From Marie Ange Debon, Chairman of France-Azerbaijan Business Council of MEDEF International, Deputy CEO of SUEZ

22 May 2018, 18:53
Mr President,
On behalf of MEDEF International, I am pleased and honored to extend to you my sincere congratulations on your reelection as President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
As you know, MEDEF International, which represents the French Business Confederation (MEDEF) and 70% of the French private sector abroad at a bilateral level, has been contributing to strengthening economic and commercial ties between France and Azerbaijan and to bringing closer French and Azerbaijani business communities.
MEDEF International and the French private sector are convinced of the numerous business opportunities in Azerbaijan as well as the commitment of your government to promote sustainable growth and boost shared prosperity.
We wish you full success in your new mandate and would be very glad and honored to welcome you once again at MEDEF, whenever you visit France.
Please accept, Mr President, the assurance of my highest consideration.
Marie Ange Debon
Chairman of France-Azerbaijan Business Council of MEDEF International
Deputy CEO of SUEZ