Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on amending Order No 1502 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 13 May 2011 “On approving a new make-up of the Joint Commission on economic, scientific-technical and cultural cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Government of the Czech Republic on behalf of the Republic of Azerbaijan”

09 February 2012, 19:40
Governed by Clause 32 of Article 109 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, I hereby resolve as follows:
1. The following amendments shall be introduced to Part 1 of Order No 1502 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 13 May 2011 “On approving a new make-up of the Joint Commission on economic, scientific-technical and cultural cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Government of the Czech Republic on behalf of the Republic of Azerbaijan” (Collection of Laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 2011, No. 5, Article 407): the words “Elmar Gasimov - Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan” shall be replaced with the words “Gulu Novruzov - Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan”.
2. To task the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan with sending an appropriate notification to the Czech Republic regarding a new make-up of the Joint Commission specified in Clause 1 of the present Order on behalf of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Ilham Aliyev
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Baku city, 8 February 2012