Ilham Aliyev attends the annual general assembly of the National Academy of Sciences

26 April 2011, 18:00
The Azerbaijani National Academy of Sciences has held its annual general assembly.
The president of the Azerbaijan Republic, Ilham Aliyev, attended the assembly.
The head of state first familiarized himself with reconstruction and renovation work around the building of the Azerbaijani National Academy of Sciences.
The president of the academy, Mahmud Karimov, said that reconstruction work had been carried out at scientific-research institutions of the National Academy of Sciences located in the area, buildings had been refurbished and a large green area had been laid out. It was noted that refurbishment and reconstruction measures launched at the end of 2007 had been completed, offices had been provided with necessary equipment and all conditions were right for scientific activities by employees of the academy.
President Ilham Aliyev viewed photos that reflect the previous state of the building and the refurbishment work that was carried out.
It was noted that thanks to the head of state's attention, the building of the Azerbaijani National Academy of Sciences had been reconstructed and adorns Baku with its beautiful appearance.
After that, the annual general assembly of the Azerbaijani National Academy of Sciences was held.
The president of ANAS, Mahmud Karimov, opened the meeting with introductory remarks.
President Ilham Aliyev made an opening speech at the assembly.
The opening speech of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev
- Dear friends!
Dear ladies and gentlemen!
First and foremost, I would like to thank you for inviting me to the academy. The annual general assembly of the academy is being held today. I am sure that the assembly will be very successful and express valuable ideas for the future development of Azerbaijani science. Great refurbishment work has been carried out at the academy's main building. Wonderful work was carried out in a short period of time, and as far as I know, refurbishment work is also underway in other buildings of the academy. The conditions that have been created here meet the highest standards. In general, specific steps are being taken to strengthen the academy's material-technical base. This policy will continue. We should make sure that all the needs of the academy are met and its material-technical base is strengthened.
The Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan has been operating since 1945. The academy has travelled a great and successful path since 1945. Our scientists made their valuable contribution to the development of Azerbaijan at various times. When Azerbaijan regained its independence, there were various opinions. You probably remember very well – proposals were put forward in 1992 to close the academy. If Heydar Aliyev had not returned to political power in Azerbaijan at the demand of the people in 1993, the fate of the academy could have been deplorable. It is as a result of Heydar Aliyev's constant attention to and care about Azerbaijani science that science developed very rapidly. When we started to live independently, serious economic and social issues topped the agenda in the country. But along with that, the great leader Heydar Aliyev thought about the future of Azerbaijan and wisely and farsightedly paid great attention to the development of science at all times, including in the period of independence. This was noted here, and it is no accident that after returning to power, he held his first meeting with the Azerbaijani public at the academy.
The intellectual elite of Azerbaijan are concentrated at the academy. The development of the academy has a direct impact on the development of science in Azerbaijan. If we take a look at the experience of developed countries, we will see that idea, thought, innovation and scientific-technical progress underlie the success of those countries. We prefer modernization while carrying out reforms in various fields in our country. It is impossible to establish a modern state without scientific development.
The policy of Heydar Aliyev is continuing in all spheres in Azerbaijan today and manifests itself in the state's attitude towards science. It is no accident that great attention is being paid to the issue of strengthening the material-technical base of the academy. At the same time, specific steps are being taken to expand the activities of the academy and combine scientific studies with the economy and our economic policy.
The National Strategy and State Programme on the Development of Science were adopted in 2009, and after that, the Fund for the Development of Science was set up. This fund not only helps to buy modern equipment, but also issues various grants so that we can stimulate scientific studies in Azerbaijan.
Azerbaijan is conducting a successful policy as an independent state. Our country is developing. This development manifests itself in all spheres. Of course, the development of science should keep abreast of the general development pace. It is necessary to create unity between science, higher education and economy in Azerbaijan. For us, the main issue connected with the development of science is to choose the right priorities. Specific proposals should be made so that we can carry out work based on these priorities.
At all times, our scientists have made their valuable contributions to the development of Azerbaijan in various spheres. In the current situation when our independence is developing and strengthening, there is a great need for the development of scientific potential.
