor of Lerik District Central Hospital Konul Mustafazadeh:
- Distinguished Mr. President, I was born in Ganja. I have graduated from the Azerbaijan Medical University and went into residency training in gynecology in the Russian city of Moscow. After returning to Azerbaijan I signed an agreement with the Ministry of Health to come to Lerik District for one year. To be honest, when I first heard about this, I was taken aback.
I even panicked a little. I thought Lerik was a remote district, so I was a little concerned about living and working conditions here. But when I came to the district and saw development here, I was pleasantly surprised. I witnessed extensive landscaping and construction work in Lerik. This work is carried out on your initiative and as a result of your care. As a young individual, I was very delighted to see progress in our region.
Saying that the Lerik District Central Hospital is fully equipped to provide the population with qualified medical aid, which is also the case in any other region of Azerbaijan, Konul Mustafazadeh thanked the President for that. She went on to express her view on some other issues:
- Mr. President, first of all, I would like to note that despite the conditions available in the district and the opening of vacancies, the problem of a lack of personnel is still observed in some areas. Our young people, especially those who have received their education abroad and returned to the Motherland, are not very eager to work in rural areas. But I can say from my personal experience that this is not a bad beginning at all. This problem has a number of causes. I think more should be done to encourage young people to work in the districts. On the other hand, I think young specialists could be provided with some incentive. If their housing problem is resolved, for instance, if they are provided with a place to live in, I think this issue can be resolved. Mr. President, I think if appropriate conditions are created in our districts, our young specialists can be provided with jobs not only in the capital but also in the districts. Thank you.
President Ilham Aliyev: Thank you. I fully agree with you. These issues are part of the “State Program on Azerbaijani Youth”. We need to take further steps to encourage young people. If I am not mistaken, we opened the Lerik District Central Hospital two years ago. It is a great hospital situated in a beautiful location – right in the heart of Lerik. I have repeatedly visited Lerik.
You were born in Ganja, studied in Russia and have now come to Azerbaijan, to Lerik. I can imagine what was going through your mind when you were going there. But when you came to Lerik, all those concerns vanished.
One of our first steps on the development of Lerik was the construction of the Lankaran-Lerik road. This road was in an appalling condition. In general, it had a difficult terrain. There are frequent landslides there. Earlier it took hours to travel along that road. The construction of this road brought about comfort. Secondly, there was no gas in Lerik even in Soviet years. Lerik is one of a handful of districts that did not have gas supply in Soviet years because it was not economically viable. Gas supply to Lerik has been a purely social initiative. Because the money invested in the gas infrastructure will never be recovered through payments for gas. We did it nonetheless, and there is gas in the center of Lerik and in some adjacent villages now.
Additional measures were taken to create a social infrastructure there, schools were renovated. Overall, Lerik became nicer. As a matter of fact, there are many such examples. The main goal of our program on the development of districts is to stop people leaving their regions for cities. Because Azerbaijani districts are very nice. Every region is special, every region has its climate. Every region stands out for its beauty. It is our priority to create normal living and working conditions in every region. What does it take to create normal living conditions? First, there should be jobs, then electricity, gas, water, jobs and safety. The construction work ongoing in the regions is aimed specifically at this. I attended the opening of a hospital in Astara. This hospital did exist before, but it could hardly be called a hospital. The photos show that it was in a completely rundown state. It was rebuilt. Olympic centers, schools, jobs.
In the coming years, even more will be invested in districts. We have now started a project on village roads. It also applies to Masalli. We have opened a village road in Astara. About 80 per cent of the rural population will be using renovated roads by the end of next year. This development is comprehensive and I encourage young specialists to work in regions. But we need to create appropriate living conditions in the regions for young specialists to be interested in working there.
Another example. As you know, several years ago we started sending our talented individuals to foreign universities. Every year 15 million manats is allocated from the state budget for this program. When we started it, a question emerged: we will send these children for education to foreign countries, but what if they decide to stay there and not return to Azerbaijan?!
I said we should create conditions for them to want to come back. Because our youths are attached to the Motherland. If a young individual studying abroad sees good conditions at home, he is sure to come back. So we launched this program without any preconditions and I am very pleased that the vast majority of the young people studying abroad are returning to and working in Azerbaijan, thus contributing to its development.
