Ilham Aliyev reviewed the progress of major overhaul and landscaping at the Sumgayit seaside culture and recreation park named after Nasimi

07 July 2011, 17:00
President Ilham Aliyev has reviewed the progress of major overhaul and landscaping at the Sumgayit seaside culture and recreation park named after Nasimi.
Representatives of the city public warmly welcomed the head of state.
President Ilham Aliyev was informed that the park, established in 1956-1960, started operating as a culture and recreation park in 1967 following a decision of the Ministry of Culture of the Azerbaijan SSR.
It was indicated that 39 tree species resistant to wind and drought had been planted in the park which covers a seaside area of 23 hectares. In 1978, the park was named after ingenious Azerbaijani poet Imadaddin Nasimi, while a monument to him was erected here in 2003.
It was indicated that the total area of the park, which covers the territory from Samad Vurgun Street, Sumgayit’s main trunk road, to the Caspian coast is currently 80 hectares. By a decision of the Cabinet of Ministers from 2001, the Sumgayit seaside culture and recreation park named after Nasimi has been included on the list of historical and cultural assets of national importance. On the initiative and instruction of President Ilham Aliyev, a new magnificent park meeting modern requirements is being prepared.
The head of state reviewed the stand featuring the future appearance of the park. It was noted that the park would become a favorite place for local residents and guests of the city after reconstruction.
President Ilham Aliyev gave instructions on renewing the façades and roofing of the apartment blocks surrounding the park in order to bring them into line with the modern appearance of the city, and on landscaping nearby streets and neighborhoods.
Meeting representatives of the Sumgayit public, President Ilham Aliyev said:
- Hello. There are additional suggestions regarding the development of Sumgayit. These suggestions are under consideration. Some time ago I gave the instruction to prepare a very modern project on landscaping Sumgayit. A portion of the project is shown here. You are probably familiar with the project. I am sure that wonderful and modern infrastructure projects would be implemented in several parts of Sumgayit in the near future.
The buildings are being renovated. These buildings will be beautiful. They will have a nice appearance. At the same time, the interior will be refurbished. The initiative of building a boulevard in Sumgayit was made by me some time ago. We can now see the appearance of the boulevard on these stands.
I think there must be a boulevard in Sumgayit by all means. This boulevard must meet the standard of the Baku boulevard because the Baku boulevard is one of the most beautiful, if not the most beautiful boulevard in the world. There are boulevards in different seaside cities of the world, but I for one have not seen a boulevard as beautiful, wide and modern as in Baku.
We need to make rational use of this coastal area of Sumgayit. The construction of the boulevard is practically beginning. At the first stage, its length will be around one kilometer. Subsequently we will extend it by at least 2-3 kilometers. There should be a beautiful boulevard in Sumgayit, beaches should be established. Thus, we will create a beautiful place for recreation in this city.
As you know, a new road from Baku to Sumgayit is being built. A new road will also be built from the airport-Mardakan-Bilgah direction to Sumgayit. I think this road will also have a positive impact on the development of the city. It will run along the boulevard, so that both the traffic is comfortable and, in general, the road infrastructure is expanded and modernized.
Great landscaping work will be carried out in the city. This work was done in previous periods too. At the current stage this work should proceed faster. This work, i.e. creation of an infrastructure for people’s comfort, industrial development, is to be carried out throughout Sumgayit and meet the level of the capital.
Sumgayit is located not far from Baku. Some residents of Sumgayit work in Baku, while some residents of Baku work in Sumgayit. So Sumgayit and Baku are already connecting. Since our country is developing very fast, construction along this road, new buildings and industrial facilities will bring more residents of Baku to Sumgayit. Therefore, Sumgayit should be brought into line with capital standards. This is my goal, which is why we have already embarked on specific projects. Funds have been allocated from the Reserve Fund of the President. After this, during adjustment of the state budget, additional funds were approved. We will look at the pace of this work until the end of the year. If the work goes quickly, there will be additional funds.
All infrastructure projects are being implemented in the city. Electricity, gas and water supply has significantly improved. We can say that most of the problems in this area have been resolved. I have recently received additional proposals on the establishment of a new sewage system. I endorsed them, and further steps will soon be taken to fully upgrade the sewage system of Sumgayit.
