From Alexander Van der Bellen, Federal President of the Republic of Austria

05 June 2018, 18:55
His Excellency Mr Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Dear Mr President,
Allow me to express my congratulations on the occasion of your re-election as President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Relations between our two countries have developed very well since diplomatic relations were established 26 years ago.
With a view to the upcoming Austria EU Council Presidency I would also like to emphasize our appreciation and support for continued good cooperation with Azerbaijan in the framework of the Eastern Partnership of the European Union.
Availing myself of this opportunity to send you best wishes for the accomplishment of your important task as well as your personal well-being, I remain with the assurances of my highest consideration.
Your sincerely,
Alexander Van der Bellen
Federal President of the Republic of Austria