I would like to say once again that Azerbaijani scientists have had their say in various spheres. Studies carried out at the global level in Azerbaijan have also had their positive effect. Our geologists have made an irreplaceable contribution to the discovery of our country's natural reserves. These natural reserves now strengthen the independence of our country and considerably increase our opportunities to conduct an independent policy. The oil that was discovered in the Caspian Sea for the first time in the world in the middle of the 20th century serves independent Azerbaijan today. As a result of Azerbaijan's successful oil strategy, we managed to fully ensure our energy security. We are making very effective use of natural reserves. We are making efforts to resolve issues of Europe's energy security. Today Azerbaijan is one of the most important partners in ensuring Europe's energy security.
Had our scientists not discovered large oil and gas deposits in the past and had it not been for these natural reserves of Azerbaijan, our independent life could have developed in another direction. I would like to say once again that this factor provides economic independence. Thus, political independence in Azerbaijan is also at the appropriate level. I believe that additional measures should be carried our in this sphere in the future. Our financial resources create such an opportunity today. We should make sure that Azerbaijan increases its role on the global energy market in the years and decades that lie ahead and that our national interests are fully met.
I believe that additional steps should be taken to research the Caspian Sea. Great work has been carried out in this sphere, but we still do not know the Caspian Sea as we want. Therefore, this issue should always be the focus of attention in the scientific sphere.
The challenges facing the Azerbaijani economy today should be directly connected with the development of science. We are currently working on the construction of a large petrochemical complex. The petrochemical sphere has great prospects. Given that our country has always had a strong scientific school in this sphere, this will increase our economic power and result in the creation of new jobs. I think that our scientists should carry out their work in this sphere today in cooperation with relevant government agencies. The Azerbaijani government has been given relevant instructions to involve Azerbaijani science in this sphere.
The tasks facing our country today have been determined on the basis of priorities. The task facing science should be solved in the same manner. I would like to say once again that energy security issues top the agenda. These issues have been resolved and we are currently carrying out a policy connected with the comprehensive development of our country. Our economy has taken very serious steps in connection with the development of the non-oil sector. Specific programmes are being implemented. These programmes are yielding results.
Over the last seven years, about one million new jobs have been created in Azerbaijan, and the overwhelming majority of them have been created in the non-oil sector. In general, the successful development of the Azerbaijani economy is a global phenomenon. Economic growth in our country has been at a high level in our country in recent years, and we take first place worldwide in this indicator. Along with that, the comprehensive development of the economy is valued by international financial organizations. All of Azerbaijan's international ratings are increasing. These indicators were at a high level even in the crisis years 2009-2010. Along with that, while determining our long-term development strategy we should definitely rely on a strong scientific base. We should rely on strong scientific bases while determining the future directions of our economic development. Correct predictions should be made here. We should deal with these issues not only in the process of implementing the five-year programme, but we should also look to the distant future – how will Azerbaijan develop after 20 or 30 years?! Strong potential should be created in Azerbaijan to ensure that our country's development is long-term, successful and sustainable. We are gradually reducing our dependence on the oil and gas factor. Certain work has already been carried out in this direction. In the future, we should create a multifaceted economy, relying on scientific foundations and establishing our model of sustainable development. Scientists should have their say here, of course. Along with the government, we should strengthen this cooperation with government agencies. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the work being implemented in this sphere.
We are currently seriously dealing with food security issues. As you know, there was a single economic complex in Soviet times. These issues were regulated by the Soviet government. In the period of independence, we face difficulties connected with food due to natural disasters in some cases and should solve our food security issues through domestic means. Work is being carried out in this direction.
Support for the development of entrepreneurship in Azerbaijan, the allocation of loans and the development of the private sector – all these issues aim to ensure our food security in full. I believe that in the next two or three years, we should provide ourselves with staple food products and at the same time, create strong export potential. Therefore, the development of agrarian sciences and their combination with economic development are of special importance. I believe that specific steps should be taken to establish an agrarian sector at the National Academy of Sciences. This sector should be created without wasting time and start working actively. Thus, if these issues are resolved, I believe that they will give a strong impetus to the development of Azerbaijani science because orders will be placed. Government agencies and the private sector should place orders. Our scientists will be working on the basis of these orders. If we take into account that the Azerbaijani state will continue to support the development of science, we will thus be able to secure the development of science.