This is one and very important aspect of the work because all our citizens, especially the residents of Sumgayit, want the city to become even more beautiful and comfortable. I always say that Baku is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. I hope the time will come when we can say the same words about Sumgayit.
You, the people of Sumgayit, are well aware that the Sumgayit was originally intended to be an industrial city. Unfortunately, some foreign media are publishing inaccurate reports about Sumgayit, claiming that the environmental situation is allegedly bad and pollution is extremely high. This is absolutely untrue. Both we and you know that. We want more people to come and see how beautiful and comfortable Sumgayit has become. There are green areas and good conditions for life and recreation here.
I want to reiterate that this is one side of the job. The second aspect, which I have spoken extensively about, is that Sumgayit should become an industrial center of the country. There are opportunities for that. Let me repeat that Sumgayit was established as an industrial city, a city of chemists. But now Sumgayit should develop as a modern industrial city.
We have specific plans to that end. First of all, we must implement infrastructure projects that are important to the industrial potential of any city. Some of them have been implemented. A large power station was built some time ago. Today there are absolutely no problems with electricity, and the power of this station is designed for the future.
The chemical complex of Sumgayit is undergoing reconstruction. We need to bring this complex to modern standards. This complex must operate at an international level. At the same time, we should set up new enterprises to recycle the products of chemical enterprises. In this connection, appropriate instructions have been issued. I do hope that hundreds of private small and medium-sized companies will be set up in Sumgayit in the near future.
The goal is to enable them to manufacture finished products using the products of the chemical complex. This practice exists in various places around the world. I have personally examined it, and chemists know that. So we must apply the most progressive experience that exists in the world in this area. This will lead to the creation of jobs and develop the city’s industrial potential. A small chemical industry township should be created, and specific instructions in this direction have been given.
In addition to that, we have created the largest Technological Park not only in the country but also in the South Caucasus region in Sumgayit. Several enterprises are already operating. Their operation has been organized at a very high level. I will travel there again today to examine the work done. I have been there many times, we are inviting foreign visitors there, and when they come and see the place, it produces a great impression on them because there are truly the most modern and advanced technologies there. This industrial park will enable Sumgayit to develop as a major industrial hub of global importance. It will have a strong industrial potential, the environmental situation will be proper and there will be great conditions for people’s comfort.
Today we will also celebrate the opening of the children and youth sports school. You know that the school was built about 40-50 years ago and became unusable. Some time ago I was asked to restore it. Funds were allocated from the Reserve Fund and today we will open the school where children will engage in sports.
Besides, a new Olympic sports complex is under construction in Sumgayit. It will also be a very important health tool for the people of Sumgayit. Everyone should do sports regardless of age. And we are creating these conditions.
So I want to say again that we have a comprehensive approach to the development of the city. A master plan of the city is being developed, its preliminary version is already available and is being implemented. I think that thanks to a new and modern approach, extensive creative and landscaping work will be completed in Sumgayit in a matter of several years and Sumgayit will become one of the most beautiful cities of the country, region and possibly the world. This is our goal. In some cases our goals may seem very ambitious, but experience shows that we are achieving all our objectives.
I want you to take an active part in all this work because if you don’t, our work will remain incomplete. I am sure that the people of Sumgayit will wholeheartedly join these positive initiatives and will do their best to make the city even more beautiful.
Let me salute you all again. Thank you.
Representatives of the Sumgayit public thanked President Ilham Aliyev.
President Ilham Aliyev: Thank you very much. As you know, I have repeatedly been to Sumgayit – about six to seven times in recent years. Of course, earlier we mainly dealt with important infrastructure and city management issues. This first of all includes the construction of a power station, commissioning of industrial enterprises. It is now time to tackle the esthetic appearance of the city, so to speak, and we will do that. The projects planned will certainly be in my focus, because I have been informed of all of them.
In Baku, we examine and become familiar with these projects, photo images and proposals. Of course, I will be coming here more often now. I am sure that the panorama shown on these images will soon become a reality.
I wish you further successes again. Thank you.
In conclusion, a picture was taken.
President Ilham Aliyev reiterated that the implementation of new projects would be launched to turn Sumgayit into a modern city.
The head of state toured the park and issued relevant instructions and recommendations.