Ilham Aliyev met with the public of Masalli District

14 April 2011, 20:12
After examining the reconstructed Nizami Ganjavi park, President Ilham Aliyev met with the public of Masalli District.
Greeting representatives of the public of Masalli District, President Ilham Aliyev said:
Let me warmly salute and congratulate you on the reconstruction of the Nizami park. A very nice park has been reconstructed and created. A monument to Nizami has been erected. All this work pleases me a lot. I am very glad to come to Masalli again and meet with you.
We are witnessing a new period of development in Masalli because the work under way in Masalli and the projects shown to me today will lead to the solution of the district’s main social issues in the near future. Certain work has already been done. Permanent attention is being paid to the development of the district. As you know, an Olympic sports center was built, a branch of an ophthalmological hospital established and other projects implemented in previous years. Creative and landscaping work is under way in the city. But at the present stage we are resolving the issues that remained unresolved for many years. First of all, the gasification project. All settlements in Masalli will be gasified by the end of next year. This will be a historic achievement because Masalli villages have never had gas before. The supplies of gas to Masalli resumed several years ago. They covered a certain part of the city. Now a project has been prepared, and gas will be supplied not only to the city – I am now told that the issue has already been resolved in the city – but also to all the villages. This project must be completed by the end of next year. Thus, I think we will succeed in resolving a major issue.
There are no problems and limitations in electricity supplies. This problem has already been resolved throughout the country. So this issue is not even raised. The issue of gasification is on the agenda. We are working on it. Solution of drinking water and sewage problems – these are also very important issues. At present, these issues are dealt with comprehensively, practically at the nationwide level. Water and sewage lines are being laid in every city and district. The implementation of water-supply and sewage projects in Masalli will probably start in a few months. Thanks to the work to be done, this historical problem will be resolved.
We have a comprehensive approach to all these issues, so that socioeconomic development is achieved and specific projects are realized. This is the result of specific work. I do hope that problems of water and sewage will be resolved not only in Masalli, but also in the country as a whole in several years. At the same time, we are paying attention to the establishment of a new social infrastructure. According to the information submitted to me, over 20 schools have been built in Masalli in recent years, schools are being renovated. This is also very important. But there are still schools that are in emergency condition. We will renovate them. Projects on the construction of rural roads are on the agenda. We are working on that too.
Gross output in Masalli has doubled in recent years. This is evidence of economic progress, jobs are created, new enterprises set up, loans provided for agricultural development, cold storage warehouses and grain elevators built. In other words, specific programs are implemented in all the spheres, and the program on the development of Masalli is in the spotlight.
In general, the program on the development of districts is being implemented everywhere, including Masalli District. All projects of state importance are important for Masalli as well. Among these, I would like to point to the opening of the Lankaran airport three years ago, because residents of Masalli District can also benefit from its opportunities. International flights are currently being arranged. Construction of the Baku-Astara highway is under way. This will also open up new opportunities for Masalli. So projects of state importance will produce a positive effect, including these districts. As a result of the second program on districts, the main economic and social issues facing the country will be resolved by 2013.
While in Masalli today, I want to reiterate that special attention is being paid to the development of the southern region. This region has a great potential. Conditions must be and are being established for the development of agriculture, industry and tourism. All social, economic issues are and will continue to be resolved as well.
I wish you further successes. I want Masalli District to continue its rapid development and things always to go well here.
A district resident thanked the President on behalf of the people of Masalli.
President Ilham Aliyev:
Thank you very much, thank you. Indeed, our country is developing in all areas. Domestic processes are developing positively, all socioeconomic issues are being addressed. We can see this in the example of Masalli District. Gasification, water-supply, sewage, roads, electricity supply, infrastructure, schools, medical facilities. All this is evidence of rapid economic development of the country. Of course, our international standing is further strengthening. Azerbaijan has unique opportunities and we are using them.
The high-level Forum on intercultural dialogue held in Baku, which you have mentioned, has introduced Azerbaijan to the world the way it is. First of all, we adhere to our national values. It is on national values that our independent state is built. We adhere to our religious traditions. Azerbaijan is doing a lot to propagate Islamic religion in the world. Relations between religion and the state in Azerbaijan are built in a way exemplary for all countries. At the same time, there has always been a tolerant attitude towards other religions in Azerbaijan, and this attitude is still there today. Ethnic, religious tolerance is inherent in the people and citizens of Azerbaijan.
The high-level forum and the very important and valuable thoughts expressed there certainly demonstrate the power of modern Azerbaijan. Let me repeat that our country is introducing itself to the world in any sphere with the sense of great pride. The economic development, the political stability, our outlook, the formation of a truly civil society in Azerbaijan, our attitude to religious values – all this is making us stronger.
We are seeing conflicts, stand-offs, including those taking place on religious grounds, in different parts of the world today. Of course, this shows that any country can develop only thanks to a correct policy. Our country may develop in different directions. The path we have chosen is the most accurate. Stability is protected, people’s security is ensured, socioeconomic issues are addressed. Our positions in the world are strengthening. We are implementing very important projects for our country and the world, the gigantic energy projects. The Azerbaijani state has fully formed as an independent state. The foundation of our state has been fully built, and we are relying only on domestic opportunities.
If we didn’t have a strong economic foundation and our oil policy wasn’t implemented correctly, we could be in this situation too. But who would have helped us? We are seeing the approach to regional developments from the position of double standards in a sense. I have already expressed my thoughts about that. We have been facing double standards for many years. Even if someone helped us, this assistance would not be complimentary. But we don’t need that today because we are self-sufficient. We have already accumulated major financial resources, economic development is under way. In the years of crisis, we were maintaining the rate of the Manat to prevent an impact on the destitute.
In the crisis years of 2009-2010 and in 2011, social programs were implemented. Wages and pensions will be raised in several months. Arrears for water have been written off. This is our policy. We have a socially oriented policy. At the same time, we are and will be using all the opportunities to strengthen our independence. We will not deviate from the path of independence and secure a happy future for the people of Azerbaijan. To do that, all problems must be resolved in every district of course. Therefore, my trips to the districts are, as you know, of regular nature. I try to go to every village and ask: what else we must do, what are the drawbacks so that we could get rid of them?
I am told that the main problems in Masalli have been resolved. If there are any other problems, i.e. issues awaiting solution, let me know and we will resolve them. This is my job. I am very pleased with the creative and landscaping work in Masalli. Things will get even better here after the implementation of the projects I have mentioned.
Local residents thanked the head of state.
Representative of the district public had their picture taken with President Ilham Aliyev.
Then, MP Elmira Akhundova and residents of the district spoke about allocation of new landfills for domestic wastes, construction of local roads, reconstruction of the vocational school, training of specialists for the tourism sector, development of grain production, including seed-growing, and asked the President for assistance in eliminating problems in these spheres.
President Ilham Aliyev issued relevant instructions to resolve the mentioned problems.