A policy of modernization is being conducted in our country at the moment. This policy is manifesting itself in all spheres. Specifically, our steps related to scientific-technical progress are aimed at the future. Maybe we are putting forward initiatives that are not typical of a young independent country. A space industry is being created in Azerbaijan. I am sure that this process will continue rapidly. This is our state policy. I believe that after the first telecommunications satellite is put into orbit, this sphere will get an even greater impetus. A strong space industry will be created in Azerbaijan. Azerbaijani science should also give support to these initiatives. Of course, international relations should play their role here. Cooperation with the world's leading scientific centres should increase because, I think, our potential in this sphere does not meet our wishes yet. In general, cooperation with international scientific centres should be broader.
Our success in the information-communications sector is obvious. Great achievements were gained in this field in a short period of time. Azerbaijan is in the vanguard in the ICT sphere in the CIS today. But our duty does not end here. That's to say what we want is to ensure that Azerbaijan is in the vanguard in the development of ICT worldwide. State support and financial assistance are being given and in some cases, when negotiations with international financial organizations on the allocation of loans yield no result, the Azerbaijani state organizes its own financial possibilities. Now our possibilities are expanding, and it is necessary to pay special attention to the development of science and scientific progress, especially in the ICT sector, because the development of ICT pursues several goals. First of all, it will contribute to the development of Azerbaijan's intellectual potential and support the policy of modernization in the country. On the other hand, there are great economic possibilities in this sphere. The revenues of the ICT sector in the future will have a great effect on the development of the Azerbaijani economy. Therefore, I believe that the academy should take more serious steps in this sphere.
We are creating a military industrial complex. We created it almost in a short period of time. Today Azerbaijan manufactures 430 types of military products. The number of these products will increase even more in the future.
Along with that, our cooperation with well-known international companies is broadening, new technologies are being brought in and the products manufactured in Azerbaijan currently meet international standards. If we take into account that we should build up our military power and that the process of army building is rapidly continuing in Azerbaijan, there is a great need for that. We live in a state of war and the state is paying great attention to this issue and providing financial assistance. I believe that Azerbaijani scientists should have their say in this direction. Work with government agencies, especially the Ministry of Defence Industry, should be carried out at an even higher level. This work is under way. But it is a very promising sphere and should always be the focus of attention.
In a word, there are specific programmes on our economic and industrial development. Azerbaijani science should have its say in this sphere. Currently, large industrial parks and industrial potential are being created in Azerbaijan. Of course, these initiatives will yield wonderful results and as I noted, will have its effect on the reduction of the dependence of the country's economy on the oil factor. In this case, Azerbaijani science should also be in the vanguard here.
Issues related to humanities are, of course, always in the centre of attention, and the work carried out in this sphere is very successful and praiseworthy. We should always pay attention to this issue because, as you know, before our independence, we had national values, national traditions, mother language, literature and music, which maintained us as a nation. Therefore, the state is always paying attention to this sphere. I believe that the Academy of Sciences is engaged in very successful activities in this field. Simply, I should point out that this issue should always be in the centre of attention.
There should be constant respect for and care about our mother language. We should protect our mother language from foreign influence. Our mother language is our untouchable asset. Our mother language – the Azerbaijani language – has played an exceptional role in the formation of the Azerbaijani people and independent Azerbaijan. We should make sure that we totally maintain the purity of our language. Serious attention should be paid to this issue.
Studies on literature are continuing. There is a great scope for activity here because our literature has played a great role in the development of world literature. We can rightfully talk about this with a feeling of pride.
Archaeological excavations are supported and funded. It is a very important sphere. We know our past, we should study it more deeply and work in this sphere will continue. Archaeological excavations give us new knowledge and information. Thus, we and the world get a fuller idea of our history.