Chairman of the Student Organization of Lankaran State University Ugur Gurbanzadeh: Distinguished Mr. President, first of all, we would like to thank you very much for providing us with such a great Youth Center.
Mr. President, you always pay special attention to working with young people. In general, various programs and activities have been carried out in the areas of science and education in recent years. We, young people and students, are closely involved in these programs and are aware of the responsibility we have.
Stressing the importance of establishing the Youth Fund, Ugur Gurbanzadeh said this Fund would contribute a lot to the future development of youth:
- Besides, there are also several problems. There are certain obstacles and shortcomings in the process of education. I would like to bring them to your attention. Lankaran State University, the biggest educational institution of this region, is providing education to 1,547 students. Of these, about 60 per cent are students from other districts. There is a lack of dormitories, so our students have to rent flats, which affects their financial status and education. So in order for our students to receive better education and resolve the problem of dormitories, there is a great need for a student campus. If this problem is resolved, Mr. President, it would be great help for students. Thank you.
President Ilham Aliyev: Thank you, we will look at this issue. These suggestions will be considered, we should and we will do this as far as reasonably possible. In general, the problem of dormitories is a serious one, especially in Baku. As you know, our fellow countrymen affected by the Armenian aggression were settled in dormitories during war. The main direction of the “State program on improving the condition of internally displaced persons” has been to resettle our countrymen living in tent-camps. In 2007, we succeeded in doing that. There is not a single tent-camp in Azerbaijan any longer. At the next stage, kindergartens must be vacated. Most kindergartens in Baku are currently occupied by IDPs. There is a great need for kindergartens now. According to my information, this demand is only met by 17 per cent. In other words, only 17 per cent of parents can send their kids to kindergartens.
We have started renovating kindergartens, and the demand has grown even more. I often visit the renovated kindergartens and meet with teachers there. They are saying the demand is overwhelming, especially for renovated and fully furnished kindergartens.
Therefore, we need to gradually resettle our countrymen from kindergartens. But where? To homes. We need to create good conditions for them. There are some living in Finnish homes. There are refugees living in schools, military units and dormitories. So this process is ongoing. Some IDPs will be provided with homes this year, and as this process goes ahead, new dorms will be built, of course. This is more relevant for Baku than for districts. But since you have raised this issue, it will be examined separately and a decision made for Lankaran.
The 11th grade pupil of the Mubariz Ibrahimov Lyceum in Bilasuvar District, Govhar Agazadeh: Distinguished Mr. President, you have given a high assessment to Mubariz Ibrahimov and his heroism, and awarded him the status of a hero of Azerbaijan, the status of the National Hero. A statue of Mubariz Ibrahimov has been established outside the school, while the school proper has been named after him. A museum has been set up in his native village. Mubariz Ibrahimov’s memory is revered in all ceremonies and activities conducted in our district. I want to note that there are many young people today who are educated in a patriotic spirit, just like Mubariz Ibrahimov. We, young people, are always ready to free our lands from the enemy under the flag you have raised.
Stressing that educated young people would do their utmost for a comprehensive development and prosperity of our country, Govhar Agazadeh added that they would continue doing everything in their power to be worthy children of their Motherland:
- It is not only the heroic sons of Azerbaijan, but also our girls who are ready to free our lands from the enemy today. We have a strong army. This is confirmed by the fact that Azerbaijan’s military budget alone is bigger than the whole state budget of Armenia. But war can only bring people death and suffering. So we are in favor of peace and believe that the Nagorno-Karabakh problem will be resolved peacefully. We hope that the world community will eventually support justice and we will soon regain control over our lands. In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that we, the successors of Mubariz Ibrahimov, are always by your side and are ready to rally behind you. Thank you.
President Ilham Aliyev: Thank you. Mubariz Ibrahimov is a great son of the Azerbaijani people, a great hero. His memory lives on in our hearts. As President, I awarded him the status of the National Hero posthumously. He could not stand the injustice and sacrificed his own life to kill the enemy, the aggressor. This is an example of heroism. He knew exactly before the fight that he was not coming back. He killed several enemies and died as a hero. Armenian savagery atrocities manifested itself not only in Khojaly. Armenian savagery manifested itself in the refusal to surrender Mubariz Ibrahimov’s body.
