From Borut Pahor, President of the Republic of Slovenia

08 June 2018, 16:30
His Excellency Mr llham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Dear Mr President,
On the occasion of the Republic Day of the Republic of Azerbaijan, allow me to extend to you sincere congratulations and best wishes for all-round development and prosperity of your country. I am particularly pleased to be able to congratulate you on this important jubilee, the 100th anniversary of Azerbaijan’s independence.
We still fondly remember your official visit to Slovenia in 2011. The direct talks we then had further strengthened the friendly relations and partnership between our two countries. I am confident that Slovenia and Azerbaijan will continue to develop and enhance their bilateral relations, thus contributing to global peace, stability, and understanding.
Please accept, dear Mr President, the assurances of my highest consideration.
Borut Pahor
President of the Republic of Slovenia