Issues related to historical sciences are also in the centre of attention. We are paying great attention to this issue. I am very pleased that our historians have created authoritative and substantial works. Specifically, the existence of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagornyy Karabakh conflict dictates to us that we should pay even more attention to this field, because the Armenians constantly falsify and distort the history of this region. I am pleased that our scientists positively responded to my appeal and created wonderful works on the history of this region based on real facts in a short period of time. Most importantly, works on the history of the Iravan Khanate are of special importance, because unfortunately, the world community was almost unaware that the present-day Armenian state had been established on historical Azerbaijani lands.
With our initiatives, appeals to history and specific evidence, we have substantiated our position that Iravan was handed over to Armenia as its capital by the Azerbaijani state in 1918. Most of the population in the Iravan Khanate was Azerbaijani. The Zangazur region is an ancient Azerbaijani land and was artificially handed over to Armenia. The handover of the Zangazur region to Armenia was a great injustice. Part of our land was annexed to Armenia. This had a great negative impact. This divided the entire Turkic world. Today the Turkic world is geographically divided. However, we are trying, and will be trying, to take political steps and economic initiatives and hold summits of Turkic-speaking states – I should also highlight the activities of TURKSOY – in order to unite the entire Turkic world and political interests and engage in even more comprehensive economic cooperation. However, geographically the Turkic world is divided today. That's to say all these historical truths should see the light of day. This should be known not just inside the country, but also abroad. Therefore, the publication of these books in foreign languages is of special importance.
Most place names in the entire territory of present-day Armenia are of Azerbaijani origin – the names of cities and villages. This can even be seen in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. At that time, the names of Armenian cities and their previous variants were written. We should know this. Today the Armenian state is making territorial claims against us. Our lands are under occupation. Nagornyy Karabakh is under occupation. Nagornyy Karabakh is an ancient Azerbaijani land. Armenian propaganda is working against us around the world. We should tell the truth that the city of Khankandi is not Stepanakert. It was named Stepanakert after the ringleader of a bandit group, Shaumyan. I have repeatedly said this – if that city had a historical name, the Armenians would have restored that name. It is our land. Scientific studies, scientific works and books are very important. I am very pleased that work is continuing in this sphere. We should increase and modernize our work in this sphere. Not only our scientists, but, I believe, our members of the public should also actively join these issues via the Internet. Given that the truth and historical justice are on our side, this is needed today and in the future.
I am saying again that initiatives on work in this sphere are being realized. It is a very positive thing. I believe that special attention should be paid to this issue. We should make even more active use of the scientific aspect of this issue and this factor in our propaganda.
I expressed some of my ideas about the development of our country and science today. I am sure that you, distinguished scientists, are well aware of this issue. Your proposals will be taken into account, of course. The initiatives that I mentioned - the establishment of the Fund for the Development of Science and the adoption of the Strategy and State Programme on the Development of Azerbaijani Science – were both put forward by scientists.
We should make sure that Azerbaijani science develops, lives and serves the Azerbaijani state and Azerbaijan's national interests as it always has.
I sincerely welcome you again. I thank you for your invitation. I wish you and all members of the academy new successes.
The president of the Azerbaijani National Academy of Sciences, Mahmud Karimov, made a report on scientific studied conducted in 2010 and their subjects.
Academicians Akif Alizada, Ismayil Hajiyev, Akif Hajiyev, Vaqif Farzaliyev and Bakir Nabiyev spoke during discussions on the report and made proposals.
After that, the report of the Azerbaijani National Academy of Sciences was put to a vote and approved.
The work of the ANAS board was also put to a vote for assessment and regarded as satisfactory.
The head of state made a final speech at the annual general assembly of the academy.
The final speech of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev
- I would like to express my attitude to the proposals made here. I believe that these proposals are very valuable. They will be taken into account and relevant instructions will be issued so that the issues we raised are solved as quickly as possible. Several issues were raised here. I would like to express my thoughts.
In connection with the resolution of social issues - of course, these issues are always in the centre of attention. Salaries and pensions are raised from time to time in Azerbaijan. However, despite the fact that salaries and pensions have been raised by several times in recent years, the social security of those working in the public sector is still not at the level we would like. This issue will be considered and of course, the issues that worry employees of the academy will be solved.
