Ilham Aliyev met with residents of Makhrizli village, Agdam, on the line of contact

01 May 2016, 16:45
President Ilham Aliyev and his wife Mehriban Aliyeva have visited Makhrizli village, Aghdam, on the line of contact as part of their tour of the frontline region.
The head of state and his wife familiarized themselves with the consequences of the Armenian army`s atrocities in the village, and met with local residents.
President Ilham Aliyev said:
- My warm greetings to all of you! Let me express my respect and admiration! You live, create and build in this village face to face with the enemy. The Azerbaijani people are proud of you.
Makhrizli village resident Allahverdi Mammadov: Mr. President, when you come down the ramp, review the guard of honor and speak English, I feel proud.
President Ilham Aliyev: I have come here to stand by you on these difficult days, to express my support, respect and admiration. As you know, as a result of Armenia's armed provocations in early April our positions were attacked, we suffered casualties, including those among civilians. Seeing that it was suffering defeat on the frontline and in the battle, Armenia resorts to such dirty deeds. Once again, it targets the civilian population, as was the case in the early 1990s. It fought against the civilian population even then. Fighting against unarmed civilians is a serious war crime. But the Azerbaijani army gave them a fitting rebuff and put it in its place. We have the full advantage on the line of contact. Today, when I visited the military unit, the military personnel reported to me again. Of course, I am informed about the ongoing battles and the current situation. The heroic Azerbaijani army has demonstrated its strength yet again. I have repeatedly said this and I want to say it again today: the Azerbaijani army is among the strongest armies in the world. It adequately protects the homeland and gives the enemy a fitting rebuff. If a provocation is committed against us again, including an armed provocation, the Azerbaijani army will say its word.
These ruined houses are a manifestation of Armenian fascism. Look what they have done to these houses! What will happen to those who lived there? The Azerbaijani government, of course, will support them. A commission is working at the moment and making an inventory of the damage caused. The whole damage is being recorded, and the Azerbaijani state will allocate funds for the restoration of these buildings and for the construction of new ones. I will arrange that. Do not worry. The damage will be compensated and the destroyed houses will be restored and rebuilt.
In Tartar and Agdam Districts, more than 500 homes have been affected, while more than 100 houses have been completely destroyed. This is the ugly face of Armenian fascism. The Azerbaijani army has never fought and never will fight against the civilian population. But look what dirty dealings Armenia is engaged it.
A group of foreign journalists was here recently. They saw and filmed all this destruction. This is a document based on which we will take steps in the legal plane. The Azerbaijani army defends Azerbaijan and the people of Azerbaijan. You, the people living in villages face to face with the enemy, are displaying great courage. Your life, work and attachment to your native lands serve as an example for all our people. Keep living on your land without fearing the enemy. We live on our own land. We have no claims on the lands of other countries and have never laid claim on someone else's territories. At the same time, we can’t allow our lands to remain under occupation.
I am sure that the occupation will end. Agdam and other districts will be fully freed, because Azerbaijan has seized full advantage politically, economically and militarily. The Azerbaijani army demonstrated its strength once again by preventing the armed provocation Armenia committed against us in early April. The enemy got a fitting response. I am sure that from now on it will learn the lesson.
We now have a strong position. Our cause is just. All rules and principles of international law support our position. The whole world knows that our lands are under occupation. Whereas in the early years of our independence the Armenian lobby and corrupt pro-Armenian politicians spread a distorted view of the conflict, it is no longer the case. Everyone already knows the situation. There are documents and there is evidence. We have done a lot of work in the political and diplomatic spheres to inform international organizations and international public opinion. Today everyone knows that Azerbaijani lands are occupied. The mediators dealing with this issue are already saying as well that this situation is intolerable. We have been saying this for more than 20 years. The situation has changed. The contact line is not the same as before. Everyone knows it.
Territorial integrity is a fundamental principle for any country. Our territorial integrity is inviolable. It should be and will be restored. It would be good to achieve this through negotiations. We are committed to this. I think that our position at the negotiating table is more durable now. Long live our glorious army which has created this beautiful situation! Our army has resilient soldiers like you. Even though missiles are flying over you, homes are destroyed, people are killed and injured, you stand here and will continue to stand firm.
Villager Sudeif Maharramov, thanking the head of state on behalf of the people for the attention and care, said: Dear Mr. President and Commander-in-Chief! On behalf of the people of Agdam and everyone living on the frontline, we express our appreciation to you for coming to meet with us.
The Azerbaijani army has adequately suppressed the enemy provocation committed by treacherous Armenians against the Azerbaijani people at the beginning of April. We support that and stand here firmly. You can count on us, Mr. President and Commander-in-Chief. We endorse your foreign and domestic policies, remain in our places and will not go away. We are proud of you and our army.
Resident Sevil Garayeva: Mr. President, we hope Agdam is returned and we offer sacrifices on the occasion of your visit.
President Ilham Aliyev: Thank you.