Ilham Aliyev participated at the opening of Ganja Aluminium Plant of DET AL Aluminium LLC
21 January 2012, 12:30
President Ilham Aliyev took part at the opening of Ganja Aluminium Plant of DET AL Aluminium LLC.
Head of state looked at model of this industrial compound.
It was reported that the total area of DET AL aluminium compound is 74 hectares. During the first phase, the following has been constructed: electrolysis, anodic process, uninterrupted steel-casting and hot rolling plants, 110 kV substation, silicic purification substation, electrolysis plant management panel, clay reception point, dry gas cleaning, compressors, regular water systems and cooling towers, gas distribution station, fire safety station, fluorite, anode and cathode carbon blocks warehouses, administrative building and laboratory. The total area of these facilities is 57 thousand square meter.
The railway in the length of 2.1 thousand meter has been constructed inside the compound. Asphalt pavement with total length of 2 thousand meters and concrete roads in length of 1200 meters were built also. Greening and refurbishment work was carried out in the territory sizing 74 hectares.
It was noted that the production process is carried out in systematic way in 3 plants that make part of the whole compound whose first stone was laid down in 2008 with the participation of the head of state. During the first stage, 50 thousand tons of preliminary aluminium will be produced in a new plant. It disposes 84 electrolysis furnaces of 240 kilo ampere. These furnaces enable to produce A-8, A-7E, A-7, A-6 type pure preliminary aluminium of high quality. Anode furnaces are installed in the plant. Using the modern dry gas purification systems, it will be possible to recycle 98,5% of waste material emitted to air.
As a result of the start-up of DET AL aluminium compound in Ganja, 640 persons will get jobs during the first stage.
The average monthly salary of employees will be AZN450. Over 2000 employees from Ganja and other regions of the country have been involved to the plant construction process. Training courses have been organized to study better the technology for local young engineers. Liquefied metal generated from electrolysis process is transported continuously to the steel mill and hot rolling plant. In this place, there are two special highly automated milling facilities with each length of 60 meters. The productivity of these conveyors is up to 20 tons per hour. Ingots produced here weigh 22,5 kg having DET AL AZE logotype.
President Ilham Aliyev watched the equipment used in the production in the electrolysis plant. It was reported that products produced here are in line with international standards. In order to ensure the start-up and continuation of production in the plant, it is also important to ensure high quality raw materials supplies. In this regard, 15 types of raw materials are imported from the Netherlands, Indonesia, China, Russia, Mongolia, Latvia, Venezuela and Tajikistan.
President Ilham Aliyev watched photo gallery and video file related to the Ganja Aluminium Plant of DET AL Aluminium LLC.
Afterwards, head of state has visited the central management office of the plant. It was reported that the entire production process here is done in automated way. The whole process is implemented very strictly in all three parts of compound starting from raw material reception till the production. The current management system is able also to prevent all malfunctions.
Then, President Ilham Aliyev came to the steel mill and uninterrupted hot rolling plant. Head of state put the plant into motion and observed the production process.
It was noted that during the first stage, all facilities needed for the production of preliminary aluminium in the amount of 100 thousand tons have been completed so far. In the second stage, it is envisaged to build electrolysis blocks composed of 84 basins that will produce 50 thousand tons of aluminium and clay reception warehouse. In order to develop the aluminium industry, privileged loans have been allocated in 2010 by the state to implement the project of steel mill that is destined to ensure half-finished aluminium ingots. In the framework of the project, it is envisaged to build hot and cold steel rolling plants, as well as the installation of painting line. The annual output of the project envisages the production of 35 thousand tons of ordinary aluminium rolls and sheets of different sizes and painting of 15 thousand tons of product. It is also planned to produce aluminium sheets of different colors with width of 0.2-0.6 mm depending on wish of customers and envisaged for the construction sector. The construction of hot rolling plant is completed already and starting from the next month, employees will start to install equipment. The construction of cold rolling plant has just started, and it will be completed this April by paving the way for the installation of equipment. In general, it is envisaged to implement the project till April of 2013. In the framework of the project, 300 new jobs will be created.