I support the proposals on the construction of a library. This issue was discussed some time ago, and even some proposals were made. I believe that we should consider this issue even more seriously. Maybe, next year's state budget will provide additional financial sources for the construction of the library. I believe that design work could begin this year. There is a great need for a modern and wonderful library. I am sure that we will achieve this.
You yourselves should determine issues related to structural reforms. The best option should be selected. I will also support the option you select. The main issue is that we should ensure the productivity of the work. Structural reforms are not carried out just for the sake of reforms, but should serve to yield real results.
The proposal to establish an international centre on Caspian Sea studies could be considered. As you know, all Caspian littoral states are now in close contact with each other. The holding of the summit of the leaders of Caspian littoral states in Baku at the end of last year and the important decisions adopted during the meeting strengthen tendencies of cooperation in the Caspian Sea. All our neighbours noted that the Baku summit on the Caspian Sea was very successful. This five-sided cooperation will continue, of course. There are some proposals on the biological resources of the Caspian Sea here. Negotiations on the legal status of the Caspian Sea are underway and Azerbaijan is demonstrating a very constructive position on all these issues. We should make sure that the Caspian Sea remains a sea of friendship and good neighbourliness. The proposal on the establishment of a centre for Caspian Sea research could also be considered. Of course, if such a centre is established, Baku should be its centre, because Baku is the only capital among the Caspian littoral states and of course, Baku takes a special place in researching the Caspian and developing its natural reserves.
The issue of establishing a fund for young scientists could also be considered. As you know, a state programme called "Azerbaijani Youth in 2011-2015" is currently being prepared. At the same time, the state programme on the development of Azerbaijani science covers the period until 2015. We should somehow connect these two programmes and plan additional measures to involve the youth in science. I totally agree that we should prepare and stimulate additional mechanisms in order to involve the youth in science. We will also consider issues related to military service.
The issue of keeping oil extraction at a stable level is very important to us. As you know, international companies operating in Azerbaijan are making great investments and at the same time, the Azerbaijani side is also actively involved in this work. As you know, Azerbaijan currently gets 75 per cent of revenues from oil extracted by the consortium. This shows that Azerbaijan had a serious position during the negotiations on the "Contract of the Century" despite the fact that our economic situation was not that good at the time and political developments also worried us to some extent. At that time, we secured maximum acceptable conditions. That's why most of the oil extracted by foreign partners today belongs to Azerbaijan. We have always expressed our view of this issue during our talks with foreign partners. We want to achieve long-term production. We do not have a positive view of the idea of increasing production. I believe that the current level of production is optimal. We should make sure that Azerbaijani oil continues to serve the development of the Azerbaijani economy for many years ahead.
Currently, we are implementing a big gas project, and the Shah Daniz gas deposit is one of the biggest and rarest gas deposits worldwide. After the Shah Daniz deposit, Azerbaijani scientists, geologists and oilmen discovered the Umid deposit. Thus, we have great gas potential and there is no doubt that Europe's energy security, which I mentioned in my opening speech, could be resolved to some extent by Azerbaijani gas. Currently, serious negotiations are underway on this issue. Earlier this year, the European Union and Azerbaijan signed a declaration on the South gas corridor and set up a working group, and specific work is being carried out. Here, as always, we have to ensure the national interests of our country and people. We need new markets to export gas and our partners need new alternative sources. Our interests almost coincide here, and in the future, we will be determining the level of both oil and gas extraction in Azerbaijan. We will keep this extraction at the necessary level. Of course, these issues should combine with our long-term development strategy. I am saying again – scientists are having, and will have, their say.
I am ready to consider proposals on the development of the seismological service. If it is necessary to allocate additional funds, we will do so in order to improve work in this sphere. Almost 10 years have passed since the earthquake. Perhaps, the equipment that was purchased at the time has become obsolete because new technologies and new equipment have emerged now, and of course, we will consider this.
