Ilham Aliyev received a delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

20 July 2011, 18:00
President Ilham Aliyev received a delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.
The President addressed the guests:
I am very glad to see you. Welcome to Azerbaijan. I am very glad that you are visiting our country. It is a good opportunity to discuss important issues of our relations. In general we are very glad how the relations between Azerbaijan and European structures develop. These relations have already a long history. It is more than ten years Azerbaijan is the member of the Council of Europe. It is the active member. Also, as you know, we are part of the Program of Eastern Partnership with the European Union. The contacts between the European institutions and Azerbaijan are very dynamic.
In the beginning of this year, we had a very successful visit of the President Barroso to Azerbaijan. We signed a very important document. Last month, I paid a visit to Brussels and had meetings with the President Barroso, the President of the European Council Van Rompuy and the Chairman of Parliament Buzek. It was also a good opportunity once again to review what has been done and the most important to put targets for the future.
Also, I am very glad that the representatives of major European political parties are also among our guests. That’s also a good format of co-operation. In other words, the co-operation between Azerbaijan and the European institutions develop in various formats. I am sure that in the coming years, we will see many more important milestones to be achieved.
Also, your visit is a very good chance for you to know better Azerbaijan, see the real picture about the country because always personal impressions are the best to make a judgment. Azerbaijan is a country which is new as independent only twenty years. But, it is a country with big history and traditions. In various periods of history we have been the part of other countries and empires. Only now, for twenty years, we enjoy the independence, and these years were very important to establish secular, democratic, developed country.
Twenty years are not a big period of time. First of all, we managed to overcome major difficulties of the early years of independence such as civil war, Armenian occupation. At the same time, we managed to establish a political system and democratic institutions. We became the part of European institutions. We developed strong connections with regional countries and have very promising economic performance.
During the last seven years, we were very successful. Our economy grew always three times. Azerbaijan made the fastest and speediest growth with respect to human development index assessed by the United Nations. For the last five years, that was a biggest, how to say, speed of development.
Of course, we need to develop our ties with all European institutions in the format of co-operation between political parties, European Parliament and Azerbaijan, the Council of Europe and Azerbaijan, and also people to people contacts because we need still to present ourselves. We are not very well known in the public opinion of Europe because of objective reasons. Twenty years are not a big period of time.
Therefore, we need time, but also we must be very active. We are interested in inviting our European guests to visit Azerbaijan not only capital but also the regions and establish a long term predictable partnership relationship.
On the level of bilateral relations with the European countries, we have very good achievements. We have very strong political and economic relations with almost all the member countries of the European Union. That’s also very important. As a partner with NATO, Azerbaijan contributes also to the peacekeeping operations in Afghanistan not only with our military presence, but the transportation route. More than a quarter of cargos to Afghanistan are being transported via Azerbaijan. First of all, this shows our intentions, and secondly, it strengthens relations between Azerbaijan and Euro-Atlantic institutions.
Member of PACE Luca Volante:
You met Mister Martens, Chairman of EPP. You desire also to introduce friendship relationship between YAP and EPP. Our work in the Council of Europe shows that it is possible to work together. Christian Democratic Party and some other parties wish to do that because we have the same values to promote and defend human rights, family values, free society and free market economy. Surely, we could suggest to Mr.Martens that we can use this opportunity to create strong friendship between EPP and other parties outside Europe.
President Ilham Aliyev:
I am sure that the reforms which we are implementing whether political or economic they lead already to successful development. Political and economic reforms in Azerbaijan are being held in parallel. I think that the membership in the Council of Europe I am sure helped us a lot to bring the criteria of our system closer to criteria of the member states of the European Union which are the countries with long history of democratic traditions. This is actually our targets.
Nagorno Karabakh conflict, as you know, has already a long history. It is a major problem not only for Azerbaijan, but also for the whole region. It started even during in the last years of the Soviet Union. Our independence was marred in a way with this terrible and bloody conflict which resulted by the occupation of Azerbaijani territories closer to twenty percent. Ethnic cleansing against Azerbaijan created one million refugees and IDPs we have in our country. Now, Nagorno Karabakh is totally a mono structure. No Azerbaijani is left. Though before the conflict, 25% were Azerbaijanis. All are expelled now. From seven other districts of Azerbaijan, which never been the part of Nagorno Karabakh and where Armenians have never lived, also 700 thousand of Azerbaijanis were expelled. This year, there was an assessment report of the field assessment mission of OSCE which visited the occupied territories. They reflected the picture of devastation. Everything – all our buildings, cemeteries, mosques – are ruined. Everything. There is no life. As you know, international organizations have adopted decisions and resolutions. United Nations Security Council, the top international body, adopted four resolutions demanding withdrawal of Armenian troops. Also, the Council of Europe, I think in 2005, adopted the resolution. The European Parliament and OSCE did so. But the question is not resolved. The major reason that Armenia wants to keep the status quo forever. They do not want to liberate the occupied territories. They are trying in the negotiation process to achieve independence for Nagorno Karabakh. But, Nagorno Karabakh was never historically part of Armenia. Second, it is situated in the center of Azerbaijan. It is a kind of uncontrolled territory. What is being proposed by mediators and Azerbaijan? It is fair approach based on compromises which will allow the people in Nagorno Karabakh under the high level of self governance. At the same time, the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan will not be violated. We hope that Armenia will listen to these voices and especially of the leaders of world superpowers saying that status quo is not acceptable.
Then, the President exchanged views with the representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.