Head of state was informed that besides the new aluminium plant, several measures have been undertaken in the framework of project concerning the construction of steel casting compound in Ganja. Thus, earth and digging work has been carried out already in the area of construction. The area is cleaned and ready to accept the construction process.
Watching the site, President Ilham Aliyev was informed that the feasibility study is carried out for the steel casting plant. The integrated steel production project of DET AL composed of iron ore enrichment, pellet and consistent reduction plants is being completed on paper. The construction of pellet plant will be continued in this area. In March, the construction of a new DRI plant with production capacity of 850 thousand tons will start while the construction of a new pellet plant will be completed in 2013. The construction of DRI plant will be continued. Furthermore, the construction of anew steel plant with the production capacity of 750 thousand tons will start in March also. In 2014, the construction of a new DRI plant will be finished while the construction of steel plant will go on. In 2016, the construction of a new steel plant will be finished in Ganja. International certificates will be issued for the products. During the years of 2012-2016, 630 million USD will be invested to the implementation of project. The number of employees will reach 3.800 persons.
President Ilham Aliyev met with public figures of Ganja and staff of the plant.
President Ilham Aliyev congratulated the ceremony participants by saying:
- Dear friends, today, it is a memorable day not only in the life of Ganja, but also the entire country. Today, we celebrate the opening of the Ganja Aluminium Plant that has a tremendous importance for the national economy. This is really a great event. It shows also that our country develops successfully and swiftly. All programs are being implemented in our country.
The foundation of this plant was laid down in 2008. I do remember well that day. We have laid down the first stone and afterwards, as you know, the financial and economic crisis has begun in the world. This crisis has impacted on also negatively the aluminium industry. Prices were dropped and the crisis dominated the financial market in general. Thus, the construction of the plant has lingered a bit. But, in spite of this fact, the Azerbaijani state spares no efforts to construct this plant.
The large power substation that has a tremendous importance for the plant activities, was built in this yard. We allocated loans in various periods. The private sector is very confident to the economy and the future of Azerbaijan.
The specific feature of the plant is explained by the fact that this is the large investment made to the non-oil sector, and the products made here will be imported abroad and meet also our domestic consumption. Today, we mark the opening of the first phase of the plant. 50 thousand tons of high quality aluminium will be produced here. In 2013, as a result of start of the second phase, the production output of the plant will reach 100 thousand tons, and then, we will bring this level to 200 thousand tons attracting additional resources in subsequent period.
This is truly a big project for the national project. It is the viable project and opens up good opportunities for creating new jobs. According to the information reported to me, over 600 persons work here. Halted previously due to the crisis, the alumina plant has resumed also its activities recently. It gives jobs to 1200 people. In general, almost 2000 persons got jobs in last months. The construction of this plant is the outcome of industrialization policy conducted in Azerbaijan. Recently, at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, I expressed once again my thoughts on this issue. The strong industrialization process is underway in Azerbaijan. New industrial enterprises are being created. The Government spares no effort for the development of private sector. Small and medium entrepreneurship is developing. Parallel to the development of small and medium entrepreneurship, there is also a big need for the creation of large industrial enterprises. The Ganja Aluminium Plant is among such plants.
This is the large industrial center. Today, we make a first step to create the modern aluminium industry in Azerbaijan. I am confident that we will reach in the future the figures I said. We will quadruple the production output of the plant. Obviously, new opportunities will be opened up here. New jobs will be created, and the non-oil potential of Azerbaijan will be strengthened further. This is also a priority field for us. There are long years that we work for the development of our non-oil economy, put forward our initiatives and observe also good results. According to the outcomes of 2011, the non-oil sector of Azerbaijan has increased almost by 10 percent. This is extremely important for oil and gas rich country. We see our future in the diversified economy. We see our future in the stable economy. Our natural resources are simply a tool for us to develop our country in comprehensive way and create a strong non-oil economy. We are very delighted of steps made in this direction. The start-up of this plant’s activities, I would like to reiterate, will give a big push for the development of non-oil sector.