We will consider the proposal on the refurbishment of the Natural History Museum. I believe that it would be in line with the policy being conducted in this sphere in Azerbaijan if we refurbished this museum at a high level or created a new one. If we are to create a new one, it is necessary to identify a site in a beautiful place in the city centre, because we indeed have a sufficient number of materials and exhibits to display. You know very well that Azerbaijan takes first place in the world for the number of mud volcanoes. This is our great asset. Unfortunately, it is not known very well both inside and outside the country. Scientists are aware of this, but the general public is unaware. I believe that by creating a museum, preparing Internet materials and conducting scientific studies, we will be able to show the whole world that Azerbaijan takes first place in this sphere as well.
Substantial refurbishment work is underway in the Shamakhi astrophysics observatory, or to be more precise, the whole infrastructure is being updated. To this end, money has been allocated from the Presidential Reserve Fund. Some time ago, I familiarized myself with projects in Shamakhi District. All work is being carried out at an excellent and modern level for scientists to live and conduct scientific studies. That's to say I believe this observatory will stand out from the rest of the world for its modernity and beauty. Thus, a new impetus will be given to the development of Azerbaijani science and the development of science in this field. I believe that the observatory should also be open to tourists in the future. Excursions should be arranged there because it is an issue of interest and at the same time, this could yield some additional funding for the observatory. Currently, tourism opportunities are expanding in Azerbaijan. Specifically, great construction work is underway in Baku and Shamakhi District, which is close to Baku, and excellent roads have been built. Now we will be widening the Baku-Shamakhi road. An excellent autobahn will be created, and I believe that it will be interesting to the population. Of course, conditions are being created for scientific workers.
An idea was expressed about the refurbishment of the Institute of Polymeric Materials in Sumqayit. I will issue an instruction to study this issue, and assistance will be rendered. In general, attention should be paid, and is being paid, to the development of chemistry. I pointed out in my opening speech that great attention is being paid to the petrochemical sphere and instructions have been issued to create a modern petrochemical complex in Azerbaijan. Instructions have been issued to build a new modern oil refinery. A project is being prepared now. We should involve the most modern technologies in this sphere. I will instruct the State Oil Company to involve Azerbaijani scientists in this work to a maximum and do this work together.
I think that proposals on the establishment of a Nizami centre are praiseworthy. No-one doubts that Nizami Ganjavi is an Azerbaijani poet of genius. The whole world knows this. If there is a need to prove this to anyone, we can do so very easily. The memory of Nizami is dear to every Azerbaijani. Nizami's works, of course, are an integral part of our national consciousness. As for the fact that some forces are trying to misappropriate these works, unfortunately, we have repeatedly faced such cases. The main reason is that Azerbaijani literature and culture are so rich that others are trying to misappropriate our national assets. This does not apply only to literature or Nizami's works. The Armenians are shamelessly stealing our music. They misappropriate the works of genius Uzeyir. The Armenians are also stealing our national cuisine. They are trying to present it as Armenian cuisine in various ways, whereas even the names of our national dishes are Azerbaijani words. If you ask an Armenian what dolma means in Armenian, he will not be able to say anything. Just like Karabakh is an ordinary word for them and they do not understand what it means, because it is not an Armenian word. That's why such actions make us very upset.
We should protect our national-cultural heritage. To this end, propaganda work should be more active. Our possibilities should be even broader. See, now Azerbaijani diaspora organizations are operating almost worldwide. Azerbaijani embassies have been opened in more than 50 countries and are successfully operating. That's to say our propaganda possibilities are broader now. Throughout history, we have never set our eyes on the national values or national heritage of another people. But unfortunately, such attempts have always been made against us. I am saying again that the main reason for this is the talent and rich culture of the Azerbaijani people. However, we will definitely protect our cultural heritage, independence and independent choice. I am sure that Azerbaijan's development will be brilliant and successful. Azerbaijan will become one of the world's most developed countries.
Dear friends, I welcome you sincerely once again. I am confident that the development of the academy will continue to be successful. The additional instructions that have been issued will have a positive effect on the development of the academy in the near future. Goodbye!
After the assembly, President Ilham Aliyev was informed about the work carried out to build and reconstruct some buildings of the academy.
The head of state also familiarized himself with reconstruction and renovation work in other parts of the academy.