To Governor General of Canada Her Excellency Madame Julie Payette

30 June 2020, 17:55
Dear Madame Governor General,
It is on my behalf and behalf of the people of Azerbaijan that I wish to offer my cordial congratulations and best wishes to you and your people on the occasion of July 1 – Canada Day.
There are ample opportunities for the development of Azerbaijan-Canada relations that are based on friendship and mutual respect across different domains. We highly appreciate that within the international organizations, your country, guided by its commitment to the UN Charter and the Helsinki Final Act renders support to Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity, sovereignty and inviolability of its borders.
I wish to state that the people of Azerbaijan are in solidarity with the friendly people of Canada as we face challenging times during the COVID-19 pandemic.
On this notable day, I wish strong health and happiness to you, and everlasting prosperity to your people.
Ilham Aliyev
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Baku, 30 June 2020