At the same time, the construction of this plant envisages the regional development program in itself. A particular attention is paid to this program. All our regions are developing. Reconstruction and refurbishment work is underway everywhere. New jobs are being created. Thus, the construction of the steel mill plant is going successfully, and when we laid down the first stone of this plant, it meant also the foundations of the large metallurgy industry. The work is going well in this field.
A very serious work is underway to set up the metallurgy industry. I am sure that in the nearest future, a new production sector – the metallurgy sector – will start in Azerbaijan. On the one hand, we will be able to meet domestic consumption and create a strong export potential.
This is the field which does need to have a particular search for markets because these products such as aluminium and metallurgy products are always required products. I would like to say once again that our increasing industrial potential and programs implemented in the country will be also a support to such plants that need these products in the world. I would like to point once again that the work done in this field covers the general development strategy of Azerbaijan. This is the strategy of modernity and innovation. We wish to apply the most modern experience in all fields. The aluminium produced here is in line with worldwide standards of such products. At the same time, the construction of such plants is very important also for the formation of specialists.
Of course, professionals working here should have good salaries. I have been told that this issue is also being solved.
In a word, the construction of such plants and the process of creating a new industrial field are to be praised. Taking into account the still going financial and economic crisis with its expected new phase in the world, the creation of such a big industrial enterprise in Azerbaijan proves that we are on right track. We are developing. Economy and our industrial potential are increasing in Azerbaijan. Social programs are being implemented. Salaries and pensions are increasing. All these figures have been reported at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers dedicated to the outcomes of last year. In 2011, 20 billion USD has been invested into the national economy. It was only 17.6 billion USD in the previous year. It is a large figure, and this level enables us to develop each region of our country. Large programs are being implemented. Concrete programs, infrastructure programs are implemented fro the development of this region and Ganja. Concrete steps are made to eliminate unemployment. In 2012, larger investments will be made for the creation of social infrastructure. The construction of schools is being continued.
Concrete projects will be implemented to ensure potable water supplies for Ganja. Its sewerage system is being reconstructed. A large scale refurbishment work is carried out in the city. You know that I visit Ganja often times, and starting from this morning, I got familiarized once again with the city. I see that very big and important work is done in the city. The city becomes brighter. It is refurbished. Buildings are repaired. New parks are constructed here. New public places are created. Today, we laid the foundation of the Ganja State Philharmonic Society. I know that this is an event wished by Ganja residents since long time. I am confident that the very splendid and magnificent Ganja Philharmonic Society will start its work in two years from now.
In a word, concrete work is being done in all fields both in Ganja and other regions. Jobs, non-oil sector, development of entrepreneurship, creation of new giant industrial enterprises, schools, medical institutions, homes of culture, refurbishment work – all these show how our country develops. I am very delighted that the programs we adopted in previous years are being implemented. In spite of the crisis, the projects we started become a reality today. We regard the Ganja Aluminium Plant as the development of national industrial potential.
On the occasion of this remarkable event, I would like to congratulate you wholeheartedly. I would like to reiterate that the start-up of this plant with 50 thousand tons of production output is the first step. But it is a very bold step. Big amount of investments are made to the construction of this plant. Both private and public sectors extended their support by presented infrastructure projects. I would like to say this is simply the first step. If everything will go smooth on our plans, the production output in the plant will increase four fold. A new metallurgy compound will be constructed her as well, and thus, it will become a valuable contribution for the national economy.
I congratulate you all once again on the occasion of this important event and wish sound health and happiness to all Ganja residents. Thank you.
Then, the family photo was taken.