There are rules of life, rules of warfare. But Armenian fascists don’t follow any rules or moral principles. Even in the fiercest of wars there is a practice of recovering or exchanging the bodies of those killed. The Armenians did not want to return Mubariz Ibrahimov to us. We made a lot of effort, did a lot. Eventually, we did manage to have Mubariz Ibrahimov returned and buried him as a hero. Today, his name is a symbol of heroism. We have many sons like Mubariz. There are thousands of young people loving their Motherland and ready to sacrifice their lives for the Motherland just like Mubariz.
But I don’t want any bloodshed or war. Who does?! We need to do a lot. Our country is developing. The life of every Azerbaijani citizen is dear and valuable to us. But we can’t come to terms with the occupation either. Of course, as President I am trying to resolve this issue politically. As a fighter, Mubariz showed his heroism in a different manner and I have great respect for what he did. He killed enemy soldiers. Unlike the Armenians, he did not raise his hand against civilians. He fought against occupiers in his native land. This is the difference. We are in our native land.
Unfortunately, the war against Azerbaijan, which started in the late 1980s and ended in the early 1990s, made this occupation possible. The first attempt to join Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia was made in November 1987. Two weeks after Heydar Aliyev was alienated from the Political Bureau, the Armenian nationalists raised the issue of annexing Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia. As long as Heydar Aliyev was the leader of Azerbaijan and then worked in the Political Bureau in Moscow, they did not dare. This issue was tabled two weeks after the great leader was sidelined. The then Soviet leaders triggered these separatist trends and a major campaign of slander against Azerbaijan and Azerbaijanis. I remember the Armenians engaging all their propaganda resources. The Armenians represented on the Soviet government stepped up their activities. Their attempts to tarnish Azerbaijan and create a negative opinion about our republic were widespread.
Unfortunately, they succeeded in doing that. Because the then leaders of Azerbaijan were inapt and did not realize their responsibility. They failed and did not want to defend Azerbaijan’s interest, they betrayed the nation and fawned to the center. This is our grief. Unfortunately, the people who led the republic in the late 1980s and early 1990s were treacherous, deceitful and perfidious. The Armenians, supported from abroad, capitalized on the turmoil in Azerbaijan and occupied our lands.
This is the historical side of the issue. We are now trying to restore our territorial integrity. A number of factors reinforce and defend our position. First of all, history. Nagorno-Karabakh is historically Azerbaijani land. There are no two ways about it. The Armenians know this too well. Of course, the international community also knows this. Because we have been able to inform the world about our realities.
From the standpoint of international law, Nagorno-Karabakh is an inalienable part of Azerbaijan. The UN recognizes Nagorno-Karabakh as an inseparable part of Azerbaijan. When Azerbaijan joined the UN, it was admitted together with Nagorno-Karabakh. The resolutions of the UN General Assembly and the Security Council defend our position from a legal standpoint. So on the one hand our position is strengthened by history and historical truth and on the other by international law.
If we look at the political aspect, we can see that Azerbaijan and Armenia are in different weight categories, speaking the language of sport. In other words, the difference is incomparable. Azerbaijan is politically a very successful country with a worthy place in the world. Armenia is politically unsuccessful. They have effectively wasted 20 years of independence. As a result of this policy of aggression, they had to give up their independence. Therefore, the developments unfolding there are influenced by outside forces. There is no such concept as “Armenian economy”. Whatever is left of it is in the hands of foreign businesses, while the republic itself does not have any international authority.
So the political aspect also reinforces our position. There is no point in talking about economy. This is obvious. So all these factors, including army building… As you have said, our army has developed extensively in recent years. All these factors are nearing the liberation of our lands. I believe that every month and every day brings us closer to the liberation of our lands.
But the Armenians have a strong lobby, and this is a real force, our main enemy. I have said this before and I want to reiterate that our main enemy is the Armenian lobby and the corrupt foreign politicians under its influence, those living on the money of the Armenian lobby.
Armenia is not a rival for us, it can’t be. Our main enemy, and I want to say this with full responsibility, is the Armenian lobby and the forces under its control. The campaigns of slander against Azerbaijan in foreign media, the made-up allegations are all products of the Armenian lobby. And Azerbaijan is enemy number one for it. Why? Because they also know who and what is the real power. World Armenians seem to have designed a new approach in recent years. Now their biggest enemy is Azerbaijan. Because they see the biggest threat in Azerbaijan. Because they know that we will not calm down as long as our lands remain occupied. They know that sooner or later we will restore our territorial integrity.
