From Markus Jerger, Director General of the German Association for Small and Medium-sized Businesses

05 May 2018, 15:05
His Excellency Mr Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Dear Mr President,
We extend our sincere congratulations on your election as President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and wish you every success in performing the important and responsible duties of this position.
With you as the President we, the German Association of Small and Medium Enterprises, see political stability, prosperity and further positive development for Azerbaıjan in all areas of the economy.
May I again offer my congratulations on your victory in the presidential election. I would like to take the opportunity to send my best wishes for the continued happiness and prosperity of your country and its people.
Please accept, Mr President, the assurances of my highest consideration.
Markus Jerger
Director General of the German Association for Small and Medium-sized Businesses