Ilham Aliyev attended opening of “Diamed Co” syringe plant in Pirallahi Industrial Park

16 May 2019, 16:20
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has attended the opening of the “Diamed” syringe plant in Pirallahi Industrial Park.
Minister of Economy Shahin Mustafayev and Founder of the “Diamed” syringe plant Ayten Guliyeva informed the head of state of the facility.
The head of state launched the plant and viewed production process.
President Ilham Aliyev then met with the plant staff.
Greeting the plant team, President Ilham Aliyev said:
- We are celebrating a significant event in Pirallahi district today. The syringes produced here will be used in our healthcare system, and Azerbaijan will thus eliminate its dependence on imports in this area.
I am very happy about the opening of each new enterprise. After all, the opening of every enterprise means new jobs. I am told that 30 jobs will be created here at the initial stage and then 150. Thus, problems associated with unemployment will be addressed.
In general, it is possible to say that there are no unemployment problems in Pirallahi district. In recent years, a lot of landscaping and improvement has been done here. The appearance of the island has improved. There is extensive development. The renovation of residential buildings, the creation of new public areas and jobs, the construction of new bridges – all this is a demonstration of investment in the further development of the district and attention being paid to it.
This factory is a reflection of our policy because a reduction of the dependence on imports is one of our top priorities. Until now we received syringes from abroad. This is no longer necessary. In fact, I am told that there are foreign orders already. Thus, the domestic demand will be fully met and, at the same time, we will begin to export new products abroad. This is a contribution to the development of our industry. Industrial production in the country is growing. As a result of the work done, growth in the non-oil sector in the first four months of this year was more than 15 percent. Large enterprises strengthening our industrial potential are being launched. Small and medium-sized enterprises are also being commissioned. There is a great business environment in our country. Otherwise, foreign and local companies would not invest. Thus, as a result of the improving business environment, we are seeing new realities, and I am sure that our dynamic development will be continued.
The reforms carried out in the economic and social spheres are yielding fruit. According to the World Bank's report on the business environment, we are in 25th place in the world today. I repeatedly say this so that the public knows what major reforms have already been and will be carried out. This allows us the opportunity to strengthen the social sphere, eliminate unemployment, increase local production and thus improve people’s well-being. The steps taken this year, the orders signed and decisions made reflect our policy. We are pursuing a socially oriented policy, and it produces results.
Of course, there is still a lot to do in the future. the implementation of the fourth state program on socioeconomic development of the regions has already begun. I am sure that all the tasks outlined for the current year will be met. The non-oil sector has a special role in the dynamic development. We are very seriously dealing with this issue, and the results are there. A few years ago, we probably could not even imagine that there would be such a plant, especially in Pirallahi district. In general, things in the non-oil sector moved quite slow here. But this plant is a reality now. This is the first plant of the Pirallahi industrial estate, because several enterprises will be established here. As a result of the launch of a major pharmaceutical factory currently under construction, even more jobs will be created, and we will, to a certain extent, eliminate our dependence on the import of drugs. There are plans to launch other factories. Social issues are also being addressed. New homes for the internally displaced persons are built. Three hundred IDP families will be provided with houses here. A school is being built. So we see excellent results of the work done in the example of this plant today. There are successful results of our policy, and this should prompt us to take new steps in the future. We are moving in the right direction and our dynamic development will definitely be continued in the future.
Our policy of reforms is manifesting itself yet again today. I am sure that there will be even more ambitious results in the industrial, agricultural and infrastructure sectors in the upcoming period.
I congratulate you on this wonderful event and wish the plant team success. Thank you.