They are aware that in the short- and long-term perspective they can’t emulate Azerbaijan. This is known to them and to us. We are getting stronger in order to be even more powerful. At the same time, the occupation of our lands mobilizes us even more. There will come a time when we will raise the Azerbaijani flag in Khankandi and Shusha. I am absolutely sure of that.
I also want this done peacefully. But to do it peacefully we must use all the factors. We need to further exacerbate Armenia’s isolation. We have isolated Armenia from all international projects. We have done that. Has Azerbaijan contributed to stopping an agreement that could give Armenia a second wind? Yes. I can say this openly today. Everyone already knows this. Why? Because our main lever is the economic, transport and energy factor. We will continue doing everything we can to sideline Armenia from all international projects.
Oil and gas pipelines, a major railway project bypass Armenia. The commissioning of the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway early next year will officially turn Armenia into an impasse state. We are using these opportunities and, at the same time, strengthening our political authority. We are a member of the UN Security Council. We have a say there. We are an active member of other international organizations. A growing number of countries want to be friends and cooperate with us.
We supply our energy to Europe and will do this in even greater volumes. European energy security will, to an extent, depend on us. These are great factors and resources in our hands. Our policies are prudent – in the region, in the world, on all continents. Just look, the Armenians started their campaign on the recognition of the trumped-up “genocide” in the 1960s. They have been doing it for 50 years. We are only in the beginning. Two countries have already recognized the Khojaly genocide – Pakistan and Mexico. This process will be continued. We will continue working hard for the Khojaly genocide to be recognized as such. I am sure that more countries will recognize this tragedy as an act of genocide.
So we will continue using non-military means to create an even more favorable situation. There is also information war under way now. This is also a very important issue. Perhaps 10 years this was not the case, but now information warfare is a type of war. As I mentioned earlier, young people are in the lead and should work even harder to inform the world about the real situation.
Third year student of Lankaran State University Sevinj Shirzadova: Mr. President, thank you very much for meeting with us today. Of course, we will remember this day as the most remarkable day in our lives. I live in Astara District and am a third year student at the department of mathematics and computer science teaching of Lankaran State University. Great leader Heydar Aliyev has said about our university: “In addition to being a center of science and education, Lankaran State University is also a major culture center.” Indeed, our students do not only receive education, but are also heavily involved in cultural and public activities. The Heydar Aliyev centers have played an invaluable role in the public activities of our students.
Indicating that the Heydar Aliyev centers established throughout the republic have been instrumental in studying and promoting the legacy of nationwide leader Heydar Aliyev and in developing the younger generation, Sevinj Shirzadova thanked President Ilham Aliyev for the high-level state support.
President Ilham Aliyev: I would like to congratulate you again on this great occasion. I want to repeat that this is our policy. Youth Centers will be established in every city. I am sure that the State Program on the Azerbaijani Youth will be successfully implemented. I have high hopes for the Youth Fund. I have already tasked the minister that this Fund should be a very good tool. Of course, the ministry also allocates funds for youth policies. But this is separate from the Fund. Young people should make their proposals and present their projects. I think 5 million manats is the first contribution.
Because the state budget has already been approved and there are no additional sources in the budget. So without wasting any time I decided to allocate initial funds from the President’s reserve fund. But this doesn’t mean that you will do all this work with 5 million manats. This is only a first step.
I look forward to receiving proposals from young people in all our regions, from every district. What projects can you implement? What projects require financial support? These projects should benefit young people, the cities they live in and the country. In other words, what else can we do to successfully resolve the problems facing our country?
Of course, I travel to all the regions as President. I try to visit all the villages and enquire about the situation there. But it is physically impossible to go everywhere. So information from the spot, for example, what is required, what else needs to be done, where local authorities don’t treat people well and are indifferent to their problems, etc. must also come from young people.
The Fund’s activities should certainly be extensive. Information may soon be provided about the main activity areas of the Fund. But I want these resources to be used effectively. So that both young people and our country could benefit from that. This will secure a long-term, successful and sustainable development of our country.
My greetings to all of you again! Please communicate my best wishes to the young people of your respective cities and villages. Thank you.
Then a picture was taken.